HOUSE INDEX - 4th Session - 41st Legislature
# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Pacle, Calia. See Members' statements under Avila, Corrina and Calia Pacle
Bahalla, Marianne, 2279
Belec, Hannah, 2317-2318
Brar, Ravneet, 2214
Brazeau, Kolton, 2214
Chin, Chris, 2279
Dubois, Bianca, 2026
Gameiro, Kes, 2177-2178
Groeneveld, Avery, 2318
Han, Richard, 2318
Wiens, Hannah, 2026
Pallister, Hon. Brian (Forte Whyte) PC
Abortion services
Support for legislation request, 92
HIV/AIDS cases, 1897-1898
Addiction treatment services
Funding and wait times, 581-583
Harm reduction resources, 662-664
Provincial spending on, 1030
Request for government plan, 1286-1287
Agriculture industry
Value-added investments, 790
Air ambulance service
Death of patient, critical incident report, 304
Ambulance services
Interfacility transfer fees, 2073-2074
An Act Concerning the Leasing of 800 Adele Avenue, Winnipeg (Bill 32)
Contract tendering practices, 1970
Status of children in care, 1970
An Act Respecting the Administration of Oaths of Office (Bill 1), 8-9
Improvements, government position, 1811
Bilateral health agreement
Indigenous communities, 1323-1324
Bipole III transmission line
Manitoba Hydro agreements, 525-526
Brandon Manitoba
Detox facility needed, 44-45, 401
Budget 2019 debate, 786-791
Bureau de l'éducation française
Assistant Deputy Minister position, 298
CancerCare Manitoba
Community clinics, 1401
Funding, 1031-1032
Government review, 18-19
Cannabis revenue
Municipal share, 162
Capital investment
Industrial properties, 1479
Residential properties, 1479
Retail, 1479
Carbon tax
Provincial legal challenge, 991-992
Cellphone plans
Affordability, 90-91
Child care
Fee increase inquiry, 702-703
Wait list, tracking method, 987-988
Child-care centres
Fee increase inquiry, 987
Operating grants, 953-954
Children in care
National Child Benefit clawback, 624
Standards for counting, 623
Vulnerable children
Government response, 661-662
Government update, 701-702
Children's disABILITY Services
Program funding, 955-956
City of Winnipeg
Government relations, 1472
Road repair budget, 1114-1115
City of Winnipeg (provincial review)
City's response to, 1472-1474
Completion timeline, 1469-1470
Department conducting, 1468-1469
Independence of, 1903-1904, 1973-1974, 2034-2035
Licensing and permitting, 2111-2112
Permit approvals/finances, 1405-1406
Permit delays, 1467-1469
Scope of, 1467-1477
Use of consultants, 1467
Civil Service
Employee engagement survey, 1761-1763
Workplace reforms, 789-790
Climate change
Government position, 1065-1066
Provincial policy needed, 988-989
Science-based policy, 963
Community Places Program
Project approval concerns, 1670-1671, 1811-1812
Community safety, 2324-2325
Concordia Hospital
Lab services, 1196
Concordia Hospital ER closure
Management review, 1711
Request to reopen, 2319-2320
Request to retain services, 492-494, 521-523, 541-543, 1196-1197, 1287-1288, 1315-1316, 1402, 1409, 1526, 1617-1618, 1665-1666, 1673-1674, 1707-1709, 1760-1761, 1803-1804, 1807-1808, 1965-1967, 2026-2027, 2068-2069, 2106-2107, 2115, 2129-2130
Conflict of interest
Legislation, government intention, 1153
Conflict of Interest Commissioner
Independent body, request for, 1153-1154
Cost of living--Manitoba
Affordability concerns, 357-358
Crown land leasing
Auction system concerns, 97
Curriculum Support Centre
Elimination of library services, 623
Detox facilities
Medically assisted, request for, 2027-2028
Disabilities, persons with
Children's disABILITY Services funding, 955-956
Disability support workers
Training and wages, 300-301
Dominion Bond Rating Service (DBRS)
Credit rating--Manitoba, 286
Drainage projects
Impact on Manitoba, 1482
Economic development strategy
Plan, need for, 24
Cost of permit delays, 2327-2328
Government record, 2327
Growth and jobs plan, 406-407
Keeyask and Bipole III, 1769-1770
Education system
Mental health curriculum, 1667
Small class sizes, 1316-1318
Education system review
Goal of review, 1531-1532
School division funding, 1532
School division presentation, 1531
Election campaign financing
Expenses rebate, 1769
Government position on Bill 232, 1034
Election call, government position, 2110-2111
Fixed election date
Finance Minister's comments, 1198-1199
Government intention, 1034-1035
Government position, 1149-1150, 1768
PC 2016 election platform
Fixed election date, 1060-1061
Pre-election media blackout
Impact on ER closure notifications, 2320-2321
Emergency room services
Closure notifications
Pre-election media blackout, 2320-2321
Closures, 1618-1619
Closures, request to stop, 358-360
Moratorium on closures, 1288-1289
Job creation, development plan, 399-400
Job protection, First Ministers' conference, 399
Employment and Income Assistance (EIA)
Basic needs rate reduction, 1293
Transition Support Services, 17
Access to capital, 25
Executive Council
Opening statements, 1466
Speakers, 1467-1486
Staff introductions, 1467
Family Medical Centre
Patient-care concerns, 769
Federal equalization payments
Provincial deficit, 547-548
Finance Minister's comments
Fixed election date law, 1198-1199
First Nations
Lake St. Martin outlet, consultations, 215
Land development, duty to consult, 215
Flood protection
Budget reduction concerns, 544
Fontaine, Tina
Children's Advocate report, 618-619, 662
Food inspection services
Position vacancies, 1626
Francophone rights
Solidarity meeting, 211
French language services
Health and education sectors, 211-212
Translation services, cuts to positions, 208-210
French language university
Cancellation of project--Ontario, 297
Front-line services
Consultant spending, 1669-1670
Governor General of Canada
Visit to Manitoba, 284-285
Grand bargain proposal
Internal trade and health funding, 666-667
Greenhouse gas emissions
Climate change, action on, 1322
Health-care service reform
Government record, 577-587
Impact on ER services, 88-89
Impact on front-line workers, 404
Nurse staffing levels, 1452-1454, 2108-2109
Nursing ad campaign, 1898-1899
Peachey report recommendations, 1808-1809, 1902
Request to restore services, 520-521
Request to stop ER closures, 491
RHA budgets, 1525-1526
Service delivery concerns, 1402, 1711-1713
Timeliness of election, 1902
Health-care services
Capital spending, 2075-2076
Funding--federal, 404, 958-960, 1456-1457
Funding--provincial, 496-497, 550, 770, 1808
Funding, Premier's federal record, 403
Government intention, 16
Premier's grand bargain proposal, 666-667
Wait times, staff vacancy rates, 2069-2071
Helen Betty Osborne Memorial Foundation
Provincial funding contribution, 1623
Highways and roads
Budget reduction concerns, 544
Maintenance budget, 578-579
Repairs--City of Winnipeg, 1114-1115
Residential road repair, 766-767
Safety programs, privatization, 163-164
Increase in cases, addiction link, 1897-1898
Home energy products
Door-to-door sales ban, 1324
HudBay Minerals Inc.
