HOUSE INDEX - 3rd Session - 42nd Legislature
# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Living allowance
Goertzen, 2286-2287
Lamont, 2286
PCR testing capacity
Asagwara, 3097
Stefanson, 3097
Flight schedule
Gordon, 3826
Lindsey, 3826
Increase use of
Wishart, 2645
Online booking system
Guillemard, 2177-2178
Naylor, 2177-2178
EIA recipients, clawback exemption
Squires, 3706
Canada Emergency Response Benefit (CERB)
Classified as income
Adams, 3707
Squires, 3707-3708
Employment and Income Assistance (EIA)
Adams, 1258, 1260, 2415-2416, 3706
Marcelino, 3686
Clawback, impact on northern Manitoba
Adams, 1259
Payback of benefit
Adams, 276
Retention of medical benefits
Johnston, 1266
Morley-Lecomte, 1262
Threshold increase
Adams, 3775
Squires, 3775
Rent Assist Benefit, threshold increase
Adams, 3775
Squires, 3775
Fixed to floating funding
Friesen, 482
Funding levels
Lamont, 1383
Pallister, 411
Stefanson, 1383-1384
Government position
Goertzen, 3854-3855
Kinew, 3854
Government Resolution
Adams, 429-430
Asagwara, 416-419
Bushie, 424-426
Fontaine, 426-427
Isleifson, 415-416
Kinew, 411-415
Lamont, 419-422
Marcelino, 427-429
Micklefield, 422-424
Pallister, 410-411
Employment and Income Assistance (EIA)
Lamont, 784-785
Stefanson, 773
Canada Recovery Sickness Benefit (CRSB)
Fielding, 355
Gerrard, 362
Lamont, 363
Lindsey, 360
Canada-Manitoba Framework Agreement on Treaty Land Entitlements
Fielding, 3616
Canada-Manitoba Home and Community Care and Mental Health and Addictions Services Funding Agreement
Fielding, 3632
Wasyliw, 3632
Training and skills support
Eichler, 2958
Michaleski, 2958
Canadian Agricultural Partnership program
COVID-19, financial assistance
Nesbitt, 48
Pedersen, 681
Canadian Agricultural Safety Week. See Members' statements; Ministerial statements
Canadian Armed Forces. See also Employment Standards Code Amendment Act (Unpaid Leave for Reservists); Remembrance Day; Veterans' Week
COVID-19 outbreak--Opaskwayak Cree Nation
Smith, B., 1200
Primary Reserve
Sandhu, 1194
Smith, B., 1200-1201
Reserve Force
Sandhu, 1194
Supplementary Reserve
Sandhu, 1194
Supports for
Bushie, 1208
Drop of Hope
Brar, 4107
Canadian Federation of Students
Feedback on Bill 33
Lamoureux, 1700-1701
Canadian Forces Liaison Council
Reyes, 744
Exceptions, number of
Reyes, 2524
Canadian Human Rights Tribunal
Jordan's Principle ruling
Squires, 2631
Canadian Interagency Forest Fire Centre
Guillemard, 4082
Canadian journalism labour tax credit
Eligibility criteria
Guenter, 3729
Journalist salary support
Guenter, 3728
Qualified Canadian journalism organizations, definition of
Ewasko, 3734
Smaller organization, concerns for
Guenter, 3731
Wishart, 3731
Canadian Mental Health Association
Adams, 3162
Canadian Photonics Labs. See Members' statements
Non-profit organization
Isleifson, 1562
CancerCare Manitoba. See also Members' statements; Petitions
Budget 2021
Asagwara, 4050
Gordon, 4050
Lagimodiere, 2330
Cancellation of new facility
Smith, B., 122
CAR T-cell therapy
Friesen, 483
Morley-Lecomte, 2258
Plan for under Bill 10
The Pumpkin Promise fundraiser
Morley-Lecomte, 293
Services in north Winnipeg
Asagwara, 3054
Stefanson, 3054
Services--Concordia and Seven Oaks Hospitals
Altomare, 116, 897, 1117-1118, 2267
Sandhu, 158-159, 244, 2409-2410
Squires, 1218-1219
Wiebe, 1218-1219
Violent crime victim support
Cox, 2344
Policing costs
Friesen, 1603
Gerrard, 1603
Lamont, 1604
Reduction in health-care costs, research on
Friesen, 1603
Gerrard, 1603
Social costs, research on
Friesen, 1603
Gerrard, 1603
Social responsibility fee
Friesen, 1603-1604
Lamont, 1603
Cannabis sales. See also Liquor, Gaming and Cannabis Control Amendment Act (Cannabis Social Responsibility Fee)
Sandhu, 2619
Revenue from fines
Fontaine, 2133
Social responsibility fee
Friesen, 1602-1603
Gerrard, 1603
Capasso, Frank. See Members' statements
Guillemard, 2592-2593
Naylor, 2592-2593
Pallister, 2593
Agriculture industry
Gerrard, 1674
Federal lawsuit
Kinew, 2040-2041
Naylor, 2364
Pallister, 2040-2041
Grain drying costs
Brar, 609
Pedersen, 609
Caregiver Wage Support Program
Equitable distribution of
Fontaine, 1179
Stefanson, 1179
Expansion of eligibility criteria
Fielding, 1181
Lamoureux, 1181
Front-line workers
Adams, 3529
Squires, 3529
General comments
Cox, 2342
Lagassé, 1461
Government announcement
Morley-Lecomte, 1181
Stefanson, 1181
Carlos, Michelle. See Members' statements
Carman Area Foundation. See Members' statements
Maloway, 1998-1999, 2351, 2593-2594
Pallister, 2593-2594
Cathcart, Roger. See Members' statements
Funding for restoration
Cox, 1619
Smith, A., 1619
Revenue reduction due to pandemic
Brar, 4143
Cox, 4143
Business Transformation and Technology (BTT)
Helwer, 704
Central capital program
Helwer, 705
Debate, 704-708
Opening statements
Helwer, 704-706
Helwer, 706-707
Wasyliw, 706-707
Main Estimates Supplement 2021-2022
Helwer, 2649
Procurement and supply chain responsibilities
Helwer, 704
Role and responsibilities
Helwer, 704
Debate, 4124-4139
Opening statements
Helwer, 4124-4126
Helwer, 4126-4138
Wasyliw, 4126-4138
Isleifson, 1561
CERB. See Canada Emergency Response Benefit
Cesmystruk, Robert. See Members' statements under Bugera, Murielle and Robert Cemystruk
CFRY Portage. See Members' statements under Barker, Howard
Chartier, Hon. Chief Justice Richard (Administrator of the Province of Manitoba)
Appropriation Act, 2021 (Bill 77)
R/A, 4254
Budget Implementation and Tax Statutes Amendment Act, 2021 (Bill 74)
R/A, 4254
Disability Support Act and Amendments to The Manitoba Assistance Act (Bill 72)
R/A, 4254
Emancipation Day Act (Bill 232)
R/A, 4254
Employment Standards Code Amendment Act (COVID-19 Vaccination Leave) (Bill 73)
R/A, 3018
Horse Racing Regulatory Modernization Act (Liquor, Gaming and Cannabis Control Act and Pari-Mutuel Levy Act Amended) (Bill 31)
R/A, 3018
Legal Aid Manitoba Amendment Act (Bill 50)
R/A, 3018
Legal Profession Amendment Act (Bill 24)
R/A, 3018
Legislative Assembly Amendment Act (Bill 68)
R/A, 3018
Loan Act, 2021 (Bill 78)
R/A, 4254
Minor Amendments and Corrections Act, 2020 (2) (Bill 19)
R/A, 3018
Minor Amendments and Corrections Act, 2020 (Bill 14)
R/A, 3018
Minor Amendments and Corrections Act, 2020 (Bill 19)
R/A, 3018
Mental health support during pandemic
Gordon, 2351
Chernichan, Maya. See Members' statements
Chernobyl disaster. See Ministerial statements
Chief Medical Examiner, Office of the
Annual Review 2018
Friesen, 3045
Chief Peguis Trail to Route 90
Timeline for completion
Sandhu, 2410
Chief Provincial Public Health Officer
Report on health of Manitobans
Moses, 2096
Child and Family Services (CFS)
Budget 2021
Lathlin, 2335
Caseload per worker
Lathlin, 3771-3772
Squires, 3771-3772
Caseload reduction and staffing
Lathlin, 2496
Squires, 2496-2497
Child protection financial assistance
Lathlin, 3771
Squires, 3771
Distribution of PPE
Stefanson, 690
Child and family services agencies. See also specific agencies
Block funding
Fielding, 202
Fontaine, 83
Child and Family Services and COVID-19. See COVID-19, Child and Family Services
Child care. See also Early Learning and Child Care Act; Resolutions
Accessibility for marginalized communities
Sala, 2374
Accessibility of
Adams, 1627
Bilateral agreement, federal government
Adams, 3535-3536
Squires, 3535-3536
Budget 2021
Gordon, 2377
Johnston, 2264
Sala, 2373
Squires, 3527
Wishart, 2252
Child-care co-ordinators, number of
Adams, 3637
Squires, 3638
Children with disabilities, care and supervision
Lamoureux, 1634
Enhanced learning
Gerrard, 1632
Essential workers
Fontaine, 2888-2889
Stefanson, 2888
For-profit model
Sala, 2373-2374
Squires, 3537-3538
Adams, 1626
Kinew, 53
Squires, 1626
Funding model, regulatory changes
Marcelino, 339
Stefanson, 339
Investment request
Marcelino, 2495-2496
Squires, 2495-2496
New framework for employment positions
Squires, 1625
Nursery grant program
Adams, 3271
On-site care at workplaces
Adams, 694
Stefanson, 694
Adams, 2412
Fielding, 205-206
Sala, 134-135
Wasyliw, 205
Lamont, 75
Stefanson, 75
Shift workers
Morley-Lecomte, 2746
Sustainability trust
Adams, 1624
Squires, 1624
Transferable licences
Adams, 2963
Wait list concerns
Kinew, 2353-2354
Pallister, 2353-2355
Wait list, modernization of
Adams, 3531
Squires, 3531
Wait times
Adams, 694
Fontaine, 3276-3277
Gerrard, 1632
Stefanson, 694
Wiebe, 3272
Wait times--Transcona
Altomare, 2268
Child Care Centre Development Tax Credit
Guenter, 1765
Child Care Inclusion Support Program
Marcelino, 3913
Child care, COVID-19. See COVID-19, child care
Creation of
Adams, 3536
Squires, 3536
Funding for
Adams, 275
Temporary child-care grant
Stefanson, 694
Child Nutrition Council of Manitoba
Funding request
Kinew, 1021
Pallister, 1021-1022
General comments
Altomare, 3473
Cullen, 3473
Nutrition programs, education outcomes
Altomare, 2213-2214
Cullen, 2213-2214
Reduction rate
Adams, 1261
Ewasko, 1261
Morley-Lecomte, 1263
Reduction record
Isleifson, 2291
Squires, 3532
Economic growth
Moses, 1538
Flexible hours
Adams, 1623
Guenter, 1766
Lathlin, 1761
Morley-Lecomte, 1762
Piwniuk, 1761
Squires, 1623
Government spending
Kinew, 2753-2754
Pallister, 2753-2754
Inclusion supports
Inclusion supports, child to staff ratio
Adams, 3641
Squires, 3641-3642
Lead exposure testing program
Gerrard, 3776
Squires, 3776
Licences, buying and selling of
Sala, 3275
New spaces--Pine Ridge school
Friesen, 243
Nursery school funding
Lamoureux, 1767
Lathlin, 1758
Squires, 1625
Operating grants
Adams, 1476-1477, 1617-1618, 1779-1780, 3270-3271, 4244-4245
Fielding, 713
Fontaine, 33
Squires, 1476-1477, 1617-1618, 1780, 4245
Stefanson, 33
Wasyliw, 713
Wiebe, 3272
Operating grants, non-profits
Adams, 1625
Squires, 1625
For profit centres
Adams, 3270
Gerrard, 1632
Squires, 3532
For profit centres, inclusion support programs
Adams, 3640
Squires, 3640-3641
UCN partnership
Squires, 1624
Wage enhancement grant
Lathlin, 1759
Parent fee cap, removal
Fielding, 206
Sala, 206
Spaces created
Squires, 1623, 3233, 3637-3638
Transcona constituency
Altomare, 116
Wait list numbers, calculation of
Adams, 275
Economic recovery
Altomare, 116-117
KPMG contract extension
Expansion of scope
Adams, 692-693
Stefanson, 692-693
Treasury Board authorization
Adams, 693
Stefanson, 693
KPMG report
Adams, 692-693, 922, 1219-1220, 1628, 1764
Lamoureux, 2359-2360
Marcelino, 523-524
Pallister, 2360
Stefanson, 523-524, 692-693, 922-923, 1219-1220
Childhood Arthritis Awareness Month
Teitsma, 1410-1411
Madox's Warriors
Ewasko, 333
Team Brody Foundation
Ewasko, 333
Childhood Cancer Awareness Month
Ewasko, 333-334
Children in care. See also Children's Special Allowance
Access to medical care
Smith, B., 2625
Aging out of care
Call for housing support
Bushie, 517
Gerrard, 527
Stefanson, 527
Extension of services
Stefanson, 690
Children's Advocate recommendations
Lamont, 1583
Lathlin, 1581-1582
Decrease in
Fielding, 202
Emergency placements, reduction in
Squires, 3771
Extension of supports to age 25
Lathlin, 4035-4036
Squires, 4035-4036
Legal wards, number of
Lathlin, 3772
Squires, 3772
Medical benefits and financial support
Smith, B., 3774-3775
Squires, 3774-3775
Mental health supports
Gordon, 2375
NDP record
Teitsma, 320
Reduction in
Stefanson, 691
Sexual exploitation risk
Lathlin, 1470
Children's disABILITY Services
