Whether we are drawn to parks by their natural beauty and recreational opportunities, or if we value their role in protecting ecosystems, our provincial parks are an important asset for all Manitobans. This is why the Manitoba government has established Provincial Parks Endowment Funds, to support park improvements and programming in perpetuity. The funds also encourage private philanthropic contributions and enable the province to follow the wishes of donors who want to leave a legacy of support for Manitoba’s provincial parks.
These funds can generate as much as $1 million per year in annual revenue for projects like improving trails, making beaches more accessible, new playground equipment, funding habitat restoration, investing in important cultural sites, and other critical park infrastructure.
The funds augment annual budgets and provide additional money to support improvement projects that will enhance the ecological integrity, improve public safety, enhance accessibility, and enrich visitor experiences in our provincial parks. Priority areas for investment are determined through public engagement and identified critical needs.
About the Funds
The Provincial Parks Endowment Funds (collectively referred to as PPEF) are a series of funds established in 2021 by the Manitoba Government through agreements with The Winnipeg Foundation, who will manage and provide oversight of the funds. The PPEF portfolio is made up of the following funds:
- The Provincial Park Endowment Fund (General)
- The Provincial Park Endowment Incentive Fund
- Birds Hill Provincial Park Endowment Fund
- Hecla/Grindstone Provincial Park - Cheryle D. Christensen Endowment Fund
- Hecla/Grindstone Provincial Park Endowment Fund
- Clearwater Lake Provincial Park Endowment Fund
- Paint Lake Provincial Park Endowment Fund
- Spruce Woods Provincial Park Endowment Fund
- Upper Fort Garry Heritage Provincial Park Endowment Fund
- Whiteshell Provincial Park Endowment Fund
The funds were all established with initial capital contributions from government, with the exception of the Cheryle D. Christensen Fund, that was established in 2018 through a generous private donation from her and was supplemented with an additional $500k from the Endowment Incentive Fund.
The Endowment Incentive Fund revenue is designed to match gifts received and capitalize funds into the appropriate fund.
The funds can generate as much as $1 million per year to assist with enhancing and improving Manitoba’s provincial parks. The projects undertaken with PPEF allocations contribute to these key outcomes:
- Conserve and preserve areas of geological, cultural and ecological significance.
- Enhancing ecological integrity and conserving biological diversity,
- Increasing public use by improving public safety, enhancing visitor accessibility, and enriching experiences for park visitors;
- Improving water quality through decreasing nutrients and other pollutants entering waterways; and
- Increasing resilience to climate change through implementing positive adaptive and mitigative strategies.
In response to public feedback and identified critical infrastructure needs, a set of key project categories were identified and will provide guidance in long-term activities that support the sustainability of provincial parks (including critical infrastructure) for current and future generations. Project categories include:
- Development and maintenance of trails, boardwalks, and associated infrastructure;
- Public use facilities such amphitheaters, shelters, day use sites, playground equipment, docks and launches;
- Park road maintenance;
- Habitat restoration and enhancement;
- Historical assets and cultural sites;
- Infrastructure to support programming;
- Modern machinery and operational equipment;
- Municipal servicing infrastructure;
Completed Projects
2021/22 Annual Report (PDF)
2021/22 was the first year for projects funded by the Provincial Parks Endowment Funds, with a partial year of funding available. A total of $519,673.12 was spent on 15 projects in provincial parks across Manitoba. Highlighted projects include:
- Accessible picnic tables placed in various provincial park campgrounds
- Beach and boat launch upgrades at Bakers Narrows and Winnipeg Beach
- Electrical campsite upgrades at Duck Mountain and Stephenfield
- Feature sign replacement at Pisew Falls
- Trail upgrades at Birds Hill, Clearwater Lake, Turtle Mountain and Whiteshell
- Yurt repairs at Asessippi, Bakers Narrows, Clearwater Lake and Paint Lake

Upcoming Projects
$1.1 million has been approved for 2022/23, projects include:
- Accessibility improvements, including washrooms, building access and picnic tables at Birds Hill, Clearwater Lake, Nopiming, Paint Lake, Pisew Falls, Rainbow Beach, St. Malo, Wekusko Falls, and Whiteshell.
- Amphitheatre replacement at Hecla/Grindstone.
- Backcountry campsite improvements including picnic tables, fire pits, garden thrones, signs and docks at Pisew Falls, Nopiming, Turtle Mountain and Whiteshell.
- Beach improvements including picnic shelters and washrooms at Bakers Narrows, St. Malo and Wekusko Falls.
- Boat launch upgrades at Barkers Narrows, Clearwater Lake, Moose Lake and Grass River.
- Campground washroom and shower building upgrades at Asessippi, Duck Mountain, Grand Beach and Rivers.
- Campsite improvements, including site definition, signs and accessible sites at Duck Mountain and Grand Beach.
- Conservation and biodiversity enhancement including prairie management initiatives at Beaudry and Spruce Woods, invasive species control in multiple parks, and bat boxes for multiple parks.
- Conservation and biodiversity enhancement including prairie management initiatives at Beaudry and Spruce Woods, invasive species control in multiple parks, and bat boxes for multiple parks.
- Trail upgrades including signs, non-modern washrooms and bridge/boardwalk repairs at Asessippi, Clearwater Lake, Birds Hill, Grand Beach, Hecla/Grindstone, Moose Lake, Nopiming, Spruce Woods and Whiteshell.
- Visitor centre siding replacement at Spruce Woods.
- Yurt repairs at Asessippi, Camp Morton, Spruce Woods and Stephenfield.
Donate to the Funds
For many years, Manitobans have requested a mechanism to be able to make financial contributions to help enhance and improve the parks they treasure. The Provincial Parks Endowment Funds provide Manitobans and park users the opportunity to help grow the funds through donations and legacy gifts.
Your gift will be invested with the generated income that is distributed annually and will be incorporated through selected projects. As the original gift remains invested, your contribution will continue to benefit provincial parks in perpetuity.
Donations to the Provincial Parks Endowment Funds can be made through The Winnipeg Foundation. When making a donation, you can choose to donate to the general provincial park fund, or one of the park-specific sub-funds.
To make a donation online, please visit the links below to donate to The Winnipeg Foundation:
For assistance making your gift, please contact The Winnipeg Foundation by phone at 204-944-9474 (toll-free 1-877-974-3631) or by email.
For additional information, please email us.