AICAC File No. | Date of Hearing (y/m/d) | Date of Decision (y/m/d) | Issue |
AC-03-64 | 2008/11/25 2008/11/26 |
2008/12/17 |
AC-07-04 | 2008/11/6 | 2008/12/11 | Entitlement to Personal Injury Protection Plan benefits. |
AC-07-78 | 2008/12/1 | 2008/12/08 | Whether the permanent impairments were properly assessed. |
AC-08-05 | 2008/10/16 | 2008/12/08 | Whether the Appellant was a resident of Manitoba and therefore entitled to Personal Injury Protection Plan benefits. |
AC-08-11 | 2008/11/14 | 2008/12/4 |
AC-07-21 | 2008/08/27 2008/11/17 |
2008/12/1 | Entitlement to permanent impairment benefits for loss of range of motion to left knee and facial scarring. |
AC-06-185 | 2008/08/21 | 2008/11/26 | Entitlement to permanent impairment benefits. |
AC-07-62 | 2008/05/07 2008/05/08 |
2008/08/05 | Entitlement to Spousal Indemnity benefits as a common-law spouse. |
AC-07-14 | 2008/07/24 | 2008/07/31 | Termination of Income Replacement Indemnity benefits. |
AC-07-98 | 2008/05/12 | 2008/07/29 | Entitlement to funding for further chiropractic treatment and to funding for a TENS machine. |
AC-06-38 | 2008/05/21 | 2008/07/29 | Entitlement to Personal Injury Protection Plan benefits. |
AC-08-32 | 2008/06/26 | 2008/07/28 |
AC-05-206 | 2008/06/17 | 2008/07/28 | Entitlement to Income Replacement benefits. |
AC-07-11 | 2008/07/16 | 2008/07/28 |
AC-07-56 | 2008/04/23 | 2008/07/24 | Entitlement to further Income Replacement Indemnity benefits. |
AC-05-92 | 2008/05/27 | 2008/07/23 | Whether the Appellant’s Personal Injury Protection Plan benefits were properly suspended. |
AC-03-08 | 2008/06/12 | 2008/07/23 | Entitlement to personal care assistance. |
AC-07-78 | 2008/05/29 | 2008/07/23 | Whether permanent impairment benefits were properly assessed. |
AC-01-79 | 2007/11/06 2008/05/23 |
2008/07/23 | Entitlement to reimbursement of expenses associated with out of Province medical consultation. |
AC-04-150 | 2008/06/04 | 2008/07/21 |
AC-05-187 | 2008/06/04 | 2008/07/21 | Entitlement to reimbursement of dental treatment expenses. |
AC-06-26 | 2008/04/28 2008/04/29 |
2008/07/16 | Entitlement to Spousal Indemnity benefits as a common-law spouse. |
AC-05-121 | 2007/02/13 2008/05/14 |
2008/07/09 | Extension of time to file an Application for Review. |
AC-05-128 | 2008/03/05 | 2008/07/02 | Entitlement to Income Replacement Indemnity benefits. |
AC-07-77 | 2008/05/21 | 2008/07/02 | Calculation of Retirement Income Benefits. |
AC-07-16 | 2008/03/27 | 2008/06/18 | Reimbursement of Dental Expenses. |
AC-04-19 | 2008/05/27 | 2008/06/16 | Entitlement to further funding for physiotherapy treatments. |
AC-07-49 | 2008/03/04 | 2008/06/16 | Calculation of Appellant’s Income Replacement Indemnity benefits. |
AC-04-119 | 2008/04/08 | 2008/05/08 | Entitlement to further Income Replacement benefits. |
AC-07-42 | 2008/03/13 | 2008/05/08 | Entitlement to Personal Injury Protection Plan benefits. |
AC-07-86 | 2008/04/14 | 2008/05/05 | Entitlement to funding for a new mattress. |
AC-07-17 | 2008/03/25 | 2008/04/30 | Entitlement to Income Replacement Indemnity benefits. |
AC-02-81 | 2008/03/03 | 2008/04/28 | Entitlement to reimbursement for personal care assistance expenses. |
AC-05-223 | 2008/03/18 | 2008/04/17 | Entitlemetn to further chiropractic treatment benefits. |
AC-04-59 | 2008/03/11 | 2008/04/16 | Entitlement to Income Replacement Indemnity benefits. |
AC-05-17 | 2008/03/18 | 2008/04/16 | Entitlement to having Income Replacement Indemnity benefits reinstated. |
AC-06-186 | 2008/03/11 | 2008/04/15 | Entitlement to Income Replacement Indemnity benefits. |
AC-05-113 | 2008/02/27 | 2008/04/10 | Reimbursement of expenses. |
AC-06-71 | 2008/03/14 | 2008/04/02 |
AC-04-11 | 2008/02/26 | 2008/03/26 | Entitlement to Income Replacement Indemnity for time taken off work to attend treatment appointments. |
AC-04-220 | 2008/02/12 2008/02/13 |
2008/03/18 | Entitlement to further permanent impairment benefits |
AC-06-31 | 2008/02/20 | 2008/03/18 |
AC-02-59 | 2008/01/03 | 2008/03/18 |
AC-05-69 | 2008/02/7 | 2008/03/13 | Entitlement to further Income Replacement Indemnity benefits. |
AC-03-185 | 2007/12/18 | 2008/01/31 | Entitlement to reinstatement of Income Replacement Indemnity benefits. |
AC-05-76 | 2008/01/8 | 2008/01/17 |