Budget 2021
Smith, B., 2381
Adams, 3644
Kinew, 1473-1475
Pallister, 1473-1476
New entries, number of
Adams, 3644
Squires, 3644
Children's Hospital Foundation Champion Child, 2020
Recipient (Brady Bobrowich)
Lagimodiere, 182
Clawback of
Lamont, 4037-4038
Lamoureux, 739
Squires, 4037-4038
Inclusion in BITSA bill
Lathlin, 695
Stefanson, 695-696
Legal recourse for recipients
Bushie, 234-235
Gerrard, 125
Kinew, 737
Lamont, 109, 218, 737-739, 2301, 2325
Lathlin, 696
Pallister, 109
Payments to CFS agencies
Teitsma, 321
Chipman, Chris. See Members' statements
Chocan, Kewal Singh. See Members' statements
Christie, Elder Ruth. See Members' statements
Madsen, Kai
Goertzen, 3897
Church service. See Faith communities
Churchill Arctic Port Canada Act
Repeal of
Gerrard, 1787
Marcelino, 2463
Squires, 1787
Economic development
Marcelino, 1787
Squires, 1787
Churchill River Diversion Project
First Nations consultations
Kinew, 2657-2658
Lindsey, 3168
Sala, 2661-2662
Wharton, 2661-2662
Licence renewal concerns
Lamont, 2998-2999
Pallister, 2998-2999
O-Pipon-Na-Piwin Cree Nation, impact on
Guillemard, 2657-2658
Kinew, 2657-2658
Tataskweyak Nation, impact on
Guillemard, 2657-2658
Kinew, 2657-2658
Whitefish fishery on Southern Indian Lake
Request for fish ladder at Missi Falls
Gerrard, 2999
Pallister, 2999-3000
Population growth
Gerrard, 1005
Kinew, 1008
Subdivision approval authority
Brar, 1011
Martin, 1001
Moses, 1006
Wiebe, 1000
Consultation re: Bill 25
Johnson, 2128
Wiebe, 2128
Consultation re: Bill 38
Johnson, 1971
Lamont, 1971
Wiebe, 1970-1971
Indigenous land acknowledgement
Smith, B., 3565
Laid-off employees
Assistance with pandemic response
Fontaine, 1076-1077
Kinew, 1074-1075
Projects and political party connections
Lamont, 1026
Pallister, 1026-1027
Safe consumption site
Gordon, 1415
Smith, B., 1415
Scrap metal sales by-laws
Cullen, 957
Dissolution of
Helwer, 1945
Main Estimates Supplement 2021-2022
Helwer, 2649
Civil Service Superannuation Amendment Act (Bill 43)
C 3/R
Goertzen, 176
Helwer, 176
Filmon, 176
Claeys, Grace. See Members' statements
Job skills training
Cox, 2343
Members' statements
Community recognition during pandemic, 3804
Provincial Court Amendment Act (Gender-Based Violence Education Requirements) (Bill 215)
2 R
Questions, 4006-4007
Clarke, Hon. Eileen (Agassiz) PC
Agassiz constituency
Flood assistance, 92-93
Birth alerts
Elimination of, 3693
COVID-19 pandemic
Essential workers/community recognition, 93
COVID-19, demographics
Manitoba Metis Federation response to pandemic, 92
COVID-19, First Nations
Preparedness, 91-92
Economic development--Indigenous communities
Fishing and forestry initiatives, 1481
Farmer's Daughter, 3163
Agassiz constituency, 92-93
Indigenous and Northern Relations Department
Main Estimates Supplement 2021-2022, 2650
Indigenous economic development
Fishing and forestry initiatives, 1481
Indigenous rights
UN declaration, provincial legislation, 1877
Jordan's Principle
Reason for, 2629
Manitoba Association of Friendship Centres
COVID-19 response, 92
Manitoba Metis Federation
COVID-19 response, 92
Matter of Urgent Public Importance
The discovery of a mass grave of 215 children on Tk'emlúps te Secwépemc First Nation who died at the hands of the Kamloops Indian Residential School; implement the Truth and Reconciliation Commission 94 Calls to Action; searching all former Residential School grounds for mass graves, 3693-3695
Members' statements
Forsman, Ron, 2947-2948
The Kelwood Barn, 3163-3164
Olson, Sheila, 1773
Rossendale Knowledge Centre, 2277
Ministerial statements
Children's remains found at former residential school (BC), 3670
International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination, 1771-1772
MMIWG2S national inquiry final report, 3739-3740
Mountain General store, 3163
Oral Questions
Former Manitoba residential schools
Request to search for burial sites, 3682, 3751
Indigenous economic development
Fishing and forestry initiatives, 1481
UN declaration on Indigenous rights
Request for provincial legislation, 1877
Queen Elizabeth Diamond Jubilee Medal
Recipient (Ron Forsman), 2947
Residential schools
Burial sites, request to search for, 3682, 3694, 3751
Child deaths, number of, 3694
Historic site designation--Portage la Prairie, 3695
TRC calls to action No. 71-76, 3674
Unmarked burial site--Kamloops, 3670, 3693-3695
Spirit Bear Day Act (Bill 223)
2 R
Debate, 2629-2631
Throne Speech
Debate, 91-94
Tk'emlúps te Secwépemc First Nation
Residential school
Unmarked burial site discovery, 3670, 3693-3695
Truth and Reconciliation Commission
Calls to action No. 71-76, residential schools, 3674
United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples
Request for provincial legislation, 1877
Chairperson appointment
Guillemard, 4087-4088
Naylor, 4087
Development projects, independent reviews
Guillemard, 4088
Naylor, 4088
Clerk of the Executive Council
Federal Oliphant inquiry
Lamont, 1285
Pallister, 1285
Clerk of the Legislative Assembly
Appointment of and wage setting responsibility
Helwer, 1944-1945
Missed deadline for tabling report
Fontaine, 1426
Gerrard, 1435
Wiebe, 1433
Climate and Green Plan Implementation Office
Budget 2021
Gordon, 2377
Guillemard, 2320
Action on
Kinew, 2040-2041
Pallister, 2040-2041
Agriculture mitigation initiatives
Eichler, 3830
Air quality
Guillemard, 23
Naylor, 24
Budget 2021
Guillemard, 2321
Sala, 2374
Carbon storage, swamps
Gerrard, 1156
Environmental organizations, funding
Naylor, 250
Gerrard, 2165
Government spending
Lindsey, 2295
Manitoba Hydro role
Kinew, 2041
Pallister, 2041
Non-profit organizations
Naylor, 2343
Retrofit of buildings, use of apprentices
Moses, 1539
Wildfire increase
Naylor, 2945
Clinical and Preventative Services Plan
Nesbitt, 849
Newborn screening awareness
Asagwara, 1748
Coat of Arms, Emblems and the Manitoba Tartan Amendment Act (Bill 76)
1 R
Goertzen, 3919-3920
Cochlear Implant Program. See also Petitions
Implant replacement
Gerrard, 2260
Software upgrades, provincial coverage
Gerrard, 3904
Gordon, 3904
Binding arbitration
Naylor, 2026
Correctional officers
Cullen, 2796
Fontaine, 2796
Definition of
Gerrard, 2145
Teitsma, 1650
Emergency orders
Lindsey, 2511
Good faith bargaining
Altomare, 1741
Government record
Adams, 2414
Fontaine, 1657-1658
Lathlin, 2738
Sala, 2150
Smith, B., 2152
IBEW-Hydro labour dispute
Pallister, 2173, 2597, 2793-2794
Impact of Bill 64
Kinew, 3166-3167
Pallister, 3166-3167
Manitoba Teachers' Society, single agreement
Cullen, 1737
Number of units for teachers
Cullen, 1736
School principals/vice principals
Province-wide collective agreement
Altomare, 1739
Cullen, 1739
Separate bargaining unit for
Cullen, 1739
Gordon, 3219
Collège Béliveau Barracudas. See Members' statements
Commercial property. See Education property tax
Briefing material, FIPPA requests
Goertzen, 1724
Capital Supply
Piwniuk, 4232
Committee Report, 164
Piwniuk, 1335, 1827, 4233, 4248
Concurrence Motion
Adams, 4244-4245
Asagwara, 4235-4236
Cox, 4243-4244
Eichler, 4248
Fielding, 4233-4235, 4240-4242
Fontaine, 4239-4240
Goertzen, 164
Gordon, 4236-4237
Guillemard, 4247-4248
Helwer, 4247
Johnson, 4238
Lathlin, 4245-4246
Lindsey, 4241-4242
Maloway, 4233-4235
Marcelino, 4243
Naylor, 4247
Sala, 4237
Sandhu, 4238
Schuler, 4238-4239
Squires, 4245-4246
Wharton, 4237
Wiebe, 4238
Interim Supply
Fielding, 1824-1827
Gerrard, 1825-1827
Piwniuk, 1824
Wasyliw, 1824-1826
Interim Supply Motion
Fielding, 1827
Supplementary budget
Monies spent
Fielding, 162-163
Wasyliw, 162-163
Supplementary Supply
Wasyliw, 162
Supplementary Supply Motion
Supply Motions
Fielding, 4249
Appropriation Act, 2021 (Bill 77), 4250
Budget Implementation and Tax Statutes Amendment Act, 2021 (Bill 74), 4251
Committee Report, 174, 1256, 1837
Piwniuk, 4251
Employment Standards Code Amendment Act (Bill 44)
Committee report, 365-366
Fielding, 365
Gerrard, 365
Employment Standards Code Amendment Act (COVID-19 Vaccination Leave) (Bill 73)
Isleifson, 2015
Interim Appropriation Act, 2021 (Bill 70)
Opening statement
Fielding, 1836
Loan Act, 2021 (Bill 78), 4251
Somali Heritage Week Act (Bill 218), 1255
Supplementary Appropriation Act, 2020 (COVID-19 Response) (Bill 39), 169
Fielding, 169-174
Lamont, 173-174
Wasyliw, 169-173
Supplementary Appropriation Act, 2020-2021 (Bill 69), 1346
Wildlife Amendment Act (Protecting Property from Water and Wildlife Damage) (Bill 208)
Johnson, 1255
Winnipeg Humane Society Foundation Incorporation Amendment Act (Bill 301)
Fontaine, 1256
Joynt, 1256
Communities Economic Development Fund
Business Loans Program--northern Manitoba
Bushie, 2452-2453
Eichler, 2453
Non-fishing business entities
Moses, 3999
Reyes, 3999
Northern economic development
Lindsey, 2296
Northern payments
Moses, 3998
Reyes, 3998
Quarterly financial statements
Eichler, 223
Quarterly report, nine months, April 1-December 31, 2020
Eichler, 1607
Second quarter financial statement 2020-2021
Eichler, 519
Marcelino, 2208
West Broadway Biz
Asagwara, 2163-2164
Program update
Lathlin, 3774
Squires, 3774
Community Holistic Circle Healing Program
Hollow Water First Nation
Bushie, 2329
Community Living disABILITY Services
Budget for 2021
Adams, 3529
Squires, 3529
Squires, 3528
Stefanson, 691
Personal protective equipment for staff
Stefanson, 691
Community Newspaper Day. See Members' statements
Community newspapers. See also Municipal Statutes Amendment Act (2); Resolutions
Provincial support
Guenter, 3730
Sale of
Brar, 1791
Helwer, 1791
Fontaine, 2404-2405
Concordia Hospital. See also Members' statements; Petitions
CancerCare services
Altomare, 116, 897, 1117-1118, 2267
Sandhu, 158-159, 244, 2409-2410
Squires, 1218-1219
Wiebe, 1218-1219
Conflict of Interest (Members and Ministers) and Related Amendment Act (Bill 21)
1 R
Cullen, 144
2 R
Lamont, 2068-2069
Marcelino, 2066-2068
Opening statement
Goertzen, 2062-2063
Goertzen, 2063-2066
Lamont, 2063-2066
Marcelino, 2063-2066
Referred to Standing Committee on Legislative Affairs
C/3 R
Filmon, 3406
Asset disclosure
Goertzen, 2066
Lamont, 2066
Blind trust
Commissioner recommendations, Treasury Board declarations
Goertzen, 2064
Commissioner recommendations, untraded stock
Goertzen, 2063
Complaints process, public disclosure
Goertzen, 2063
Goertzen, 2065-2066
Marcelino, 2065
Disclosure of gifts
Goertzen, 2062-2063
Enforcement concerns
Goertzen, 2064-2065
One-year cool off period
Goertzen, 2063
Private business restrictions
Goertzen, 2063
Public/private sector employees, revolving door of
Goertzen, 2065
Lamont, 2069
Sanctions, responsibility for
Goertzen, 2065
Marcelino, 2065
Timeline for implementation
Goertzen, 2063-2064
Lamont, 2063
Waiver period
Goertzen, 2065
Lamont, 2065
Conflict of interest legislation
Need for
Lamont, 1658
Congenital cytomagalovirus (CMV). See also Universal Newborn Hearing Screening Amendment Act
Causes of
Nesbitt, 1752
CMV Canada, letter of support
Smith, B., 1754
CMV Canada, newborn screening awareness
Asagwara, 1748
CMV Canada, recommendations
Smith, B., 1753
Early detection
Adams, 1750
Asagwara, 1750
Smith, B., 1753
Financial costs for families
Asagwara, 1750
Wowchuk, 1750
Newborns infected with, number of
Asagwara, 1748
Smith, B., 1753
Rate of infection--Manitoba
Asagwara, 1749
Gerrard, 1749
Symptoms of
Asagwara, 1748