Employment concerns--Flin Flon, 246-247
Flin Flon closure, 205-206
Permit delays, 1483
Improving Access and Coordination of Mental Health and Addiction Services: A Provincial Strategy for all Manitobans
Implementation of recommendations, 1667, 1902
School curriculum, inclusion in, 1667
Social determinants of health, 1667-1668
Indigenous communities
Suicide rate, 1323
Indigenous health care
Bilateral health agreement, 1324
Indigenous women
Government support inquiry, 2322
Long-term strategy request, 1068-1069
Insurance Brokers of Manitoba
Meeting regarding online services, 1122
Interest rates
Future increase to, 285
Interlake Reserves Tribal Council
Lake St. Martin access road
Duty to consult, 1479-1480
Traditional land use study, 1481-1482
Intravenous drug use
Harm reduction policy, 1118
Public awareness campaign, 1118-1119
Stabilization units, 1119
Keewatin Air
Proposal for air services, 1905
Keeyask hydro dam
Debt payments, 1769-1770
Lake St. Martin access road
Brush clearing
Environmental assessment authorization, 1458
Interlake Reserves Tribal Council
Duty to consult, 1480
Traditional land use study, 1481-1482
Lake St. Martin outlet
First Nations consultations, 215
Lead contamination sites
Soil remediation plan, 770
Testing and release of reports, 365
Lifeflight Air Ambulance privatization
Keewatin Air proposal, 1905
Quality of service provision, 296
Manitoba Advocate for Children and Youth report
Implementation of recommendations, 619, 662
Manitoba Hydro
Bipole III agreements, 525-526
Board, contracts and agreements, 2030-2031
Metis Federation contracts/agreements, 2030-2031
Profits, rate increases, 1197-1198
Rate increase, 1114, 1148-1149
Review, inspections and permitting, 1477-1479
Manitoba Public Insurance (MPI)
Policy discussions
Request for Premier's recusal, 1157
Premier's insurance licence
Conflict of interest inquiry, 1032-1033
Privatization inquiry, 773
Rate increase, 357
Manitoba's 150th anniversary
Infrastructure projects, 1459-1460
Mature Women's Centre
Request to restore funding, 1400-1401
Mediation services
Labour disruption concerns, 625
Members'/ministers' salaries
Wage freeze, 285
Mental health
Education system curriculum, 1667
Mental health and addiction
Government plan to address, 2028-2029
VIRGO report implementation, 1902
Methamphetamine addiction
Acknowledgement of crisis, 400
Safe consumption site, 400-401
Violent crime, 706-707
Methamphetamine addiction treatment
Detox facility needed--Brandon, 44-45, 401
Options for women, 299
Metis Federation
Hydro contracts and agreements, 2030-2031
Availability--Northern Manitoba, 2323-2324
Availability--rural Manitoba, 2323-2324
Rollout and reimbursement, 2323
Mining and mineral industry
Bill C-69 concerns--federal, 1484
Exploration and development--Northern Manitoba, 710
Exploration and permit wait times, 500-501, 1482-1484
Mining Community Reserve Fund
Release of funds, 1485
Ministerial statements
Ethics in government procurement practices, 487
Victory in Europe Day, 1701-1702
Missing and murdered indigenous women and girls (MMIWG)
Government plan of action, request for, 621-622
Implementation of recommendations, 2324
Inquiry, release of final report, 2319
Modernization of the National Energy Board and Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency (Bill C-69), 1484
Municipal Road and Bridge Program
Request to reinstate program, 46-47
Request to restore funding, 161-162
Cannabis revenue, share of, 162
National Child Benefit
CFS care clawback, 624
Northern Manitoba economy
Development plan, 207-208, 399
Job losses, 254-255, 408, 2325-2327
Mining exploration and development, 710
Review of programs, consultant costs, 1767-1768
Northern Manitoba health care
Mifegymiso access, 2323-2324
Obstetric services, 254-255
Notre Dame Cathedral fire
Statement of sympathy, 1286
Nursing profession
Ad campaign, 1898-1899
Cardiac care staff levels--St. Boniface Hospital, 765
Health-care service reform, staffing levels, 1452-1454, 2108-2109
Oral Questions
Addiction treatment services
Federal/provincial funding, 1030
Funding and wait times, 581-583
Harm reduction resources, 662-664
Request for government plan, 1286-1287
Adele Avenue lease agreement
Contract tendering practices, 1970
Status of children in care, 1970
Air ambulance service-patient death
Request to release critical incident report, 304
Ambulance services
Interfacility transfer fees, 2073-2074
Bipole III transmission line
Manitoba Hydro agreements, 525-526
Bureau de l'éducation française
Assistant Deputy Minister position, 298
CancerCare Manitoba
Community clinics, 1401
Funding intention, 1031-1032
Government review, 18-19
Cardiac surgery cancellations
Nurse staffing levels, 1524-1525
Cellphone plans
Affordability, 90-91
Child-care centres
Fee increase inquiry, 987
Operating grants, 953-954
Child-care services
Fee increase inquiry, 702-703
