Becoming a Healthy School

A healthy school promotes the physical, emotional, and social health of students, their families, school staff, and the school community. Becoming a healthy school is a journey that can start with a few simple changes. The approach does not require more work, just a different way of working that over time becomes everyday practice.

Schools work at their own pace, introducing changes and initiatives that improve their school and the health and wellbeing of students and staff. Some schools start with an emphasis on one health topic, such as physical activity or healthy eating. This can lead to a broader set of policies and practice which, combined, create a school culture that supports greater student health and achievement.

Healthy school initiatives are more successful if they involve everyone - school leaders, students and their families, staff and the whole school community. When there is leadership support and everyone is committed, health promoting activities can be well planned, coordinated, implemented, and sustainable over the long-term.

There are six basic steps to the process:

  • Step 1
    Form a Team
  • Step 2
    Engage Students
  • Step 3
  • Step 4
    Plan & Act
  • Step 5
  • Step 6

Bring together a group of interested individuals to assess and plan the health of the school starts the Healthy School process. Having a strong team is critical to achieving success. It will make the assessment and planning more meaningful, be more widely accepted, and much easier to implement and sustain.

Some schools form new teams, while others use existing schools teams or committees. Whether the team is new or existing, it should represent the various aspects of the school
community, including:

  • school staff
  • students
  • regional health authority and community representatives
  • parents / guardians
  • administrators

Tip: Involving school leaders is important to the success of healthy schools initiatives. If the principal or other school administrator is not able to be part of the Healthy Schools team, consider how she/he can visibly demonstrate her/his support for the initiative to the team and to the entire school community.

Sources and Resources

BC Healthy Schools Network. BC Healthy Schools Assessment. Retrieved Mar 20, 2012.

Joint Consortium for School Health. JCSH Positive Mental Health Toolkit. Retrieved Mar 20, 2012.



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Health | Education and Early Childhood Learning | Child and Youth Programs