Gerrard, 1756
Test, cost of
Adams, 1750
Asagwara, 1750
Smith, B., 1753
Transmission prevention
Wishart, 1749
Treatment costs
Smith, B., 1753
Universal screening vs. targeted screening
Asagwara, 1750
Martin, 1750
Neonatal deaths
Gerrard, 1584
Pallister, 1584
Newborn population
Kinew, 296-297
Pallister, 296-297
Prevention initiatives needed
Gordon, 4034
Smith, B., 4033-4034
Connery, Edward. See Motions of condolence
Conseil jeunesse provincial. See Members' statements
Conservation and Climate Department
Debate, 687-688, 4081-4095, 4160-4166
Opening statements, 687-688
Guillemard, 4081-4083
Guillemard, 4084-4095, 4160-4165
Lamont, 4164-4165
Fish quota buyback program
Goertzen, 3266-3267
Lamont, 3266-3267
Pedersen, 3267
Main Estimates Supplement 2021-2022
Guillemard, 2649
Manure well monitoring
Lamont, 4165
Naylor, 4247
Review of environment acts, conflicts of interest
Guillemard, 4087
Review of environment acts, internal vs. external
Guillemard, 4086
Naylor, 4086
Review of environment acts, RFP for
Guillemard, 4086
Naylor, 4086
Review of environment acts, stakeholder consultations
Guillemard, 4087
Naylor, 4087
Staff introductions
Guillemard, 687
Staff vacancies
Naylor, 2345
Vacancy rate
Guillemard, 4084
Naylor, 4084
Approved projects
Guillemard, 4093
Budget 2021
Gordon, 2378
Carbon reduction projects
Criteria for applicants
Guillemard, 4092
Naylor, 4092
Projects approved
Guillemard, 4083
Total monies spent
Guillemard, 1123
Naylor, 1123
Funding announcement
Pedersen, 110
Smook, 110
Number employed
Brar, 3834
Eichler, 3834
Staff retention
Brar, 3835
Eichler, 3835
Vacancy rate
Brar, 4116
Goertzen, 4116
Investment in
Pedersen, 110
Smook, 110
Construction industry. See also Building and Electrical Permitting Improvement Act (Various Acts Amended and Permit Dispute Resolution Act Enacted)
Building and electrical codes, technical appeals
Johnson, 1970
Building and electrical permits, application processing time
Johnson, 1970
Electrical codes, single code for Manitoba
National construction codes, adoption of
Safety standards and apprenticeship training
Eichler, 1479-1480
Lindsey, 1479-1480
Consumer protection. See also Finance Department
Direct seller complaint
Victim compensation
Fielding, 1996
Maloway, 1996
High pressure sales tactics
Lamont, 2000
Consumer Protection Amendment Act (Bill 30)
1 R
Fielding, 146
2 R
Lamont, 2000
Maloway, 1998-2000
Opening statement
Fielding, 1994-1995
Fielding, 1996-1998
Lamont, 1996
Maloway, 1995-1998
Referred to Standing Committee on Social and Economic Development
C/3 R
Fielding, 3401
Filmon, 3406
Cellphone contract regulation, repeal of legislation
Fielding, 1994
Consumer compensation
Fielding, 1997-1998
Maloway, 1997-1998
Direct sales contracts, undefinable lease term ban
Fielding, 1995
Direct sellers, restrictions on
Fielding, 1994
Direct sellers, written contract requirement
Fielding, 1995
Home energy door-to-door sales complaints
Maloway, 1995-1996
Consumer Protection Amendment Act (Right to Repair) (Bill 234)
1 R
Maloway, 3495
Consumer Protection Amendment and Farm Machinery and Equipment Amendment Act (Right to Repair-Vehicles and Other Equipment) (Bill 241)
1 R
Maloway, 4097
Contact tracing. See COVID-19, contact tracing
United Church of Canada position
Naylor, 1299
Schuler, 1509
Smith, A., 1774
Death at correctional facility
Request for public inquest
Fontaine, 3049
Friesen, 3049
Deaths in, mandatory inquiries
Per day costs to house
Fontaine, 2188
Phone call revenue
Fontaine, 4178
Friesen, 4178
Correctional facilities, COVID-19. See COVID-19, correctional facilities
Collective bargaining negotiations
Cullen, 2796
Fontaine, 2796
Côté, Paulette. See Members' statements
Counsellor in the Classroom Program. See Kids Help Phone
Court Practice and Administration Act (Various Acts Amended) (Bill 46)
1 R
Cullen, 437
2 R
Fontaine, 1991-1993
Gerrard, 1993-1994
Opening statement
Friesen, 1989-1990
Fontaine, 1990-1991
Friesen, 1990-1991
Gerrard, 1990-1991
Referred to Standing Committee on Justice
R/S Amdt
Clause 23
Friesen, 2900-2901
Gerrard, 2899-2900
C/3 R
Fontaine, 3379-3380
Friesen, 3378-3379
Gerrard, 3380
Filmon, 3406
Definition of "resident"
Friesen, 1991
Gerrard, 1990-1991
Fee structure
Friesen, 1989
Small claims appeal process, transcripts
Friesen, 1989
Interpreters and expert witnesses
Friesen, 1989
Service fees, privatization concerns
Fontaine, 1991-1992
Apprenticeship training
Power engineer exams
Lindsey, 1532
Arts and culture
Asagwara, 1463
Brar, 4143
Cox, 4143
Fielding, 1829
Gerrard, 1829
Lagassé, 1462
Business closures
Fielding, 616
Wasyliw, 615
Commercial fishing industry support
Brar, 3840
Eichler, 3840-3841
Commercial fishing, supports for
Brar, 3840
Eichler, 3840-3841
Grain price increase
Pedersen, 2382
Hospitality, hotel costs
Eichler, 2338
Hospitality, supports for
Cox, 2342
Eichler, 1783
Wishart, 1783
Restaurants, liquor sales with take out deliveries
Wharton, 2370
Restaurants, spread in
Gerrard, 725-726
Specific supports
Altomare, 1168
Targeted programs
Fielding, 621
Wasyliw, 621
Tattoo industry
Fontaine, 1851
Taxi drivers, programs for
Brar, 272
Lamoureux, 3787
Wharton, 3787
Taxi industry, financial assistance
Sandhu, 246
Tourism support
Fielding, 1830
Wasyliw, 1830
Travel industry, restarting of
Fielding, 1829
Gerrard, 1829
Trucking industry, food delivery
Brar, 272
Trucking industry, International Registration Plan
Wharton, 3781
COVID-19 pandemic. See also Matters of Urgent Public Importance; Members' statements; Resolutions
Affordability during
Animal adoptions
Fontaine, 642
Goertzen, 642
Animal origins
Gerrard, 1897
Anti-science views
Asagwara, 228
Friesen, 228-229
Condolence to families
Kinew, 2991
Moses, 3611
Pallister, 2991
Data on, delays in releasing
Altomare, 699
Goertzen, 699
Death projection numbers, modelling data
Asagwara, 566-568
Friesen, 566-568
Deaths, number of
Marcelino, 428
Effect on audits
Fielding, 3764
Wasyliw, 3764
Essential workers/community recognition
Asagwara, 127
Brar, 950
Clarke, 93
Cox, 2341
Fielding, 4222
Fontaine, 427
Friesen, 240-241
Gerrard, 123
Goertzen, 2419
Guenter, 2640
Isleifson, 388, 853, 2291-2292
Johnston, 2263
Lagimodiere, 2330
Sala, 131
Sandhu, 244
Smith, A., 118
Smith, B., 121
Wiebe, 312
Federal assistance, request for
Kinew, 3454-3461
Pallister, 3454-3463
Government run institutions
Gerard, 680
Herd immunity
Reyes, 1863
Wasyliw, 3007
Hygiene messaging campaign
Pallister, 454
Incident command structure
Asagwara, 564-565
Friesen, 564-566
Kinew, 537
Pallister, 537-538
Inequality, increase in
Asagwara, 2611
Lamont, 1835
Marcelino, 2715
Wasyliw, 277-278
Isolation facility
Maloway, 285
Lamont, 1834
Long-term health impact
Wiebe, 3607
Management of
Kinew, 441-442, 2245, 2949-2950
Lamont, 2577
Sala, 2684
Manitoba ranking
Asagwara, 1562-1563
Wasyliw, 3007
Meeting with the Prime Minister
Kinew, 531-532
Pallister, 531-532
Military support in communities
Kinew, 534
One year anniversary
Kinew, 1572-1573
Lamont, 1573-1574
Pallister, 1571-1572
Pandemic management, responsibility for
Lamont, 2314
Pallister, 2314
Premiers meeting
Kinew, 533
Pallister, 533
Projected case numbers, public release of
Kinew, 3062-3063
Pallister, 3063-3064
Release of modelling data
Asagwara, 2492-2493
Stefanson, 2493
Reopening plan
Kinew, 3124-3127
Pallister, 3124-3127
Restriction enforcement
Isleifson, 969
Shopping local
Piwniuk, 1160-1161
Spending, GDP percentage
Lamont, 966
Martin, 966
Staffing and equipment--federal assistance
Pallister, 3514-3515
Steps to combat
Kinew, 151-152
Pallister, 151-152
Supply chain
Helwer, 705-706
Survey regarding curfew
Pallister, 589-591
Wasyliw, 589-590
Transmission data
Transmission data, workplace
Kinew, 2590
Pallister, 2590
Variant cases of, public notification
Goertzen, 1377-1378
Kinew, 1376-1377
Video conferencing, increase in
Cullen, 789
Volunteers, request for
Eichler, 542-543
Moses, 542-543
WHO pandemic designation
Isleifson, 415
COVID-19 patients, transported out of province
Coverage for patient transport costs
Lamont, 3684-3685
Pallister, 3685
Coverage for travel expenses for families
Kinew, 3578
Pallister, 3578-3579
Critical-care staffing levels
Doctor-on-board policy of services providers
Kinew, 3580
Pallister, 3580
Family consent before transport
Kinew, 3578
Pallister, 3578
Inquiry into patient's death
Goertzen, 3507
Kinew, 3500-3502
Pallister, 3500-3502, 3507-3508
Wasyliw, 3507
Patient safety concerns while in transport
Asagwara, 3502-3503
Goertzen, 3502-3503
Kinew, 3499-3500
Pallister, 3499-3500
Patient's option to refuse transfer
Lamont, 3685
Pallister, 3685
Public reporting on
Kinew, 3515
Pallister, 3515
Request to re-examine assessment criteria
Kinew, 3579
Pallister, 3579
Standard of care
Kinew, 3511
Pallister, 3511-3512
Transfer of patients to Ontario
Asagwara, 3264-3265, 3339-3340
Kinew, 3261-3262
Stefanson, 3261-3262, 3264-3265, 3339-3340
Wiebe, 3268
Transport team capacity concerns
Kinew, 3580
Pallister, 3580
Abbott test
Pallister, 535
Accessibility at sites
Sala, 132
Asymptomatic testing
Lamont, 881
Correctional facilities
Data entry and tracking--federal funding
Kinew, 538
Equipment and testing sites--Island Lake
Bushie, 281
Federal funds used
Fielding, 190
Friesen, 190
Health workers
Friesen, 384
Increase in
Wiebe, 313
Leases for test sites, cost of
Fielding, 3617-3618
Wasyliw, 3617
Local capacity
Goertzen, 3851
Kinew, 3851
Ma Mawi Wi Chi Itata (King St. location)
Smith, B., 2653-2654
Mobile testing sites
Pallister, 459
MPI drive-through sites
Wharton, 3781
New site--Keystone Centre (Brandon)
Friesen, 242
New site--Nairn
Friesen, 242
Northern Manitoba
Adams, 189
Friesen, 189
Nurses (internationally educated), utilization of
Kinew, 51-52
Sandhu, 244-245
Nurses, international credential recognition
Sandhu, 244-245
Nurses, retired
Kinew, 51-52
Sandhu, 244-245
Online appointment booking
Pallister, 460
PCR and serological testing
PCR testing
Stefanson, 3154
PCR testing, Cadham lab capacity
Asagwara, 3097
Stefanson, 3097
PCR testing, Dynacare labs
Asagwara, 3095-3096
Stefanson, 3096
PCR tests, sent out of province
Asagwara, 3096
Stefanson, 3096
Personal protective equipment for staff
Lamont, 527
Pallister, 527
Personal-care home staff/residents
Friesen, 160
Kinew, 873-874
Lamont, 924
Personal-care homes, asymptomatic testing
Gerrard, 850-851
Kinew, 334
Lamont, 881
PetalMD contract, online booking tool
Helwer, 4133
Wasyliw, 4133
PetalMD contract, renewal plan
Helwer, 4133-4134
Wasyliw, 4133
Public-private partnerships
Asagwara, 3098
Stefanson, 3098
Gerrard, 266
Rapid test kits
Pallister, 2957-2958
Stefanson, 3106
Rapid testing
Kinew, 540
Lamont, 527
Pallister, 527
Rapid tests, availability in workplaces
Helwer, 4214-4215
Lamont, 4214-4215
Rapid tests, number received/used
Helwer, 4137
Wasyliw, 4137
Red River College training program
Isleifson, 191
Pallister, 460
Request for sites--Thompson Manitoba
Marcelino, 430
Residents of Revera homes
Asagwara, 398
Friesen, 398-399
Result wait times
Goertzen, 3852
Kinew, 3852
Result wait times and spread prevention
Gerrard, 266
Schools, asymptomatic testing
Altomare, 1217
Goertzen, 1217-1218
Second wave preparation
Sala, 1057
Sites, number of
Pallister, 457
Altomare, 674-675
Friesen, 675
Goertzen, 674
Teachers--rapid testing for
Goertzen, 1080-1081
Lamoureux, 1080-1081