Wait list tracking method, 987-988
Children in care
National Child Benefit clawback, 624
Standards for counting, 623
Children in care at a safety risk
Government response, 661-662
Government update, 701-702
Children's Advocate report
Implementation of recommendations, 619, 662
Children's disABILITY Services
Program funding concerns, 955-956
City of Winnipeg
Road repair request, 1114-1115
City of Winnipeg review
Independence of review, 1903-1904, 1973-1974, 2034-2035
Licensing and permitting, 2111-2112
Permit approvals and finances, 1405-1406
Civil Service survey
Employee engagement, 1761-1763
Climate change
Government position, 1065-1066
Greenhouse gas emissions, 1322
Provincial policy needed, 988-989
Science-based policies, 963
Closure of HudBay mining operations
Employment concerns for Flin Flon, 246-247
Community Places Program
Project approval concerns, 1670-1671, 1811-1812
Concordia and Seven Oaks hospitals
Request to retain ER services, 492-494, 521-523, 1196-1197, 1287-1288, 1315-1316, 1402, 1409, 1526, 1617-1618, 1665-1666, 1707-1709, 1760-1761, 1803-1804, 1807-1808, 1965-1967, 2026-2027, 2068-2069, 2106-2107, 2115, 2129-2130
Concordia Hospital
Lab services, 1196
Concordia Hospital ER closure
Management review, 1711
Request to reopen, 2319-2320
Request to retain service, 1673-1674
Conflict of Interest Commissioner
Request for independent body, 1153-1154
Conflict of interest legislation
Government intention, 1153
Cost of living in Manitoba
Affordability concerns, 357-358
Crown land leasing
Auction system concerns, 97
Cultural sector improvements
Government position, 1811
Curriculum Support Centre
Elimination of library services, 623
Disability support workers
Training and wages, 300-301
Economic development strategy
Request for government plan, 24
Cost of permit delays, 2327-2328
Government record, 2327
Growth and jobs plan, 406-407
Keeyask and Bipole III, 1769-1770
Education review K-12
Goal of review, 1531-1532
School division funding, 1532
School division presentation, 1531
Election financing laws
Expenses rebate, 1769
The Elections Act
Government position on election call, 2110-2111
Emergency room services
Moratorium on closures, 1288-1289
Request to stop closures, 358-360
Employment and Income Assistance
Basic needs rate reduction, 1293
Family Medical Centre
Patient-care concerns, 769
Federal carbon tax
Provincial legal challenge, 991-992
Finance Minister's comments
Fixed election date law, 1198-1199
First Nations land development
Government's duty to consult, 215
Fixed election date law
Government intention, 1034-1035
Government position, 1149-1150, 1768
Food inspection services
Position vacancies, 1626
Francophone rights
Solidarity meeting, 211
French language services
Health and education sectors, 211-212
Front-line services
Consultant spending, 1669-1670
Health and finance funding
Premier's federal record, 403
Health-care service reform
ER closures, 1618-1619
Government record, 577-587
Impact on ER services, 88-89
Impact on front-line workers, 404
Impact on services, 1402
Nurse staffing levels, 1452-1454, 2108-2109
Nursing ad campaign, 1898-1899
Peachey report recommendations, 1808, 1809, 1902
Request to restore services, 520-521
Request to stop ER closures, 491
RHA budgets, 1525-1526
Service delivery concerns, 1711-1713
Shared Health Services, 498
Timeliness of election, 1902
Health-care services
Capital spending, 2075-2076
Federal funding, 404, 958-960, 1456-1457
Government intention, 16
Provincial funding levels, 496-497, 770, 1808
Wait times and staff vacancy rates, 2069-2071
Helen Betty Osborne Memorial Foundation
Provincial funding contribution, 1623
Highway safety programs
Privatization inquiry, 163-164
Highways and roads
Maintenance budget, 578-579
Home energy products
Door-to-door sales ban, 1324
HudBay mining operations
Closure of Flin Flon location, 205-206
Income assistance recipients
Transition Support Services, 17
Increase in syphilis/HIV cases
Addiction treatment strategy needed, 1897-1898
Indigenous communities
Bilateral health agreement, 1324
Suicide rate, 1323
Indigenous women, support for
Government intention, 2322
Infrastructure investment
Long-term strategy request, 1068-1069
Insurance Brokers of Manitoba
Meeting regarding online services, 1122
Job creation and the economy
Development plan needed, 399-400
Lake St. Martin outlet
First Nations consultations, 215
Lake St. Martin-brush clearing on route
Environmental assessment authorization, 1458
Lead contamination in soil
Remediation plan request, 770
Request to release reports, 365
Lifeflight Air Ambulance privatization
Keewatin Air proposal, 1905
Quality of service provision, 296
Manitoba 150 celebrations
Infrastructure projects, 1459-1460
Manitoba entrepreneurs
Access to capital, 25
Manitoba Hydro
Affordable bills, 297
Profits and rate increases, 1197-1198
