Hansard: Index

House Index - 2nd Session - 43rd Legislature

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z


Waste water treatment projects. See also Petitions

Feder-provincial funding commitment--rural Manitoba

Hiebert, 98

Simard, 98


Hiebert, 326

Simard, 326

Wasyliw, Mark (Fort Gary) Ind.


Fuel prices, 351-352

Request for living wage, 198-199


Residential Tenancies Amendment Act (Bill 10)

1 R, 643

Direct Action in Support of Community Homes

Members' statements, 422

Ethics Report Motion

That the Legislative Assembly accept the Report of the Ethics Commissioner dated February 19, 2025 regarding the Premier and approve the recommendation contained therein

Speakers, 572-573

Grocery price inflation

Request for government to address, 24-25

Homeowner Protection from Unsolicited Purchase Offers Act (Bill 206)

1 R, 477-478

Living wage

Request for, 198-199

Matter of contempt

Raised by the Member for Fort Gary alleging that the Premier had failed to provide a response to a matter taken under advisement within the deadline prescribed, 255-256

Matter of privilege

Raised by the Member for Springfield-Richot alleging that member's have been denied office space in the building since September, 2024 and that property was removed from his office space, 9

Members' statements

Direct Action in Support of Community Homes, 422

South Winnipeg Family Information Centre, 16

Opposition day motion

To call on the provincial government to take immediate and decisive action to create a bail condition enforcement branch within the Manitoba Sheriff's Department to protect and safeguard Manitobans from individuals that violate conditions of their release, 537-538

Oral Questions

Affordability crisis

Request for living wage, 198-199

Affordability measures

Fuel prices, 351-352

Grocery price inflation

Request for government to address, 24-25

Yearly rent increases

Request for legislation to address, 598


Supports for Manitobans with learning disabilities, 333


Yearly increases, legislation to address, 598

Residential Tenancies Amendment Act (Bill 212)

1 R, 643

South Winnipeg Family Information Centre

Members' statements, 16

Throne Speech

Debate, 249-252

Waverley, Manitoba

Recognizing business community

Pankratz, 155

Wery Brent

Members' statements

Lagassé, 190

Wharton, Jeff (Red River North) PC

All Nations Express

Members' statements, 645

Liquor, Gaming and Cannabis Control Amendment and Manitoba Liquor and Lotteries Corporation Amendment Act (Expanding Liquor Retail) (Bill 201)

1 R, 49

Manitoba Small Business Month Act (Commemoration of Days, Weeks and Months Act Amended) (Bill 208)

2 R

Debate, 553-554

Questions, 546-547

Members' statements

All Nations Express, 645

Vergie, Peyton, 226-227


Breast screening, 68, 103, 172-173, 208-209

FortWhyte Alive, 30-31

New Neepawa Health Centre, 661-662


Supporting the provincial government on 800 new hip and knee surgeries

Debate, 313-314

Vergie, Peyton

Members' statements, 226-227

Wiebe, Hon. Matt (Concordia) NDP

7-Eleven convenience stores

Crime increase, closures due to, 264-265

Bills Public Interest Expression Defence Act (Bill 23)

1 R, 481

Copy of Regulations

Tabling of (2023-2024), 341


Increased rates, 655

Drivers and Vehicles Amendment and Highway Traffic Amendment Act (Bill 36)

1 R, 482

Election Financing Amendment and Elections Amendment Act (Bill 30)

1 R, 482

Highway Traffic Amendment Act (Impaired Driving) (Bill 5)

1 R, 387

2 R

Opening statement, 679-680

Questions, 680

Justice system

Government management of, 351

Repeat offenders, 399-400

Request for reforms, 521, 522-523

Justice system reform

AMM recommendations, 164

Liquor, Gaming and Cannabis Control Amendment Act (2) (Bill 9)

1 R, 412

Liquor, Gaming and Cannabis Control Amendment Act (Bill 8)

1 R, 412

Manitoba Public Insurance Corporation Amendment Act (Bill 35)

1 R, 482

Minor Amendments and Corrections Act, 2025 (Bill 13)

1 R, 481

Motions of Condolence

Nello Altomare, 604-605

Opposition day motion

To call on the provincial government to take immediate and decisive action to create a bail condition enforcement branch within the Manitoba Sheriff's Department to protect and safeguard Manitobans from individuals that violate conditions of their release, 530-531

Oral Questions

7-Eleven convenience stores

Closures due to increase in crime, 264-265

Criminal justice system

Request for reforms, 521, 522-523

Discarded needles in public places

Support for municipalities for cleanup, 23

Discarded needles in Swan River

Cleanup and supplies, 100

Increased crime in the retail sector

Consultation with business community, 653

Increased crime rate in Manitoba

Request for plan to address, 655

Justice system

Repeat offenders, 399-400

Justice system reform

AMM recommendations, 164

Manitoba's justice system

Government management record, 351

Needle distribution harm reduction policy

Responsibility for used needle disposal, 198

Needle distribution in Swan River

Responsibility for used needle cleanup, 24

Needle distribution program

Committee inquiry, 266

Violent crime incidents

Government record, 58-59

Release of violent offender, 562-563

Violent crime rate

Timeline for bail reform, 523-524

Winnipeg Police Service

Funding and staffing levels, 266

Winnipeg Transit buses

Request for safety initiatives, 654

Provincial Court Amendment Act (Bill 2)

1 R, 87

2 R

Opening statement, 663-665

Questions, 665-668

Public Interest Expression Defence Act (Bill 23)

1 R, 481

Residential Tenancies Amendment Act (Measures to Address Unlawful Activities) (Bill 32)

1 R, 481

Retail sector

Crime increase, 653

Small business

7-Eleven closures, 266

Substance use

Discarded needles--Swan River

Cleanup and supplies, 100

Needle distribution

Committee inquiry, 266

Used needle disposal, responsibility for, 198

Used needle disposal, responsibility for--Swan River, 24

Used needles in public places

Municipal cleanup, 23

Swan River

Needle distribution initiative

Responsibility for used needle cleanup, 24

Violent crime

Bail reform, timeline for, 523-524

Government record, 58-59

Violent offender, release of, 562-563

Winnipeg Police Service

Funding and staffing levels, 266

Winnipeg Transit

Bus safety initiatives, 654

Wilson, Peggy

Members' statements

Lathlin, 644

Windsor Park Nordic Centre

Members' statements

Loiselle, 118

Winnipeg Police Service

Funding and staffing levels

Balcaen, 265-266

Wiebe, 266

Winnipeg Regional Health Authority (WRHA)

CEO dismissal

Asagwara, 561-564

Cook, 561-564

Winnipeg Transit

Bus safety initiatives

Lamoureux, 653

Wiebe, 654

Workers Compensation Amendment Act (Bill 24)

1 R

Marcelino, 482

Workplace Safety and Health Amendment Act (Bill 29)

1 R

Marcelino, 483

World AIDS Day

Members' statements

Blashko, 261

World Lymphedema Day

Members' statements

Schott, 487

Wowchuk, Rick (Swan River) PC

Members' statements

Swan Valley Health Centre-public safety, 117

Oral Questions

Discarded needles in public places

Support for municipalities for cleanup, 23

Discarded needles in Swan River

Cleanup and supplies, 100


Breast screening, 69

New Neepawa Health Centre, 662

Provincial Road 275, 34-35, 103-104, 173-174, 209, 242-243, 331-332, 362

Substance use

Discarded needles--Swan River

Cleanup and supplies, 100

Used needles in public places

Municipal cleanup, 23

Swan River

Discarded needles

Cleanup and supplies, 100

Swan Valley Health Centre

Public safety, 117


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