Test positivity rates by region or district
Goertzen, 4072
Marcelino, 4072
Testing capacity
Asagwara, 30-31
Gordon, 264
Kinew, 51
Lamont, 35
Timely results, importance of
Gerrard, 266
Wait times
Sala, 131
Sandhu, 244
Smith, B., 120
Wait times--Steinbach
Lamont, 816
Pallister, 816
COVID-19 vaccine. See also Employment Standards Code Amendment Act (COVID-19 Vaccination Leave); Members' statements; specific vaccines
Administration to children, preparation for
Asagwara, 3817
Gordon, 3817-3818
Appointment booking system
Asagwara, 2355
Kinew, 2396-2397
Lamont, 2403
Stefanson, 2355-2356
Appointment system--northern Manitoba
Lindsey, 1861-1862
Maloway, 286
Pallister, 532-533
Children, preparation inquiry
Asagwara, 4210-4212
Helwer, 4211-4212
Clinic hours
Kinew, 2352
Pallister, 2352-2353
Clinic hours, expansion of
Kinew, 2883
Wiebe, 2887-2888
Clinical trials
Friesen, 630
Maloway, 286
Current supplies of
Helwer, 4132
Wasyliw, 4132
Distribution locations
Gordon, 3817
Distribution plan
Kinew, 1114-1115
Distribution rate
Kinew, 2352
Pallister, 2352-2353
Sala, 2371
Distribution strategy, national
Kinew, 532
Pallister, 532-533
Doctor's office and pharmacies
Johnston, 2263
Kinew, 3113
Pallister, 3113
Domestic production
Pallister, 3119-3120
Doses administered
Gordon, 3816
Stefanson, 3092
Estimated daily doses given
Reyes, 1863
Health Links system
Lamont, 1480
Pallister, 1480
Health-workers, vaccination status
Asagwara, 4042-4043
Gordon, 4042-4043
Hesitancy--Southern Health region
Goertzen, 3853-3854
Kinew, 3853-3854
Immunization campaign--First Nations
Pallister, 3108
Immunocompromised individuals
Lamoureux, 2761
Stefanson, 2761
Long-haul truck drivers
Goertzen, 2663
Lamoureux, 2662-2663
Manufacturing of
Maloway, 286
Mass vaccinations, difficulty of
Martin, 1858
Métis and Inuit populations
Eligibility requirements
Adams, 1383
Stefanson, 1383
mRNA vaccine research
Gerrard, 2672
Number of doses administered
Asagwara, 2175
Stefanson, 2175
Paid leave for workers
Lindsey, 1881
Pallister, 1881
Pharmacy/doctor office partnerships
Stefanson, 3092
Planning committee
Kinew, 594
Pallister, 594
Police service eligibility
Lamont, 2403
Pallister, 2404
Policy at the Legislature
Requirement for MLA's
Fontaine, 3808-3809
Goertzen, 3808-3809, 3856-3857, 3897-3898
Pop-up clinics
Moses, 3265-3266
Stefanson, 3265-3266
Pro-vaccine messaging
Kinew, 539
Providence Therapeutics
Fielding, 1829
Pallister, 1519-1520
Public-health order exemptions
Gordon, 4215
Lamont, 4215
Request to accelerate
Kinew, 2700
Pallister, 2700
Senior population
Gerrard, 2260
Martin, 1860
Wishart, 1860
Supply from North Dakota
Kinew, 3447-3452
Pallister, 3447-3456
Unused doses
Kinew, 2171-2172
Pallister, 2171-2172
Vaccination rate
Asagwara, 2211-2213
Kinew, 2171-2172, 2210-2211, 2233, 2306-2307
Lamont, 2178
Lamoureux, 2179
Pallister, 2171-2173, 2178, 2179, 2210-2211, 2233, 2306-2307
Stefanson, 2213
Vaccine disinformation campaign
Wasyliw, 3008
Vaccine Implementation Task Force
Friesen, 630
Vulnerable patients in hospital
Lamont, 2215
Pallister, 2215
Stefanson, 2215
Vulnerable populations
Gerrard, 1384
Vulnerable populations, access to vaccination centres
Stefanson, 1315
Vulnerable populations, barriers for
Asagwara, 1875-1876
Stefanson, 1876
Vulnerable populations, transportation options
Asagwara, 2449-2450
Weekly dose projections
Pallister, 3112-3113
Youth vaccinations
Moses, 3265-3266
Stefanson, 3265-3266
COVID-19 vaccine rollout. See also Members' statements; Resolutions
First Nations
Lagassé, 3040
Government record
Lamont, 2046-2047
Pallister, 2047
Northern Manitoba, plan for
Adams, 2412
Lindsey, 1860, 1861, 2294-2295
Martin, 1860
Asagwara, 629
Friesen, 629-630
Provincial ranking
Lamont, 1718-1719
Pallister, 1718-1719
Reyes, 1863
Accessibility for persons with disabilities
Squires, 3645
Accessibility for senior citizens
Asagwara, 1875-1876
Gerrard, 2240
Accessibility of
Lamont, 1384
Smith, B., 2522
Stefanson, 1384
Wasyliw, 3008
Military assistance
Gerrard, 2240
Pallister, 2240-2241
Mobile sites
Lamoureux, 2179
Pallister, 2179
Pop-up sites
Lindsey, 1861
Martin, 1860
Moses, 3265-3266
Stefanson, 3265-3266
Pop-up sites, FIT teams
Kinew, 2306
Staffing at
Asagwara, 2175-2176
Lamont, 2178
Pallister, 2178
Stefanson, 2175-2176
Vaxport supersite--Thompson
Lindsey, 1411, 1510, 1861-1862
COVID-19 vaccine, at-risk populations
Education staff
Cullen, 2758
Lamoureux, 2863
Pallister, 2863
Smith, B., 2758
Essential workers
Goertzen, 2447-2448
Kinew, 2447-2448
General comments
Lamont, 2706
Pallister, 2706
Stefanson, 3092
Second dose for health-care workers
Fontaine, 3581-3582
Goertzen, 3581-3582
Teachers and child-care sector
Lamont, 2889
Pallister, 2700-2701, 2856-2858, 2884, 2889
Stefanson, 2757
Winnipeg Transit staff
Stefanson, 2660-2661
Wiebe, 2660-2661
Third wave preparation
Lamont, 1480
Pallister, 1480-1481
Detox centres, distancing requirements
Smith, B., 3426
Detox services, financial support
Smith, B., 774
Stefanson, 774
COVID-19, Child and Family Services
Surplus budget, reinvestment of
Lathlin, 3773
Squires, 3773
COVID-19, child care. See also Members' statements
Affordable fees, role in economic recovery
Kinew, 1413-1414
Pallister, 1413-1415
Availability during
Lamoureux, 449
Stefanson, 449
Before-and-after-school programming
Squires, 3527
Adams, 2891
Squires, 2891
Coverage for parent fees
Fontaine, 2888
Squires, 2888-2889
Difficulties accessing
Brar, 272
Economic recovery
Altomare, 116-117
Lagassé, 1461
Essential service workers
Fontaine, 2888
Home schooling
Brar, 272
Monies spent
Smith, B., 2381
Wait-time reduction and staffing support
Adams, 3902-3903
Squires, 3902-3903
Distribution of expired masks
Kinew, 918-919
Pallister, 918-919
Essential workers, spaces for
Adams, 3532
Squires, 3532
Expired face masks
Altomare, 2268
Kinew, 882-883
Lamont, 881
Funding to
Adams, 1625
Lathlin, 1759
Morley-Lecomte, 1763
Sala, 1636
Squires, 1625
Medical grade mask availability
Marcelino, 587-588
Stefanson, 587-588
Personal protective equipment
Adams, 1192-1193
Lathlin, 1758
Stefanson, 626
Staff vacancies
Adams, 3531-3532
Squires, 3531-3532
Switch to remote learning, impact of
Marcelino, 2954-2955
Squires, 2954-2955
Vaccine priority for staff
Lamont, 2889
Pallister, 2700-2701, 2856-2858, 2884, 2889
Stefanson, 2757
Contact tracers--federal assistance
Contract with 24-7 Intouch
Helwer, 4111-4112
Wasyliw, 4111-4112
Contract with 24-7 Intouch, average monthly cost
Helwer, 4129
Wasyliw, 4129
Contract with 24-7 Intouch, contract extension period
Helwer, 4127-4128
Wasyliw, 4127-4128
Contract with 24-7 Intouch, cost of contact tracers
Helwer, 4127
Wasyliw, 4127
Contract with 24-7 Intouch, expansion of
Helwer, 4126-4127
Wasyliw, 4126-4127
Contract with 24-7 Intouch, number of staff
Helwer, 4127
Wasyliw, 4127
Contract with 24-7 Intouch, service complaints
Helwer, 4129-4131
Wasyliw, 4129-4131
Contract with 24-7 Intouch, staff training
Helwer, 4131
Wasyliw, 4131
Federal funding
Fielding, 170-171
Kinew, 538
Pallister, 538-539
Wasyliw, 170-171
Asagwara, 980-981
Friesen, 981-982
General comments
Adams, 907
Asagwara, 919-920
Isleifson, 1081
Pallister, 335-336, 457, 458, 3462
Public health reporting
Asagwara, 1779
Stefanson, 1779
Red Cross
Friesen, 242
Kinew, 460-461
Pallister, 460-461
Altomare, 699
Goertzen, 699
Lamont, 985
Pallister, 985-986
Tracing targets
Pallister, 3517-3518
COVID-19, correctional facilities. See also specific facilities
Cases in
Fontaine, 401
Conditions for staff and incarcerated individuals
Cullen, 812-813
Fontaine, 812-813
Incarcerated individuals, update on
Cullen, 589
Fontaine, 589
Personal protective equipment
Moses, 2195
Rates of
Fontaine, 792
Segregation, use of
Fontaine, 794
Spread prevention
Cullen, 104-105, 188-189, 265, 400-401, 446-447
Fontaine, 104-105, 187-189, 264-265, 400-401, 446-447, 793
Pallister, 265
COVID-19, demographics. See also Members' statements; Resolutions
Data collection
Kinew, 103-104
Pallister, 103-104
Filipino community, infection rate, women
Marcelino, 3415
Filipino community, job losses
Reyes, 3413
Filipino community, number of cases
Reyes, 3413
Filipino women, infection rate
Marcelino, 3415
Front-line women workers, impact on
Cox, 2845
Fontaine, 2838
Job losses by women
Marcelino, 2843
Manitoba Harm Reduction Network, recommendations
Naylor, 1048
Manitoba Metis Federation response to pandemic
Clarke, 92
Marginalized communities
Smith, B., 2667
Marginalized communities, mortality rate
Wasyliw, 1832
Métis and Inuit populations
Vaccine eligibility requirements
Adams, 1383
Stefanson, 1383
Métis, plan for
Lamont, 1867
Minimum wage workers
Naylor, 247
Online sexual exploitation of children
Morley-Lecomte, 2016
Traditional gender roles
Lamoureux, 2846
Trans, non-binary and queer individuals, impact on
Naylor, 248
Vaccinations for youth
Moses, 3265-3266
Stefanson, 3265-3266
Vulnerable populations, federal funding
Kinew, 539
Pallister, 539
Vulnerable populations, northern Manitoba
Gerrard, 680
Vulnerable populations, rates in
Lamont, 789
Vulnerable populations, substance use
Naylor, 1048
Women, impact on
Asagwara, 129
Cox, 33
Gerrard, 1632
Moses, 1196-1197
Naylor, 248
Wasyliw, 2253
Women, programs for
Fielding, 1829
Wasyliw, 1829
Women, support for
Fontaine, 518
Youth, impact on
Wiebe, 312
COVID-19, disabilities, persons with
Costs associated with
Adams, 3599
Critical care protocols
Adams, 3644
Lamont, 2956-2957
Squires, 3644
Stefanson, 2957
Disability Economic Support Program, help with expenses
Morley-Lecomte, 1262
Stefanson, 691
Disability supports
Mobility Disadvantaged Transportation Program
Johnson, 4153
Pandemic Staffing Support Benefit
Morley-Lecomte, 925
Stefanson, 925
Public transit costs, EIA recipients
Adams, 1258
Smith, B., 1264
Reduction in services
Adams, 3530
Squires, 3530
Triage protocols
Adams, 3644
Gerrard, 3171
Lamont, 2956-2957
Moses, 3611
Pallister, 3171
Squires, 3644
Stefanson, 2957
Vaccine sites, accessibility of
Squires, 3645
COVID-19, drug overdose deaths
Fontaine, 1982
Gordon, 4120
Teitsma, 3321
COVID-19, economy. See also Manitoba Job Restart Program
Child-care spaces
Altomare, 116-117
Economic recovery, public health recommendations
Eichler, 159
Lamont, 159
GDP growth
Fielding, 4222
Government performance record
Wasyliw, 716
Impact of
Moses, 307
Old St. Vital BIZ program
Moses, 2654
Recovery based on debt
Lamont, 1835
Recovery plan
Eichler, 2337
Wasyliw, 278
Recovery programs, monies spent
Gerrard, 2262
Reopening, public health recommendations
Fielding, 75
Lamont, 75
Safe re-start
Federal/provincial funding
Fielding, 169-170
Wasyliw, 169-170
COVID-19, education system. See also COVID-19, schools; Members' statements
Carry-over funds, Budget 2020
Altomare, 3133
Cullen, 3133
Class size cap and staffing
Altomare, 34
Goertzen, 34-35
Moses, 1006
Class size cap removal
Altomare, 651
Distance learning
Goertzen, 635
Kinew, 55
Sandhu, 245
Education assistants, layoff concerns
Education assistants, need for
Kinew, 1215
Pallister, 1215
Education assistants, post-holiday plan
Kinew, 1215
Pallister, 1215
Fielding, 3629
Wasyliw, 3628-3629
Federal/provincial monies spent
Altomare, 701, 1743-1744, 3262-3263, 3467
Cullen, 1619, 3262-3263, 3467-3468, 3583
Gerrard, 163
Goertzen, 445-446, 449, 701, 3260-3261
Lamont, 449
Lamoureux, 1619