Rate increase, 1114
Request to cancel rate increase, 1148-1149
Manitoba Hydro board and Metis Federation
Contracts and agreements, 2030-2031
Manitoba job protection
First Ministers' conference, 399
Manitoba municipalities
Share of the cannabis revenue, 162
Manitoba Public Insurance
Privatization inquiry, 773
Request for Premier's recusal, 1157
Mature Women's Centre
Request to restore funding, 1400-1401
Mediation services
Labour disruption concerns, 625
Medically assisted detox
Request for more beds, 2027-2028
Mental health and addiction
Implementation of VIRGO report, 1902
Request for government plan, 2028-2029
Mental health recommendations
Implementation of VIRGO report, 1667
Inclusion in school curriculum, 1667
Social determinants of health, 1667-1668
Meth and IV drug use
Harm reduction policy, 1118
Public awareness campaign, 1118-1119
Stabilization units, 1119
Methamphetamine addiction
Acknowledgement of crisis, 400
Detox facility--Brandon, 44-45, 401
Need for treatment options, 44
Safe consumption site request, 400-401
Treatment and services, 17
Treatment options for women, 299
Violence and crime prevention, 706-707
Mifegymiso-universal access
Rollout and reimbursement, 2323
Rural and Northern Manitoba, 2323-2324
Mining and mineral development
Exploration and permit wait times, 500-501
Missing and murdered indigenous women and girls
Release of final report, 2319
Report recommendations, 2324
Request for government plan of action, 621-622
Municipal Road and Bridge Program
Request to reinstate funding, 161-162
Request to reinstate program, 46-47
New police headquarters
Request for public inquiry, 1153
Northern Manitoba economy
Economic plan, 207-208
Growth and jobs plan, 408
Job losses and obstetric services, 254-255
Services and economic development, 1767-1768
Use of reserve funds, 2325-2327
Northern mining communities
Exploration and development, 710
Notre Dame Cathedral fire
Statement of sympathy, 1286
Ontario french language university
Cancellation of project, 297
Outpatient physiotherapy
Request to restore services, 1399-1400
PC 2016 election platform
Fixed election date, 1060-1061
Police Services Act
Justice Department review, 2325
Political campaign financing
Government position on Bill 232, 1034
Poverty reduction strategy
Request for government plan, 1404
Pre-election media blackout
Impact on ER closure notifications, 2320-2321
Premier's grand bargain proposal
Internal trade and health funding, 666-667
Premier's insurance licence
MPI conflict of interest inquiry, 1032-1033
Provincial taxes
Government position, 49-50
Provincial translation services
Cuts to french language position, 208-210
Public-private sectors
Government approach, 1622-1623
Referendum on tax increases
Constitutionality of legislation, 50
Inclusion of fees and premiums, 49
Residential road repair
Government intention, 766-767
Safe consumption site
Government position, 1062-1063
Request for government support, 1117-1118, 1199-1200
Selkirk laundry service, 2322
Closure concerns, 1672
Senior citizens
Community supports and PCH beds, 1320-1321
Seven Oaks General Hospital
Request to retain ER service, 1804-1805, 1969
Small class sizes
Government position, 1316-1318
Sri Lanka bombings
Condolences, 1451
St. Boniface Hospital cardiac care
Critical care nursing staff levels, 765
Heart surgery wait times, 764
St. Boniface Medical Centre
Request to retain facility, 497
Tina Fontaine's death
Children's Advocate report, 618
Truth and Reconciliation-calls to action
Implementation of recommendations, 619
Water bomber service privatization
Government rationale, 251-252
Pilots and maintenance crews, 251
Request to table contract, 247, 304, 396
Service provision guarantee, 248
Winnipeg General Strike of 1919
Commemorative display, 1812-1813
Workplace health and safety
Request for government support, 1533
Physio/occupational therapy
Outpatient services, 1399-1400
Points of Order
P/O by the Premier responding to a Point of Order raised by the Member for St. Johns on April 2, 2019 regarding tabling of documents, 996-997
Police Services Act
Justice Department review, 2325
New headquarters
Request for public inquiry, 1153
Poverty reduction strategy, 1404
Premier of Manitoba
Grand bargain proposal
Health-care services, 666-667
Internal trade agreement, 667-668
Insurance licence
MPI conflict of interest inquiry, 1032-1033
MPI policy discussions
Request for recusal, 1157
Provincial Clinical and Preventive Services Planning for Manitoba: Doing Things Differently and Better report
Recommendations, 1808-1809, 1902
Provincial deficit
Debt servicing costs, 286
Federal transfers, 547-548
Provincial finances
Responsible management, 786-787
Public-private sectors
Government approach, 1622-1623
Regional health authorities (RHA's)
Health-care reform, 1525-1526
Safe consumption site
Government position, 1062-1063