Marcelino, 428
Naylor, 249, 657-658, 3582-3583
Wiebe, 445-446
Altomare, 700
Holiday break plans
Goertzen, 1116
Kinew, 1115-1116
Impact on student learning
Kinew, 49
Learning loss prevention
Kinew, 257
Pallister, 257
Low transmission rates
Mask supply and distribution
Lamont, 985
Pallister, 985
Mental health services
Altomare, 3134
Cullen, 3134
Mental health supports
Gordon, 2761
Lagimodiere, 2761
Per-pupil funding
Altomare, 3090
Cullen, 3090
Physical distancing plan
Altomare, 260-261
Brar, 273
Goertzen, 260-261
Placement of B. Ed. students in classrooms
Altomare, 1081-1082
Goertzen, 1081-1082
Kinew, 1021
Pallister, 1022
Rapid testing--teachers
Goertzen, 1080-1081
Lamoureux, 1080
Rapid testing--teachers, northern Manitoba
Adams, 2413
Remote learning
Remote learning centre
Altomare, 2532
Remote learning strategy
Pallister, 3059
Remote learning, federal support for
Fielding, 168
Wasyliw, 168
Remote learning, timing of public notification
Altomare, 3167-3168
Cullen, 3167-3168
Small class sizes
Altomare, 649
Goertzen, 656
Naylor, 657
Social distancing
Sandhu, 246
Staff appreciation during pandemic
Cullen, 1737
Staff layoffs, impact of
Altomare, 651-652
Staffing and PPE
Kinew, 584
Pallister, 584-585
Staffing and supplies
Altomare, 651
Goertzen, 656
Substitute teacher shortage
Altomare, 654
Naylor, 654
Summer school enrollment
Cullen, 3134
Teachers and support staff needed
Goertzen, 923-924
Wasyliw, 923
Tests for teachers
Friesen, 675
Goertzen, 674
Transmission data, public health tracking
Altomare, 3083
Cullen, 3083-3084
Use of sick time and holiday hours
Goertzen, 1080-1081
Lamoureux, 1080
Vaccines, topic of discussion in the classroom
Lamont, 3585
Pallister, 3585
Virtual education hub
Fielding, 1831
Gerrard, 1831
Wait time for test results
Goertzen, 446
Wiebe, 446
Protocols for
Goertzen, 4071
Marcelino, 4071
Code red designation
Gerrard, 677
Pallister, 677
Collective bargaining agreements
Lindsey, 2511
Emergency Measures Organization
Role in pandemic response
Lamont, 677
Pallister, 677
Level orange (Prairie Mountain Health)
Nesbitt, 47
Pandemic response system
Friesen, 242
Remote witnessing for legal affairs
Marcelino, 802
COVID-19, employment. See also Back to Work This Summer; Employment Standards Code Amendment Act (Bill 44); Employment Standards Code Amendment Act (COVID-19 Vaccination Leave) (Bill 73); Summer Student Recovery Jobs Program
Financial assistance
Fielding, 166
Wasyliw, 166
Job support programs
Eichler, 540-541
Laid-off City of Winnipeg employees
Assistance with pandemic response
Fontaine, 1076-1077
Kinew, 1074-1075
Brar, 272
Redeployment of civil service employees
Assistance with pandemic response
Lamont, 1080
Pallister, 1080
Unpaid leave
Guenter, 2641
Wage subsidy programs
Applications received, monies spent
Eichler, 603
Moses, 602-603
Employer uptake
Eichler, 603
Pallister, 469-470
General comments
Fielding, 617
Workforce development
Fielding, 166
Wasyliw, 166
Working from home
Helwer, 705
Workplace transmission data
Kinew, 3679
Pallister, 3679-3680
In-person gathering limits
Wiebe, 498
Online services
Goertzen, 499-500
Public-health order violations--Springs Church
Fontaine, 3503-3504
Goertzen, 3503-3504
Pallister, 3504
COVID-19, financial assistance. See also Canada Emergency Response Benefit; Canada Recovery Sickness Benefit; Canadian Agricultural Partnership program; Disability Economic Support Program; Seniors Economic Recovery Credit
Barriers to access
Lamont, 2526-2527
Budget 2021
Lagimodiere, 2330
Federal transfers
Federal/provincial matching programs
Fielding, 1825
Wasyliw, 1825
Grants and wage subsidies
Eichler, 2337
Hydro, flexible bill payments
Wharton, 2370
MLLC deferral on interest charges on receivables
Wharton, 2370
MPI late fee and interest waiver
Wharton, 2370
Parliamentary Budget Office estimates
Risk-benefit program
Naylor, 248
Safe Restart agreements
Fielding, 1825
Gerrard, 1825
Small business
Fielding, 226-227, 618-619, 3624-3628
Kinew, 226, 256-257, 296, 444, 450, 456, 583-584, 769, 1277, 2397-2398, 2490-2491
Moses, 545
Nesbitt, 862-864
Pallister, 257, 296, 444, 450, 467-468, 584, 591, 769-770, 1182-1183, 1277, 2397-2398, 2490-2491, 2890
Sala, 131
Teitsma, 1285
Wasyliw, 450, 617-618, 1182, 3624-3628
Wishart, 1165
Small business grants
Kinew, 770
Pallister, 770-771
Small business grants, eligibility restrictions
Pallister, 1025-1026
Wasyliw, 1025-1026
Supports for business
Fielding, 3945
Lamont, 2706
Pallister, 2706-2707
COVID-19, financial assistance programs. See also Manitoba Pandemic Sick Leave program
Federal support
Pallister, 534
Health-care support--Shamattawa First Nation
Bushie, 1222
Pallister, 1222-1223
Immunization campaign
Pallister, 3108
Leadership response
Bushie, 280-281
Moderna vaccine approval
Bushie, 3155
Stefanson, 3155
Moderna vaccine, transportation convenience
Pallister, 3449
Outbreak concerns--northern Manitoba
Friesen, 36
Lathlin, 36
Outbreak--Opaskwayak Cree Nation
Friesen, 876-877
Lathlin, 876-877
Pandemic support services
Lamont, 526
Pallister, 526
Pandemic teams
Bushie, 1865
Clarke, 91-92
Spread from Keeyask Station
Lamont, 676-677
Wharton, 677
Vaccine rollout
Lagassé, 3040
Trucking industry
Brar, 272
Government preparation
Kinew, 3850
Lamont, 3812-3813
ICU capacity
Goertzen, 3897
Kinew, 3897
Test result times
Goertzen, 3852
Kinew, 3852
COVID-19, health-care system. See also COVID-19, nurses/nursing; Resolutions
Critical-care nurses, federal assistance
Critical-care orientation program
Kinew, 3109
Pallister, 3109
Death of patient, medical examiner review
Kinew, 3579
Pallister, 3579
Federal/provincial monies spent
Isleifson, 415-416
Kinew, 413-414
Front-line workers, PPE for
Helwer, 882
Kinew, 462-466
Micklefield, 882
Front-line workers, request to hire
Funding for third wave
Lamont, 3344
Pallister, 3344-3345
Hand sanitizer purchase, Health Canada recall
Helwer, 233
Lamont, 233
Health Links
Asagwara, 72-73
Helwer, 72-73
Health Minister's comments re: ICU doctors
Asagwara, 586-587
Smith, B., 626
Health Minister's record
Asagwara, 877-878
Friesen, 877-878
Pallister, 878-879
Health worker burnout
Goertzen, 3851
Marcelino, 310
Naylor, 3882
Human resource management
Gerrard, 3280
Immigrant credential recognition
Marcelino, 310
Pandemic preparedness
Bushie, 2326-2327
Stefanson, 2886-2887
Partner organizations
Kinew, 3516
Pallister, 3516-3517
Personal protective equipment
Friesen, 489-490
Helwer, 72-73
Kinew, 443
Pallister, 443
Provincial health spending
Kinew, 521-522
Pallister, 521-522
Public-health supports--federal assistance
Pallister, 3514-3515
Regional health authorities
Rate of infection
Gerrard, 679-680
Respiratory therapists, federal assistance
Kinew, 3678-3679
Pallister, 3678-3679
Restructure and pandemic
Asagwara, 3886
Second wave, system readiness
Kinew, 669-670
Pallister, 670
Staff vacancy rate concerns
Asagwara, 2994-2995
Stefanson, 2994-2995
Asagwara, 2702-2703
Isleifson, 968
Stefanson, 2702-2703
System reform and staffing capacity
Asagwara, 771-772
Friesen, 771-772
Third wave impact
Asagwara, 3438-3439
Goertzen, 3438-3439
Third wave readiness
Asagwara, 2952-2953
Stefanson, 2952-2953
Virtual outpatient support program
Pallister, 3111
Worker appreciation
Asagwara, 3094
Guenter, 3883
Reyes, 1863
Stefanson, 3092
Teitsma, 3887
Cutbacks to
Asagwara, 130
Gerrard, 124
Personal protective equipment for
Wiebe, 1271-1272
Timing of funding changes
Friesen, 76
Gerrard, 75-76
Data collection for
Gerrard, 1268
EIA recipients
Adams, 1260
Smith, B., 1260
Isolation unit for
Gerrard, 1268
Maloway, 285
Morley-Lecomte, 1236
Smith, B., 1264-1265
Squires, 3528
Stefanson, 774
Public spaces, closure of
Gerrard, 1267
Use of public buildings for rest areas
Gerrard, 924-925
Pallister, 925
Expanded shelter capacity
Stefanson, 691
Financial support
Smith, B., 773
Stefanson, 773
Government initiatives
Lagimodiere, 592
Stefanson, 592
Shelter space, need for
Smith, B., 786-787
Staff shortages
Smith, B., 786-787
Outbreak prevention
Kinew, 295-296
Pallister, 295-296
Outbreak--St. Boniface Hospital
Asagwara, 417
Staffing levels for third wave
Kinew, 3045-3046
Pallister, 3045-3046
Visitation, suspension of
Morley-Lecomte, 856
Market volatility
Lamont, 1835, 2299-2300, 2325, 2579
Work permits, small business closures
Wasyliw, 1164
COVID-19, intensive care unit. See also Matter of Urgent Public Importance; Matters of Grievance; Members' statements
Accelerated orientation program
Kinew, 3109
Pallister, 3109
Accommodations for loved ones
Gordon, 3826-3827
Bed capacity, permanent increase in
Kinew, 3121-3123
Pallister, 3121-3123
Asagwara, 568-573
Fontaine, 3575
Gerrard, 402
Kinew, 258, 396-397, 412, 536, 540, 3108, 3109, 3111, 3114
Pallister, 258-259, 396-397, 536-537, 3109-3110, 3111, 3113-3114
Capacity limit, request for assistance
Fontaine, 3340
Stefanson, 3340-3341
Doctor recommendations
Lamont, 3442-3443
Pallister, 3443
Federal assistance
Asagwara, 3488
Goertzen, 3488-3489
Kinew, 3678-3679
Pallister, 3678-3679
Fourth wave, capacity concerns
Goertzen, 3897
Kinew, 3897
Lack of beds--northern Manitoba
Marcelino, 430
Nurse training session
Gordon, 3823
Nurse-to-patient ratio
Asagwara, 572-574
Friesen, 572-574
Out-of-province assistance
Kinew, 3336-3339
Lamoureux, 3345
Pallister, 3337-3339, 3342-3343, 3345
Stefanson, 3342
Wiebe, 3342
Patient flow management
Kinew, 3109
Pallister, 3109-3110
Projected admissions
Kinew, 3680
Pallister, 3680-3681
Projected cases
Fontaine, 3225
Pallister, 3225
Projected cases, third wave
Fontaine, 3225
Pallister, 3225
Public-health order violators
Kinew, 3701
Pallister, 3701
Gerrard, 679
Kinew, 3164-3165
Pallister, 3164-3166
Staffing and equipment--Grace Hospital
Kinew, 2992
Pallister, 2992
Surgical staff utilized
Asagwara, 3482
Goertzen, 3482
Court delays, plan to address
Friesen, 4167
Barriers to accessing
Asagwara, 269
Check In Challenge
Gordon, 2351
Impact on
Gordon, 3323
Lagassé, 3421
Lagimodiere, 3327
Naylor, 3325
Morneau and Shepell call line
Smith, B., 3425
Selkirk Mental Health Centre
Transfer of patients to
Asagwara, 1177-1178
Friesen, 1177-1178
Support services
Pallister, 2422
Smook, 867
Wishart, 2251
Supports for education
Gordon, 2761
Lagimodiere, 2761
Youth and young adult supports
Cullen, 2890
Lamoureux, 2890
Funding for
Squires, 686
Government support to
Pallister, 920
Squires, 921
Wiebe, 920-921
Municipal Enforcement Support Program
Johnson, 4152
Provincial/municipal relations
Wiebe, 314
Response to
Johnson, 2099
Support for services
Squires, 983-984
Wiebe, 983-984
COVID-19, northern Manitoba. See also Members' statements
Accessibility of vaccine
Adams, 1382-1383
Stefanson, 1382-1383
CERB recipients, EIA clawback
Adams, 1259
Critical-care plan for the North
Lindsey, 3343
Pallister, 3343-3344
Stefanson, 3343
Economic support plans
Fielding, 1830-1831
Gerrard, 1830
Health-care staff levels
Friesen, 772-773
Lathlin, 772
Justice system, impact on
Smith, B., 1147
Number of cases
Lathlin, 315
Outbreak concerns--First Nations
Friesen, 36
Lathlin, 36
Pandemic plan
Adams, 274
Pop-up clinics, public notices
Adams, 3152
Stefanson, 3152
Rapid tests for teachers
Adams, 2413
Resources for combating
Friesen, 876-877
Kinew, 875
Lathlin, 876-877
Pallister, 875
Single-site rule re: staff in PCH's
Lindsey, 2511-2512
Spread prevention
Adams, 528
Lathlin, 403
Testing capacity
Adams, 189
Friesen, 189
Travel restrictions
Lathlin, 315-316
Vaccination response
Lagimodiere, 3978
Vaccine appointment system
Lindsey, 1861-1862
Vaccine rollout plan
Adams, 2412
Lindsey, 1860, 1861, 2294-2295
Martin, 1860
Vaccine, paid time off for
Lindsey, 2285
Stefanson, 2285
Vaxport vaccine supersite--Thompson
Lindsey, 1411
Vulnerable populations
Gerrard, 680
International credential recognition
Sandhu, 244-245
Nurse-to-patient ratio, ICU's
Asagwara, 572-574
Friesen, 572-574
Personal protective equipment for
Lamont, 448
Pallister, 448
Utilization of retired nurses for testing
Kinew, 51-52
Sandhu, 244-245
COVID-19, opioid-related deaths
During pandemic
Asagwara, 128
Fontaine, 1294
Friesen, 107, 299, 578, 626-628
Lagassé, 3421
Sandhu, 1049
Smith, B., 106-107, 298-299, 578, 626-627, 1044
BC program
Moses, 2639
Sala, 1199
Wishart, 2644
Federal program
Guenter, 2638
Moses, 2638
Pallister, 3069-3071
Monies allocated for
Fielding, 3624
Wasyliw, 3624
Provincial program
Altomare, 2572
Fielding, 226-227, 358, 2400-2401, 2550-2551, 2658-2659, 2662, 2795, 2859, 3006
Fontaine, 2658-2659
Kinew, 226, 2490, 2701, 2791-2792, 2855-2856, 3463
Lamont, 2662
Lamoureux, 2638
Lindsey, 358, 2550-2551, 2638, 2639, 2795, 2859
Marcelino, 2400
Pallister, 2490, 2701-2702, 2791-2793, 2855-2856, 2859-2860, 3463-3464
Worker's mental health
Asagwara, 673
Friesen, 673
COVID-19, personal-care homes. See also Health Services Insurance Amendment Act (Personal Care Home Staffing Guidelines); Matter of Urgent Public Importance; Opposition Day Motion; Petitions; Public Health Amendment Act; Resolutions; specific care homes
Asymptomatic testing
Gerrard, 850-851
Kinew, 334
Lamont, 881
Call for emergency response
Asagwara, 445
Friesen, 445
Call for independent inquiry
Friesen, 775-776
Lamont, 775
Costs related to
Gerrard, 124
Deaths per capita
Gerrard, 267
Naylor, 2367
Sala, 2372
Elimination of for-profit facilities
Asagwara, 2756
Stefanson, 2756-2757
Expenses, funding coverage for
Lamont, 903
Expenses, refunds for
Gerrard, 390
Family visitation
Lamoureux, 136
Funding and staffing
Gerrard, 303
Pallister, 303
Government response
Adams, 906
Naylor, 382
Military assistance
Fontaine, 965-966
Gerrard, 571
Lamont, 966
Monies allocated for pandemic
Fielding, 163
Gerrard, 163
Movement of agency nurses
COVID transmission concerns
Stefanson, 2002-2003
Ontario/Quebec outbreaks
Moses, 894-895
Outbreak management--public vs. private homes
Marcelino, 908
Outbreak prevention
Goertzen, 2448
Pallister, 295-296
Outbreaks in
Friesen, 242
Kinew, 413
Pandemic funding plan
Asagwara, 522-523
Friesen, 522-523
Patient/staff ratio
Marcelino, 2513
Personal protective equipment
Asagwara, 381-382
Gerrard, 267
Kinew, 184-185
Pallister, 184-185
Placement of seniors in hotels
Friesen, 341
Lamont, 341
Rapid response teams
Gerrard, 267, 751, 850, 895-896
Request for independent review re: deaths at
Lamont, 3170-3171
Pallister, 3170-3171
Request for support for Bill 202
Asagwara, 1315-1316
Stefanson, 1316
Request to revoke licences
Asagwara, 1316
Stefanson, 1316
Resident and staff protection measures
Lamont, 35
Pallister, 35
Second wave preparedness
Kinew, 2246
Naylor, 973
Second wave response
Lamont, 1320-1321
Pallister, 1320
Stefanson, 1320-1321
Single-site rule
General comments
Friesen, 386
Lindsey, 2511-2512
Stefanson, 2504
Loss of wages by staff
Kinew, 2509
Lindsey, 2511-2512
Stefanson, 2003
Restricting staff movement
Stefanson, 2001-2002
Staff shortages
Marcelino, 2513-2514
Staff training in new facilities
Asagwara, 2004
Use of agency nurses--northern Manitoba
Lindsey, 2511-2512
Spread prevention
Friesen, 385-386
Gerrard, 267
Isleifson, 389
Kinew, 152
Pallister, 152
Staff appreciation
Guenter, 2508
Staff burnout
Staff movement between facilities
Sala, 2372
Stefanson, 2001
Staff shortages
Marcelino, 428
Sala, 2371
Sandhu, 1558
Staff vaccinations
Asagwara, 2552
Gerrard, 2510
Stefanson, 2552
Staffing levels and training
Asagwara, 381-382
Gerrard, 267
Kinew, 184-185
Pallister, 184-185
Sandhu, 2410
Temporary visitation shelters
Morley-Lecomte, 855
Squires, 58-59
Testing for staff and residents
Friesen, 160
Kinew, 873-875
Lamont, 924
Vaccinations--St. James Assiniboia
Johnston, 2263
Visitor restrictions
Isleifson, 389
Lagassé, 852
Wowchuk, 856
COVID-19, post-secondary education
Interest free loan period
Eichler, 605
Transition support funding
Moses, 604-605
Impact on
Fielding, 614
Public Accounts review of spending
Fielding, 715
Wasyliw, 715
Request for spending disclosure
Fontaine, 2860-2861
Pallister, 2860-2861
COVID-19, public-health orders
Anti-mask rally at the Forks
Fontaine, 2697
Anti-restrictions rally
Court injunction for violations
Fontaine, 3439-3440
Friesen, 3439-3441
General comments
Fontaine, 3297
Compliance fatigue
Asagwara, 127
Consequences for violations
Lamont, 3228-3229
Pallister, 3228-3229
Enforcement concerns
Friesen, 3903
Lamont, 3903
Expiration of orders
Asagwara, 2004
Kinew, 2508
General comments
Ewasko, 1058
Gerrard, 1060
Isleifson, 1054-1055
Kinew, 1051-1052
Michaleski, 1060
Sala, 1056
Mask mandate
Gerrard, 267
Wiebe, 312
Mask mandates, opposition to
Friesen, 227-228
Isleifson, 969
Naylor, 246-247
Modelling data used
Kinew, 2489-2490
Pallister, 2490
Municipal Enforcement Support Program
Johnson, 4152
Physician request for
Kinew, 3465
Political interference concerns
Kinew, 1051-1052
Premier's presence at announcement
Public enforcement--G4S contract
Helwer, 4133
Wasyliw, 4133
Public-health orders vs. emergency measures orders
Gerrard, 1052
Kinew, 1052
Religious services
Naylor, 1298
Restriction enforcement
Cullen, 986
Isleifson, 969
Pallister, 3124, 3127-3128, 3459
Reyes, 986
Self isolation accommodation personnel
Federal assistance
Pallister, 3515
Small business expenses
Sala, 864-865
Social gathering limits, messaging on
Pallister, 463
Tickets for violations
Pallister, 3067
Timeline for implementation
Kinew, 2699
Pallister, 2699
Vaccination exemptions
Gordon, 4215
Lamont, 4215
Violations--Springs Church
Fontaine, 3503-3504
Goertzen, 3503-3504
Pallister, 3504
Violators in ICU
Kinew, 3701
Pallister, 3701
Brandon Manitoba
Kinew, 1009
Thompson Manitoba
Adams, 274
COVID-19, rental assistance. See also Manitoba Commercial Rent Assist program
Commercial properties
Fielding, 618
Kinew, 53
Sandhu, 246
Eviction moratorium
Fielding, 620, 1119-1120, 3955
Goertzen, 3859
Sala, 1119-1120
Wasyliw, 620
Asymptomatic testing
Altomare, 1217
Goertzen, 1217-1218
Case numbers, weekly updates
Altomare, 3088
Cullen, 3089
Closure announcement
Pallister, 2883-2884, 3057-3062, 3064
Closures, Premier's presence at announcement
Kinew, 3065-3072
Pallister, 3065-3072
Curriculum delivery options
Lamoureux, 136-137
Department of education response
Lamont, 2760
Pallister, 2760
Federal funding
Altomare, 651, 654, 675, 700-701
Goertzen, 636-637, 656, 675, 701
Naylor, 654
Pallister, 1221
Home schooling
Altomare, 3091
Brar, 272
Cullen, 3091
Increase of cases
Altomare, 3087
Cullen, 3087
Parental notification delays
Goertzen, 338-339
Wasyliw, 338
Plan for reopening, early parental notification
Cullen, 3506-3507
Lamoureux, 3506
Pop-up vaccine clinics
Moses, 3265-3266
Stefanson, 3265-3266
Positive cases, teacher notification
Naylor, 657
Private school funding
Altomare, 3090
Cullen, 3090
Rapid testing and response
Altomare, 3088
Cullen, 3088
Rapid testing, availability
Goertzen, 3713
Lamont, 3713
Remote learning
Altomare, 2953-2954
Kinew, 2951-2952
Lamont, 2862-2863
Marcelino, 2954-2955
Pallister, 2951-2952
Squires, 2954-2955
Safe return to school
Sala, 131
Sandhu, 245
Safe Schools Fund
Cullen, 3468
School closures
Gerrard, 776
Goertzen, 1122
School division plan
Altomare, 115
School divisions, money allocated to
Altomare, 3089
Cullen, 3089-3090
Spread prevention
Brar, 273
Summer school enrollment
Cullen, 3134
Third wave closures
Lamont, 2760
Pallister, 2760
Urgent health and safety measure, definition of
Altomare, 3089
Cullen, 3089
Ventilation systems
Gerrard, 3586
Pallister, 3586
COVID-19, second wave. See also Matter of Urgent Public Importance; Resolutions
General comments
Asagwara, 268
Kinew, 519-520
Pallister, 519-520
Sala, 132
Government readiness
Gerrard, 717
Kinew, 917
Pallister, 917
Sala, 2685
Sandhu, 1558
Wasyliw, 1832
Government response
Helwer, 233-234
Kinew, 457
Lamont, 233
Pallister, 457
Wiebe, 313
Health system readiness
Kinew, 669-670
Pallister, 670
Personal-care home outbreaks
Lamont, 1320-1321
Pallister, 1320
Stefanson, 1320-1321
Personal-care home preparedness
Naylor, 973
Sala, 1057-1058
Small business supports
Altomare, 1167
Fielding, 616-617
Testing capacity preparation
Sala, 1057
Timing of health-care reform
Lamont, 2595
Stefanson, 2595
COVID-19, senior citizens. See also Seniors Economic Recovery Credit
Care services
Naylor, 247
Sandhu, 244
Impact on
Wishart, 1860
Gerrard, 2260
Martin, 1860
Wishart, 1860
Vaccine site accessibility
Asagwara, 1875-1876
Gerrard, 2240
COVID-19, small business. See also Members' statements
Accessibility of support programs
Lamont, 1180
Pallister, 1180-1181
Capacity restrictions
Smith, B., 122
Closure of
Brar, 273
Eichler, 545
Moses, 545
Compliance with health orders, expenses for
Sala, 864-865
Credit rating, concern for
Sala, 865
Federal/provincial programs
Eichler, 546
Moses, 546
Wasyliw, 858-859
Financial assistance
Fielding, 226-227, 618-619, 3624-3628
Kinew, 226, 256-257, 296, 444, 450, 456, 583-584, 769, 1277, 2490-2491
Moses, 545
Nesbitt, 862-864
Pallister, 257, 296, 444, 450, 467-468, 584, 591, 769-770, 1182-1183, 1277, 2490-2491, 2890
Piwniuk, 1159-1160
Sala, 131
Smith, B., 2622
Teitsma, 1285
Wasyliw, 450, 617-618, 1182, 3624-3628
Wishart, 1165
Grants for
Kinew, 770
Pallister, 770-771
Immigrants, work permits
Wasyliw, 1164
Lamont, 2580
Interest charges, rate relief
Nesbitt, 863
Large retailers
Restriction on sale of goods
Kinew, 770
Pallister, 770
New initiatives for
Eichler, 547-548
Moses, 547
Programs for
Smook, 866
Programs, eligibility restrictions
Pallister, 1025-1026
Wasyliw, 1025-1026
Restaurant delivery services
Commission fees
Second wave supports
Altomare, 1167
Fielding, 616-617
Shop local campaign
Nesbitt, 969
Support for
Kinew, 28-29
Pallister, 29
Upgrade costs
Wasyliw, 858
Utility/expense relief
Nesbitt, 863
Smith, B., 2378
Rapid testing
Goertzen, 1080-1081
Lamoureux, 1080-1081
Rapid testing--northern Manitoba
Adams, 2413
Substitute teacher shortage
Altomare, 654
Naylor, 654
Tests for teachers
Altomare, 674-675
Friesen, 675
Goertzen, 674
Vaccine priority
Lamont, 2889
Pallister, 2700-2701, 2856-2858, 2884, 2889
Stefanson, 2757
Budget for costs
Fielding, 3618-3622
Wasyliw, 3618-3621
Government response
Pallister, 3435-3438
Health system financial supports
Lamont, 3344
Pallister, 3344-3345
Health system readiness
Asagwara, 2952-2953
Stefanson, 2952-2953
Health system, impact on
Asagwara, 3438-3439
Goertzen, 3438-3439
Health-system staffing
Asagwara, 2702-2703
Stefanson, 2702-2703
Hospital staffing levels
Kinew, 3045-3046
Pallister, 3045-3046
Physician recommendations
Gerrard, 3443
Pallister, 3443
Adams, 2720
Fielding, 1830
Gerrard, 2260-2261
Wasyliw, 1830
Prevention measures
Lamont, 2313
Pallister, 2313
Projected case numbers
Kinew, 2353
Pallister, 2353
Projected ICU cases
Fontaine, 3225