Methamphetamine addiction, 400-401
Request for, 400-401, 1117-1118, 1199-1200
New construction, 790
Selkirk laundry service
Senior citizens
Community supports and PCH beds, 1320-1321
Seven Oaks General Hospital ER closure
Request to retain services, 492-494, 521-523, 1196-1197, 1287-1288, 1315-1316, 1402, 1409, 1526-1527, 1617-1618, 1665-1666, 1707-1709, 1760-1761, 1803-1805, 1807-1808, 1965-1967, 1969, 2026-2027, 2068-2069, 2106-2107, 2115, 2129-2130
Shared Health Services
Health-care service reform, 498
Implementation concerns, 550-551
Sri Lanka bombings
Condolences, 1451
St. Boniface Hospital
Cardiac care
Heart surgery wait times, 764
Nursing staff levels, 765
Cardiac surgery cancellations
Nurse staffing levels, 1524-1525
St. Boniface Medical Centre
Request to retain facility, 497
Suicide rate
Indigenous communities, 1323
Tax increase referendum
Constitutionality of legislation, 50
Inclusion of fees and premiums, 49
Tax increases
Government position, 49-50
Throne Speech
Debate, 284-288
Trade agreements
Internal trade, Premier's grand bargain, 666-667
Transition Support Services, 17
Truth and Reconciliation Commission
Calls to action
Implementation of recommendations, 619
Victory in Europe Day, 1701-1702
Water and waste water management
Drainage regulations--Saskatchewan
Impact on Manitoba, 1482
Water bomber services, privatization
Government rationale, 251-252
Pilots and maintenance crews, 251
Request to table contract, 247, 304, 396
Service provision guarantee, 248
Winnipeg General Strike
Commemorative display, 1812-1813
Workplace safety and health
Request for government support, 1533
Methamphetamine addiction
Olanzapine approval
Friesen, 118
Morley-Lecomte, 1748
New positions
Micklefield, 638
Morley-Lecomte, 694
Cost to obtain
Swan, 2009
Park, Linda. See Members' statements
Path to Reconciliation Act. See Minor Amendments and Corrections Act, 2019
Fire plan request
Gerrard, 946
Paws N Taws Square Dance. See Members' statements
Graydon, 780
Peachey report. See Provincial Clinical and Preventive Services Planning for Manitoba: Doing Things Differently and Better report
Pedersen, Hon. Blaine (Midland) PC
Business community
Access to capital, 453
Business Registration, Supervision and Ownership Transparency Act (Various Acts Amended) (Bill 22)
1 R, 1145
2 R
Opening statement, 1634-1635
Questions, 1635-1638
Business registrations, lost revenue, 1636
Co-operatives, separate registrar functions, 1635
Co-operatives, superintendent advisory role, 1637
Extraprovincial limited partnership category, 1635
New West Partnership Trade Agreement
Business registration and reporting requirements, 1635
Privately held corporations
Tracking of ownership information, 1635
Registry, publicly available, 1636
Shareholder voting rights disclosure, 1636
Cannabis retailing
Manitoba model, 183
Capital investment
Private sector, 1407
City of Thompson
Wildfire mitigation plan, 2035
Communities Economic Development Fund
Review of program, 993
Economic development strategy
Release of, 182
Economic Growth Action Plan
New Economic Development Office, 1120
Growing Manitoba's Economy report findings, 454
Work readiness certificate for youth
New online course announcement, 366
Employment Standards Office
Proactive investigation unit, 1241-1242, 1295
First Nations
Mineral Development Protocol, 182
Mining and mineral industry partnership, 182
Food inspection services
Position vacancies, 1626
Indigenous Tourism Association of Canada
Travel Manitoba
Memorandum of understanding, 183
Labour Relations Amendment Act (Bill 18)
1 R, 569
Manitoba-First Nations Mineral Development Protocol, 182
Matters of Privilege
The Minister of Infrastructure has misled the Committee of Supply by saying that sole sourced contracting had not occurred when it had, 712-713
Regarding comments made by the Member for Lac du Bonnet during the Member for St. Boniface's Member's Statement, 657
Mediation services
Labour disruption concerns, 624-625
Mining and mineral industry
Exploration and development--Northern Manitoba, 709-710
Exploration and permit wait times, 182, 499-500, 584
First Nations partnership, 182
Manitoba-First Nations Mineral Development Protocol, 182
New West Partnership Trade Agreement
Business registration and reporting requirements, 1635
Northern Manitoba communities
Mining and minerals industry
Exploration and development, 709-710
Northern Manitoba economy
Job losses, 254-255, 407-408, 2326
Mining exploration and development, 709-710
Northern Manitoba health care
Obstetric services, 254-255
Office of the Fire Commissioner
Annual report 2017-2018, 658
Oil and gas industry
Environmental record, 182
Oral Questions
City of Thompson
Wildfire mitigation plan, 2035
Communities Economic Development Fund
Review of program, 993
Development of silica sand mine
Health and environmental concerns, 585
Economic Growth Action Plan
New Economic Development Office, 1120
Employment Standards Office
Proactive investigation unit, 1241-1242, 1295
Food inspection services
Position vacancies, 1626
Manitoba businesses
Access to capital, 453
Manitoba's economy
Report findings, 454
Mediation services
Labour disruption concerns, 624-625
Mining and mineral development
Exploration and permit wait times, 499-500
Mining exploration
Permit wait times, 584
Northern Manitoba communities
Job losses and obstetric services, 254-255
Northern Manitoba economy
Growth and jobs plan, 407-408
Use of reserve funds, 2326
Northern mining communities
Exploration and development, 709-710
Private sector capital
Increased investments, 1407
Work readiness certificate for youth
New online course announcement, 366
Workplace safety regulations
Frequency of hearing testing, 131-132
Points of Order
P/O by Martin regarding off the record comments he alleged were made by the Member for St. Johns during a Private Members' Resolution earlier in the day, 1770
P/O by Pedersen regarding the use of unparliamentary language, 690-691
Safety kits
Update to, 182
Throne Speech
Debate, 180-184
Environmental tourism, 183
Growth of, 183
Plan 96/4 investment, 183
Travel Manitoba
Branding process, 183
Indigenous Tourism Association of Canada
Memorandum of understanding, 183
Wanipigow Silica Sand Extraction Project
Health and environmental concerns, 585
Mitigation plan--Thompson, 2035
Workers Compensation Appeal Commission and Medical Review Panel
Annual report 2018, 2275
Workers Compensation Board of Manitoba
Annual Report 2019-2023 Five Year Plan, 2275
Work readiness certificate, youth, 366
Workplace health and safety
Workplace safety kit update, 182
Workplace safety and health
Hearing testing, frequency of, 131-132
Workplace Safety and Health Amendment Act (Bill 12)
1 R, 569
Pegasus Publications Incorporated. See Members' statements
Treaty land entitlements, quarry permit
Clarke, 1972
Johnson, 1971-1972
Wildlife management area--Mantagao Lake
Clarke, 1972
Johnson, 1971-1972
Pembina Valley Twisters. See Members' statements
Personal-care homes. See also Health Services Insurance Amendment Act (Personal Care Home Staffing Guidelines)
Additional beds
Lagimodiere, 35
Capital projects, Budget 2019
Fielding, 533
Care hours per patient
Friesen, 250
Swan, 250
Culturally sensitive
Need for
Graydon, 781
Swan, 899
Projects and funding
Friesen, 1202-1203
Smith, B., 1202-1203
Rural hospitals used for
Maloway, 1052
Staffing and services funding
Friesen, 250
Swan, 249-250
Support for Bill 201
Goertzen, 250-251
Swan, 250
Wait time reduction
Micklefield, 638
Declawing of cats
Fontaine, 571
Fontaine, 571
ACCESS bursary program
Smith, B., 2078, 2119, 2192, 2228-2229, 2292-2293
Addictions services-Brandon and western Manitoba
Allum, 54, 98, 132, 306-307, 367, 408-409, 458-459
Kinew, 366-367
Smith, B., 966, 999-1000, 1040-1041, 1075-1076, 1126-1127, 1165, 1209, 1249, 1680, 1721
Swan, 29, 39, 56, 99-100, 135, 171-172, 220, 257-258, 308
Climate change action-single use plastics ban
Lamoureux, 1410
Concordia Hospital emergency room
Wiebe, 28, 55, 97-98, 219, 256, 308-309, 2192-2193, 2230-2231, 2292
Daylight saving time
Graydon, 409, 530, 587, 628, 775, 809-810, 871, 964-965, 1000, 1040, 1071-1072, 1122, 1161, 1246, 1296-1297, 1325, 1409, 1461, 1534, 1587, 1629, 1675-1676, 1717, 1770-1771, 1814, 1906, 1974, 2035, 2078-2079, 2116-2117, 2140, 2188, 2230, 2287-2288, 2328
Dog overpopulation in Northern communities
Fontaine, 588-589, 774-775, 810-811, 872, 965-966
Wiebe, 1042-1043
Early learning and child-care programs
Allum, 1073, 1123-1124, 1162, 1207-1208, 1246-1247, 1410-1411, 1461-1462, 1536, 1587, 1630, 1677-1678, 1771-1772, 1814-1815, 1867-1868, 1907, 1919-1920, 1976-1977, 2037, 2080, 2119-2120, 2140-2141, 2188-2189, 2227, 2288
Altemeyer, 1073-1074, 1124, 1208, 1535, 1631, 1677, 1718, 1772, 1816, 1869-1870, 1907-1908, 2036, 2080-2081, 2117, 2141, 2191, 2288-2289
Fontaine, 1074, 1127-1128, 1163, 1206, 1251, 1465-1466, 1630, 1680, 1717-1718, 1817, 1870-1871, 1974-1975, 2037, 2081-2082, 2120-2121, 2229-2230, 2290-2291
Gerrard, 1072, 1123, 1160-1161, 1206-1207, 1297, 1326-1327, 1410, 1629, 1676, 1717, 1771, 1868-1869, 1907, 1977-1978, 2039-2040, 2082-2083, 2115-2116, 2144-2145, 2189, 2227
Klassen, 1071, 1122-1123, 1159-1160, 1205, 1461, 1716, 1868, 2226-2227, 2289
Lamont, 1072-1073, 1127, 1161, 1249-1250, 1297-1298, 1460-1461, 1537, 1590-1591, 1631, 1977, 2141
Lamoureux, 1072, 1123, 1161-1162, 1207, 1326, 1536-1537, 1718, 1978-1979, 2035-2036, 2079, 2118-2119, 2191, 2289-2290
Lathlin, 1324-1325, 1411-1412, 1535-1536, 1589-1590, 1678, 1774, 1815-1816, 1908, 1920, 1975, 2117, 2141-2142
Lindsey, 1772, 1815, 1909, 1975, 2036-2037, 2079-2080, 2116, 2189-2190, 2227, 2290
Marcelino, F., 1075, 1125-1126, 1163, 1207, 1248, 1325-1326, 1412, 1463, 1537-1538, 1679, 1772-1773, 1816, 1870, 1908, 1919, 1976, 2037-2038, 2080, 2118, 2142, 2190-2191, 2227, 2289