Pallister, 3225
Safe reopening plan
Lamont, 3755-3756
Lamoureux, 3685
Pallister, 3685-3686, 3755-3756
School closures
Lamont, 2760
Pallister, 2760
Triage protocol
Asagwara, 3439
Goertzen, 3439
Lamont, 1480
Pallister, 1480-1481
Families stranded abroad
Brar, 272
US border closure/reopening
Kinew, 3128
Pallister, 3128-3129, 3131-3132
Market volatility
Wasyliw, 620
Cox, Hon. Cathy (Kildonan-River East) PC
Safe at Home initiative, 4144, 4148
Bay Building Fund
General comments, 4145
Preservation fund announcement, 2595-2596
Book Publishing Tax Credit, 4142
Budget 2021
Debate, 2341-2344
Candace House
Violent crime victim support, 2344
Caregiver Wage Support Program
General comments, 2342
Centennial Concert Hall
Funding for restoration, 1619
Revenue reduction due to pandemic, 4143
Clan Mothers Turtle Lodge
Job skills training, 2343
Committee of Supply
Concurrence Motion, 4243-4244
COVID-19 by sector
Arts and culture, 4143
Hospitality, supports for, 2342
COVID-19 pandemic
Essential workers/community recognition, 2341
COVID-19, demographics
Domestic violence shelters
Decrease in use during pandemic, 4146
Support services, 4146
Front-line women workers, impact on, 2845
Women, impact on, 33
Crime victims
Funding support announcement, 2216
USB data blockers, distribution to girls, 98
Domestic violence
Awareness campaign, multilingual services, 4148
Decrease in use during pandemic, 4146
Ethnocultural support services, 4147
NorWest Co-op program, 2343
Unemployment rate decrease, 2845
Empower Awards, 3920
Family Violence Prevention Program, 4141
Festival of Lights, 666
Film and TV industry
Manitoba Film and Music funding, 4141
Sunset clause, elimination of, 4141
Government plan for, 4151
Front-line workers
Impact of pandemic on women, 2845
Gender-based violence
Framework to address, 4140
Genesis House, 2344
Strengthening the Circle project, 2343
Gender-Based Violence Committee of Cabinet, 1359, 4145-4146
Genesis House
Gender-based violence program for men, 2344
Heart Medicine Lodge, 2342-2343
Heritage Trust Program, 4144-4145
Homeless Individuals and Families Information System
Shelter capacity and availability, 4141
Homeless shelters
Integrated Case Management System, 2342
Indigenous women
Construction skills training, 3920
International Curling Centre of Excellence (ICCE)
Business plan development, 4149-4150
International Day of the Girl, 98, 3920
Intimate images, non-consensual distribution, 2392-2393
Inuit population
Qaumajuq Inuit Art Centre, 2037-2038
Ka Ni Kanichihk, 2342-2343
Manitoba Arts Council
Annual report 2019-2020, 97-98
Manitoba Bridge Grant
General comments, 2341-2342
Manitoba Construction Sector Council
Women in heavy construction, 1408
Manitoba Film and Music
Funding, 4141
Manitoba Institute of Trades and Technology
Empower program for women, 1407-1408
Manitoba Moon Voices Inc.
Funding, 2343
Menstrual product availability
Plan to address, 4150
Request to supply all schools, 1420-1421
RHA staff training, 4244
Military Memorial Conservation Fund, 4144
Ministerial statements
Asian Heritage Month, 2877-2878
Chernobyl disaster, 2695
Cyber-security initiative for young women, 98
Diwali celebrations, 666
Holodomor, 1069
International Women's Day, 1407-1408
Manitoba Day, 2985
Non-consensual distribution of intimate images awareness day, 2392-2393
Pride Month, 3743
Quamajuq Inuit Art Centre, 2037-2038
Special Olympics Awareness Week, 3674
Vyshyvanka Day, 3333
Women's History Month, 3920
Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls Liaison Unit
Male-perpetrators of domestic violence, 2343
Mount Carmel Clinic Sage House
Funding, 2344
Northern education
Skilled trades training for women, 4140-4141
Northern health care
Sexual assault, child survivors
Long distance travel, medical care, 2013
Support services, 1220
NorWest Co-op
Family violence program, 2343
Oral Questions
Centennial Concert Hall
Funding for restoration, 1619
Child survivors of sexual assault
Northern support services needed, 1220
COVID-19's effect on women
Request for economic support, 33
Employment support for women
Paid sick leave and child care, 1417-1418
Hudson's Bay Company building
Preservation fund announcement, 2595-2596
Menstrual product availability
Request to supply all schools, 1420-1421
Online administration of park passes
Revenue to out-of-province company, 3929-3930
Supports for crime victims
Funding announcement, 2216
Paid sick leave
Women, impact on, 1417-1418
Online administration of park passes
Revenue to out-of-province company, 3929-3930
Portage la Prairie Bear Clan
Funding, 2343
Preventing and Addressing Family Violence, 2343
Qaumajuq Inuit Art Centre, 2037-2038
Reporting of Supports for Child Survivors of Sexual Assault Act (Trained Health Professionals and Evidence Collection Kits) (Bill 213)
2 R
Calling upon the provincial government to support women's economic recovery
Debate, 2844-2846
Recognizing Folklorama for its significant contributions to honouring culture and diversity in Manitoba
Debate, 4018-4019
Risk Recognition Program
Wage subsidy, 2342
Rural Manitoba
Sexual assault, child survivors
Long distance travel, medical exam, 1220
Safe at Home initiative
Arts and culture support during pandemic, 4144
Projects funded, 4148
Sexual assault
Heart Medicine Lodge, 2342-2343
Intimate images, non-consensual distribution, 2392
Survivor's Hope Crisis Centre, 2343
Western Manitoba Women's Regional Resource Centre Inc., 2343
Sexual Assault Awareness Month, 2392
Sexual assault nurse examiner (SANE)
Pediatric patients, 2013
Sexual assault, child survivors
Long distance travel, medical exam--rural/northern Manitoba, 2013
Northern support services, 1220
Support services--northern Manitoba, 1220
Signature Museum Sustainability Funds, 4144-4145
Societé de la francophonie manitobaine
Funding, 2344
Special Olympics Manitoba
Virtual programming, 3674
Sport, Culture and Heritage Department
Opening statements, 4140-4142
Speakers, 4142-4151
Main Estimates Supplement 2021-2022, 2650
St. Boniface Industrial Park
Expansion of archival facility, 4243
Survivor's Hope Crisis Centre, 2343
Toba Centre for Children and Youth, 2343
Victim support programs
Funding, 2342
Victims Assistance Fund, 1358
Violent crime victim support
Candace House, 2344
West Central Women's Resource Centre
Child day care funding, 4148
Strengthening the Circle project, 2343
Western Manitoba Women's Regional Resource Centre Inc.
Crisis-based sexual assault treatment services, 2343
Paid sick leave and child care, 1417-1418
Trades training, 1407-1408
Women's resource centres
Funding, 4147
CRB. See Canada Recovery Benefit
Crean, Jim. See Speaker's Statement
Credit Unions and Caisses Populaires Amendment Act (Bill 22)
1 R
Fielding, 146
2 R
Lamont, 2123
Wasyliw, 2122-2123
Opening statement
Fielding, 2120-2122
Fielding, 2122
Lamont, 2122
Wasyliw, 2122
Referred to Standing Committee on Social and Economic Development
C/3 R
Fielding, 3403
Filmon, 3406
Board appointments
Fielding, 2121
Deposit Guarantee Corporation, deposit and liquidity requirements
Fielding, 2122
Lamont, 2122
Deposit Guarantee Corporation, primary regulator
Fielding, 2120
Electronic meetings for remote participation
Fielding, 2121
Mortgage assets
Fielding, 2122
Lamont, 2122
Cree Nation. See specific Nations
Crichton, Dr. Vince. See Members' statements
Crime Prevention Foundation Act
Repeal of
Marcelino, 2463
Funding support announcement
Cox, 2216
Smith, A., 2216
Community organization
Fontaine, 2010-2011
Crime prevention initiatives
Friesen, 3586
Isleifson, 3586
Criminal Property Forfeiture Amendment Act (2) (Bill 209)
1 R
Fontaine, 663
Criminal Property Forfeiture Amendment Act (Bill 58)
1 R
Cullen, 438
2 R
Fontaine, 2010-2011
Gerrard, 2051-2052
Opening statement
Friesen, 2006-2007
Fontaine, 2007-2010
Friesen, 2007-2010
Gerrard, 2007-2010
Referred to Standing Committee Justice
C/3 R
Fontaine, 3385-3386
Friesen, 3384-3385
Gerrard, 3386-3387
Filmon, 3407
Financial institutions, compelled to disclose account information
Friesen, 2007
Preliminary disclosure order
Friesen, 2006
Preliminary disclosure order, unexplained wealth
Friesen, 2006
Preliminary preservation order
Presumptions, clarification of
Friesen, 2007
Property seizure
Fontaine, 2008
Friesen, 2008-2009
Gerrard, 2008
Property seizure mistakes, retribution for
Property seizure, marginalized communities
Fontaine, 2009-2010
Friesen, 2009-2010
Gerrard, 2009
Restoration of seized property
Criminal Property Forfeiture Branch
Civil forfeiture process, expansion of
Friesen, 4168
Increased participation
Pedersen, 2383
Smook, 1510
Funding and case load
Lamont, 799-800
Board of directors
Removal of fiduciary responsibilities
Kinew, 210
Capital projects
Treasury Board review
Pallister, 598
CEO travel expenses, FIPPA requests
Goertzen, 1724
Crown assets, sale of
Lamont, 377
Electronic meetings
Goertzen, 1925
Respectful workplace complaints, FIPPA requests
Goertzen, 1724
Crown Corporations, Standing Committee on
First report
Smook, 18-19
Second report
Smook, 19-20
First report
Martin, 3796
Second report
Morley-Lecomte, 3797-3798
Third report
Morley-Lecomte, 3798
Timeline for tabling annual report
Goertzen, 2095
Conversion to pasture land
Management by Manitoba Wildlife Federation
Gerrard, 3267
Pedersen, 3267
Crown Land Dispositions Act (Various Acts Amended) (Bill 12)
1 R
Helwer, 141
2 R
Brar, 1792-1794
Gerrard, 1796-1797
Wasyliw, 1794-1796
Opening statement
Brar, 1789-1791
Gerrard, 1789-1791
Helwer, 1789-1791
Referred to Standing Committee on Social and Economic Development
C/3 R
Brar, 3310-3311
Gerrard, 3311
Helwer, 3309-3310
Filmon, 3505
Brar, 1791
Helwer, 1791
Land sales expectation
Gerrard, 1791
Helwer, 1791
Land sales, approval process
Helwer, 1789
Land sales, Cabinet approval
Brar, 1792
Wasyliw, 1795
Land sales, fair valuation of land
Gerrard, 1796
Land sales, senior civil servants
Gerrard, 1790
Helwer, 1790
Land sales, senior civil servants relatives
Gerrard, 1792
Helwer, 1792
Provincial park land, sale of
Gerrard, 1789
Helwer, 1789
Senior civil servants, definition of
Gerrard, 1790
Helwer, 1791
Stewardship of land sold
Gerrard, 1796-1797
Treaty land entitlement
Gerrard, 1792
Helwer, 1792
Wasyliw, 1795
Current process for
Wasyliw, 1795
Debate, 470-482, 548-561, 610-612, 3539-3552, 3650-3667, 3710-3715, 3778-3789
Opening statements
Lamont, 3664-3666
Sala, 471-482, 548-558, 610, 3540-3552, 3650-3664, 3710-3715, 3778-3780, 3784
Wharton, 471-482, 548-561, 610-612, 3540-3552, 3650-3667, 3710-3715, 3778-3789
Main Estimates Supplement 2021-2122
Wharton, 2649
Cullen, Hon. Cliff (Spruce Woods) PC
Addiction treatment
General comments, 1038
Administrative Tribunal Jurisdiction Act (Bill 27)
1 R, 144
Adult learning centres
Transitional provisions, school division amalgamations, 3470-3471
Transitional provisions, school division funding, 3470-3471
Atomic Energy of Canada
Whiteshell School District financial arrangement, 3469
Better Education Starts Today, 2360
Child poverty, 3473
General comments, 3473
Nutrition programs, education outcomes, 2213-2214
City of Winnipeg
Scrap metal sales by-laws, 957
Collective bargaining
Correctional officers, 2796
Manitoba Teachers' Society, single agreement, 1737
Number of units for teachers, 1736
School principals/vice principals
Province-wide collective agreement, 1739
Separate bargaining unit for, 1739
Conflict of Interest (Members and Ministers) and Related Amendment Act (Bill 21)
1 R, 144
Correctional officers
Collective bargaining negotiations, 2796
Court Practice and Administration Act (Various Acts Amended) (Bill 46)
1 R, 437
COVID-19 pandemic
Video conferencing, increase in, 789
COVID-19 testing
Correctional facilities, 447, 589
COVID-19 vaccine, at-risk populations
Education staff, 2758
Teachers and child-care sector, 2858-2859, 2884-2885
COVID-19, child-care centres
Vaccine priority for staff, 2858-2859, 2884-2885
COVID-19, correctional facilities
Conditions for staff and incarcerated individuals, 812-813
Incarcerated individuals, update on, 589
Personal protective equipment, 447, 589
Spread prevention, 104-105, 188-189, 265, 400-401, 446-447
COVID-19, education system
Carry-over funds, Budget 2020, 3133
Education assistants, layoff concerns, 3051-3052, 3085
Federal/provincial monies spent, 1619, 3262-3263, 3467-3468, 3583
Mental health services, 3134
Per-pupil funding, 3090
Remote learning, timing of public notification, 3167-3168
Staff appreciation during pandemic, 1737
Summer school enrollment, 3134
Transmission data, public health tracking, 3083-3084
COVID-19, mental health
Youth and young adult supports, 2890
COVID-19, public-health orders
Restriction enforcement, 986
COVID-19, schools
Case numbers, weekly updates, 3089
Closure announcement, 3084, 3441
Home schooling, 3091
Increase of cases, 3087
Plan for reopening, early parental notification, 3506-3507
Private school funding, 3090
Rapid testing and response, 3088
Remote learning, 2862-2863, 2953-2954
Safe Schools Fund, 3468
School divisions, money allocated to, 3089-3090
Summer school enrollment, 3134
Urgent health and safety measure, definition of, 3089
COVID-19, teachers
Vaccine priority, 2858-2859, 2884-2885
Criminal Property Forfeiture Amendment Act (Bill 58)
1 R, 438
Division scolaire franco-manitobaine
New school--Transcona, 3081
Separate collective agreement, 1738
Single school division, 1737
Education Department
Opening statements, 3078-3079
Speakers, 3080-3091, 3133-3144, 3466-3476
FTEs, reduction in, 3081-3082
Main Estimates Supplement 2021-2022, 2650
Meyers Norris Penny review, 3138
Respectful workplace violations, 3144
Transition team, FTE's, 3137
Education Modernization Act (Bill 64)
Education Minister's position, 3810
Request for referendum, 2453-2454
Request to withdraw Bill, 2180, 2357
Education system
Administration costs, Manitoba vs. Ontario, 3141
Capital investments, 3081
Child poverty and nutrition programs, 1680-1681
Classroom debate on government policy
Education Minister's comments, 3583-3585
Clinicians employed, number of, 3091
Collective agreements, back pay, 3136
Enrolment numbers, 3091
FRAME report, release of, 1714, 1783, 3090
Funding, 2239-2240
Funding after Bill 64, 1714-1715
Inclusive education curriculum, 1815
Indigenous Inclusion Directorate Advisory Council, 3143-3144
Menstrual product availability, 3928-3929
New provincial authority
Funding for teaching positions, 3470
Nutrition programs, 2357-2358
Program fees, future of, 3474
Provincial education authority
Appointee qualifications, 3141
Length of appointments, 3142
Unsettled collective agreements, 3136
Psychological assessments, demand for, 3135
Red tape reduction, 3475-3476
Sensitive content curriculum, 3143
Shared services agreements, 3468-3469
Small class sizes, 1679-1680
Education system review
Request to release report, 1517-1518
Transitional authority, qualifications for, 3082
Engage Manitoba
Rural property crime, 957
French education
French immersion teachers, plans to hire, 3475
New school--Transcona, 3081
Headingley Correctional Centre, COVID-19
Condition for staff and incarcerated individuals, 812-813
Mitigation of outbreak, 588
Horse Racing Regulatory Modernization Act (Liquor, Gaming and Cannabis Control Act and Pari-Mutuel Levy Act Amended) (Bill 31)
1 R, 144-145
Human Rights Code Amendment Act (Bill 26)
1 R, 144
Indigenous education
Treaty Education Initiative, 3143-3144
Indigenous Inclusion Directorate Advisory Council, 3143-3144
Gender-based violence education, 882
Justice system
Air services position, candidate security clearance, 73-74
Legal Aid Manitoba
Annual report 2019-2020, 98
Legal Aid Manitoba Amendment Act (Bill 50)
1 R, 437
Legal Profession Amendment Act (Bill 24)
1 R, 144
Limitations Act (Bill 51)
1 R, 437-438
Liquor, Gaming and Cannabis Control Amendment Act (2) (Bill 60)
1 R, 439
Liquor, Gaming and Cannabis Control Amendment Act (Bill 6)
1 R, 143
Liquor, Gaming and Cannabis Control Amendment Act (Cannabis Social Responsibility Fee) (Bill 5)
1 R, 143
Manitoba Hydro
Scrap metal theft, 956
Manitoba Teachers' Society
Collective bargaining single agreement, 1737
Consultation on Bill 45, 1738
Partisan politics in the classroom, 3756-3757
Meyers Norris Penny
Education Department review, 3138
Minor Amendments and Corrections Act, 2021 (Bill 52)
1 R, 438
Northern education
Equitable education re: Bill 64, 1683
Local input concerns re: Bill 64, 1683
Teachers consultations on Bill 45, 2454
Opioid Damages and Health Care Costs Recovery Act (Bill 9)
1 R, 143
2 R
Opening statement, 1037-1038
Questions, 1038-1040
C 3/R, 1293
Class action lawsuit, companies involved, 1039
Class action lawsuit, cost of, 1039-1040
Class action lawsuit, length of, 1040
Class action lawsuit, Manitoba participation, 1038, 1293
Individual narratives, inclusion in lawsuit, 1038
Settlement, plans for, 1039
Oral Questions
Air services for Manitoba Justice
Security clearance case concern, 73-74
Better Education Starts Today
Government strategy, 2360
Classroom debate on government policy
Education Minister's comments, 3583-3585
Correctional facilities
COVID-19 spread prevention plan, 104-105, 188-189, 265, 400-401, 446-447
Testing and PPE, 589
Correctional officers contract
Collective bargaining negotiations, 2796
COVID-19 and education funding
Inquiry into federal monies spent, 3262-3263
COVID-19 and education system
Provincial use of federal funds, 1619
COVID-19 and mental health
Youth and young adult supports, 2890
COVID-19 in schools
Remote learning, 2862-2863
COVID-19 vaccine eligibility
Priority for education sector, 2758
Priority for teachers and staff, 2858-2859
COVID-19 vaccine priority
Teachers and daycare staff, 2884-2885
Education assistants
Layoff concerns, 3051-3052
Education Modernization Act
Education Minister's position, 3810
Equitable education in the North, 1683
Parent advisory councils, 1716-1717
Request for referendum, 2453-2454
Request to withdraw Bill 64, 2180, 2357
Education reform
Funding concerns, 1714-1715
Education system
Funding concerns, 2239-2240
Nutrition programs, 2357-2358
Request for investments, 2287
Education system funding
Release of the FRAME report, 1783
Education system improvements
Child poverty and nutrition programs, 1680-1681
Education system review
Request to release, 1517-1518
Headingley Correctional Centre
Condition for staff and incarcerated individuals, 812-813
COVID-18 spread prevention, 812
Mitigation of COVID-19 outbreak, 588
Incarcerated individuals
Update for families, 589
Inclusive education curriculum
Request for government support, 1815
Judicial gender-based violence education
Request for government support of legislation, 882
Lawsuit against opioid manufacturers
Legislation enabling Manitoba participation, 1123
Manitoba school divisions
Funding level concerns, 1517
Staff reduction concerns, 3683
Manitoba Teachers' Society
Partisan politics in the classroom, 3756-3757
Menstrual product availability
Request to supply schools, 3928-3929
New school construction
Government announcement, 3000
New schools in southwest Winnipeg
Construction announcement, 4039
Northern and rural teachers
Consultations on Bill 45, 2454
Nutrition programs for children in poverty
Effect on education outcomes, 2213-2214
Pandemic funding for schools
Federal-provincial monies spent, 3583
Parent Engagement Taskforce
Government announcement, 3444
Plan for reopening of schools
Request for early parental notification, 3506-3507
Public-health orders during pandemic
Government enforcement measures, 986
School closure announcements
Request for early notification, 3441
Small class sizes
Government priority, 1679-1680
Steinbach Regional Secondary School
COVID-19 vaccination directive to staff, 3505
Switch to remote learning
Impact on Manitoba families, 2953-2954
Timing of public notification, 3167-3168
Parent advisory councils
Community engagement, 3472
General comments, 1716-1717
Make-up of, 3472
Parent Engagement Taskforce, 3444
Government announcement, 3444
Personal protective equipment
Correctional facilities, 447, 589
Personal-care homes
Video conferencing, legal matters, 790
Petty Trespasses Amendment and Occupiers' Liability Amendment Act (Bill 63)
1 R, 439
Police Services Amendment Act (Bill 59)
1 R, 438-439
Poverty Reduction Committee
Four pillars of, 3473-3474
Protection of Critical Infrastructure Act (Bill 57)
1 R, 438
Public Schools Amendment and Manitoba Teachers' Society Amendment Act (Bill 45)
2 R
Opening statement, 1736-1737
Questions, 1737-1740
C/3 R, 3369
Employers' organization, division and districts, 1737
Request to defer, 3135
Regulations registered under the Statutes and Regulations Act
Report tabling, 181
Remote Witnessing and Commissioning Act (Various Acts Amended) (Bill 42)
1 R, 437
2 R
Opening statement, 788-789
Questions, 789-792
C 3/R, 1131
Consultations, 790
Identity safeguards, 791
Safety of, 790-791
Timeline for implementation, 790
Rural Manitoba
Scrap metal theft, 956
Safe consumption sites
Expansion of, 1039
Safe Restart Contingency Fund, 3090
Safe Schools Fund
General comments, 3468
Ventilation upgrades, 3086
School boards
Trustee salary and expenses, 3139-3140
School buses
Travel time on, 3473
School community councils
Representation on, 3142
School construction
Construction announcement--Waverley, 4039
Government announcement, 3000
School divisions
Funding, 1517
Money allocated to for pandemic, 3089-3090
Staff reduction concerns, 3683
Closures, decision making authority, 3471-3472
Equitable access to programs, 3475
Scrap metal sales
City of Winnipeg by-laws, 957
Origin of materials, proof of, 956
Scrap Metal Sales Accountability Act (Bill 200)
2 R
Questions, 956-957
Consultations, 957
Scrap metal theft
Manitoba Hydro sites, 956
Rural crime, 956
Steinbach Regional Secondary School
COVID-19 vaccination directive to staff re: vaccines, 3505
French immersion teachers, plans to hire, 3475
Number of teachers, 3091
Treaty Education Initiative, 3143-3144
Tobacco industry
Current lawsuit, 1039
Transcona constituency
New french school, 3081
Treaty Education Initiative
Percentage of teachers trained, 3143-3144
Whiteshell School District
Atomic Energy of Canada financial arrangement, 3469
Mental health support during pandemic, 2890
Cunningham, Bob. See Members' statements
Curling. See International Curling Centre of Excellence; Members' statements
Cyber-security. See also Ministerial statements
USB data blockers, distribution to girls
Cox, 98
Marcelino, 98
Cystic fibrosis. See also Members' statements
Pharmacare coverage for TRIKAFTA
Gordon, 4212