Marcelino, T., 1126, 1163-1164, 1208-1209, 1248-1249, 1413, 1463-1464, 1537, 1589, 1632, 1678-1679, 1773, 1816-1817, 1870, 1909, 1920-1921, 1978, 2038, 2080-2081, 2118, 2142-2143, 2191-2192, 2229, 2291
Smith, B., 1464, 1589, 1629-1630, 1773-1774, 1817-1818, 1869, 1910, 1975-1976, 2038-2039
Swan, 1076, 1124-1125, 1165-1166, 1209-1210, 1250, 1413, 1464-1465, 1538, 1590, 1632-1633, 1721-1722, 1774, 1818, 1871, 1910-1911, 1977, 2039, 2082, 2120, 2143-2144, 2230, 2291-2292
Wiebe, 1076-1077, 1127, 1164, 1210, 1250, 1414, 1465, 1538-1539, 1587-1588, 1633, 1679
Flin Flon Hospital obstetric services
Lindsey, 27-28, 54-55, 98-99, 134-135, 219-220, 255-256, 307, 368-369, 411-412, 460-461, 530-531, 586-587, 627-628, 774, 810, 871-872, 965, 1001, 1074-1075, 1125, 1162-1163, 1205-1206, 1247-1248, 1412-1413, 1462-1463, 1588, 1631-1632, 1676-1677, 1718-1719
Swan, 1041-1042
Gender neutrality
Lake Winnipeg commercial fisheries consultation
Altemeyer, 1247, 1325, 1411, 1462
Medical laboratory services
Gerrard, 133-134, 258-259, 410-411, 501
National drug plan
Lamoureux, 529
Northern health care
Lindsey, 1534-1535
Preventative health services plan
Quality health care
Wiebe, 1818, 1868, 1911, 2039, 2082, 2120, 2144
Tina Fontaine-public inquiry
Fontaine, 1909-1910, 2143, 2190
Vimy Arena
Fletcher, 27-28, 132-133, 170-171, 218-219, 256-257, 305-306, 367-368, 409-410, 459-460
Ewasko, 146-147
Pharmacare. See Manitoba Pharmacare program
Patent protections
Friesen, 1766-1767
Lamont, 1766
Recruitment and retention problems--Northern Manitoba
Recruitment and retention--rural
Isleifson, 77
Lagimodiere, 35
Outpatient services
Pallister, 1399-1400
Pimicikamak Cree Nation (Cross Lake)
Health complex
Lathlin, 375
Suicide rate
Lathlin, 1744
Sale and rezoning of land
Clarke, 2286
Klassen, 2286
Piwniuk, Doyle (Arthur-Virden) PC
Ambulance services
Rural improvements, 679
Briese, Stu
Condolences, 677
Budget 2019 debate, 677-680
Capital investment
Manitoba ranking, 678
Committee of Supply
Committee Report, 817, 1079, 2338
Committee of the Whole
Interim Appropriation Act, 2019 (2) (Bill 33), 2340
Interim Appropriation Act, 2019 (Bill 28), 886-887
J.R Simplot Company
Expansion, 678
Justice, Standing Committee on
First report, 1756-1757
Second report, 1799-1801
Leap Manifesto, 1846
Manitoba's 150th anniversary
Infrastructure projects, 1458
Members' statements
Melita's Banana Days Festival, 1398
The Sawmill Tea & Coffee Co., 798-799
Oil and gas industry
Light crude production, 678
Oral Questions
Manitoba 150 celebrations
Infrastructure projects, 1458
Provincial sales tax (PST)
Increase, impact on business, 677-678
Reduction, 678
Recognizing the importance of mining in Manitoba
Debate, 1851-1852
Questions, 1846
Removing educational land tax on farm and agricultural land
Debate, 2020-2021
Planning Amendment Act (Bill 206)
1 R
Martin, 1397
2 R
Fontaine, 1428-1430
Lamont, 1430-1431
Lindsey, 1431-1433
Smith, B., 1433-1434
Wiebe, 1425-1428
Opening statement
Martin, 1423
Ewasko, 1424-1425
Graydon, 1425
Martin, 1424-1426
Wiebe, 1423-1426
Ewasko, 1425
Martin, 1425
Permit application discrepancy
Martin, 1423
Timeliness of Bill
Martin, 1424-1425
World bans
Gerrard, 2253
Plastics. See Single-use plastics
P/O by Fletcher regarding the allowable length of First Reading speeches
Fletcher, 393-395
Gerrard, 394
Speaker's ruling, 394
P/O by Fletcher regarding the Member for Radisson using a blackberry in his seat during OQ
Fletcher, 963
Teitsma, 963
P/O by Fletcher regarding the persistence of heckling
Fletcher, 2187
Gerrard, 2188
Goertzen, 2187
Speaker's ruling, 2188
P/O by Fletcher regarding the validity of considering Interim Supply 2020 this year, as he felt it was outside the mandate of the current session
Fletcher, 1722-1723
Gerrard, 1723-1724
Goertzen, 1723
Ruled in order, 1724
Wiebe, 1724
P/O by Fletcher suggesting that the use of the word "hate" by the Member for St. Johns, was directed at the Premier and was unparliamentary
Fletcher, 2077
Fontaine, 2077-2078
Goertzen, 2077
P/O by Fontaine regarding a document the Premier was quoting from during OQ, requesting it to be tabled
Fontaine, 963-964
Goertzen, 964
Speaker's ruling, 997-998
Taken under advisement, 964
P/O by Guillemard regarding staying on topic
Guillemard, 1229
Ruled in order, 1229-1230
Wiebe, 1229
P/O by Kinew regarding heckling during speeches
Kinew, 1561
Mayer, 1561
Speaker's ruling, 1561
P/O by Maloway regarding sole sourced contracting
Gerrard, 758
Goertzen, 758
Speaker's ruling, 758-759
P/O by Martin regarding off the record comments he alleged were made by the Member for St. Johns during a Private Members' Resolution earlier in the day
Fontaine, 1770
Martin, 1770
Pedersen, 1770
Speaker's ruling, 1867
Taken under advisement, 1770
P/O by Pedersen regarding the use of unparliamentary language
Pedersen, 690-691
Speaker's ruling, 691
P/O by Smith, B. regarding the job loss of the Director of Mechanical Engineering with the Provincial Government due to "red tape" reductions being made by the Government
Goertzen, 737
Smith, B., 736-737
Speaker's ruling, 737
P/O by the Premier responding to a Point of Order raised by the Member for St. Johns on April 2, 2019 regarding tabling of documents
Fletcher, 997
Fontaine, 997
Goertzen, 997
Pallister, 996-997
Speaker's ruling, 1716
Taken under advisement, 997
P/O by Wiebe regarding the fact that the government has not called Departmental Estimates
Fletcher, 2243
Speaker's ruling, 2243
Wiebe, 2242-2243
P/O by Wiebe regarding the use of the phrase "Kinew Opposition Party"
Speaker's ruling, 688
Wiebe, 688
Johnston, 1147
Clarity on independent oversight
Cullen, 1244
Fontaine, 1244
Community experts, consultations
Cullen, 252-253
Fontaine, 252
Independent Investigation Unit
Cullen, 1244
Fontaine, 1243-1244
Justice Department review
Lamont, 2325
Pallister, 2325
Need for amendments
Lamoureux, 130
Review of
Lamont, 22
Timeline for completion
Cullen, 1244
Fontaine, 1243-1244
Transparency and accountability
Cullen, 1244
Fontaine, 1244
Police Services Amendment Act (Institutional Safety Officers) (Bill 17)
1 R
Cullen, 570
2 R
Fontaine, 1366-1367
Gerrard, 1367-1368
Opening statement
Cullen, 1363
Cullen, 1363-1366
Fontaine, 1363-1364
Gerrard, 1363-1366
Referred to Standing Committee on Justice
C/3 R
Altemeyer, 1884-1888
Cullen, 1872
Fontaine, 1872-1876
Klassen, 1876-1878
Marcelino, T., 1888-1891
Swan, 1878-1884
Filmon, 2381
Autism awareness training
Cullen, 1364
Cullen, 1363
Fontaine, 1363
Dementia Validation training
Cullen, 1364-1365
Firearms/weapons use
Cullen, 1365
Mental illness awareness training
Cullen, 1363-1364
Security staff, legal backlash
Fontaine, 1366
Funding support
Cullen, 142
New headquarters
Request for public inquiry
Lamont, 1152-1153
Pallister, 1153
Policing and Public Safety Strategy
New funding announcement
Cullen, 2185
Guillemard, 2185
Polish community. See also Members' statements under Galezowski, Lech and Grazyna; Resolutions
Community organizations
Curry, 345
Economic and cultural contribution
Curry, 347
Ewasko, 347
Lamoureux, 352
Marcelino, F., 351
Immigration to Manitoba
Curry, 347
Marcelino, T., 347
Curry, 345
Polish veterans
Curry, 345
Attack ads
Lamont, 836
Candidate/party approval
Lamont, 835-836
Lindsey, 1551
Smith, A., 1556
Swan, 1558-1559
Support for legislation
Goertzen, 127
Lamont, 127
Diversity of candidates
Fontaine, 1021-1022
Youth engagement, importance of
Wiebe, 1690
In-and-out scheme
Monnin Inquiry
Lamont, 2199
Vote splitting
Lamont, 2006-2007
Post-secondary education. See also Members' statements
Kinew, 593
Marcelino, F., 1827
Funding reduction
Altemeyer, 689
Kinew, 593
Wiebe, 823
Government record
Allum, 1822
Wiebe, 186-187
Harassment/sexual violence policy
Appeals process
Gerrard, 2365
International students
Economic importance
Gerrard, 916
Health-care coverage
Lamoureux, 178
Importance of
Lamoureux, 979
Private vocational institutions
Gerrard, 1345
Goertzen, 1345
Wishart, 1277
New facilities
Eichler, 2016
Fontaine, 1417-1418
Marcelino, F., 832
Pallister, 1404
Stefanson, 1403-1404
Asset disclosure
Lathlin, 2148
Business interests
Altemeyer, 1836
Grand bargain proposal
Health-care services
Lamont, 665-666
Pallister, 666-667
Internal trade agreement
Lamont, 665-666
Pallister, 666-667
Insurance licence
MPI conflict of interest inquiry
Lindsey, 1032-1033
Pallister, 1032-1033
MPI policy discussions
Request for recusal
Lindsey, 1156
Pallister, 1157
Stefanson, 1156
Personal finances
Smith, B., 1819
Volunteer award recipient (Ravneet Brar)
Micklefield, 1270
Prescription drugs. See Manitoba Pharmacare program; National pharmacare program
Presumption of Death and Declaration of Absence Act and Amendments to The Insurance Act (Bill 226)
1 R
Micklefield, 697
2 R
Allum, 1646-1648
Altemeyer, 1649-1651
Fontaine, 931-932
Goertzen, 935
Kinew, 1648-1649
Lamoureux, 932-933
Lindsey, 1840-1842
Maloway, 1651
Marcelino, F., 1839-1840
Smith, A., 1644-1645
Smith, B., 1645-1646
Swan, 935-937
Wiebe, 933-935
Opening statement
Micklefield, 927-929
Ewasko, 929-931
Fontaine, 929-930
Graydon, 930
Mayer, 930
Michaleski, 929
Micklefield, 929-931
Smith, B., 929
Referred to Standing Committee on Private Bills
C/3 R
Fontaine, 2194-2196
Lamoureux, 2196
Micklefield, 2193-2194
Filmon, 2381
Ewasko, 929
Micklefield, 929
Law Reform Commission recommendations
Micklefield, 928
Preventative health. See also Members' statements
Gerrard, 221
Fielding, 951
Private Bills, Standing Committee
First report
Nesbitt, 2101-2102
Private Vocational Institutions Act (Bill 13)
1 R
Mayer, 658
2 R
Gerrard, 1349-1350
Wiebe, 1347-1349
Opening statement
Goertzen, 1344
Gerrard, 1345-1347
Goertzen, 1344-1347
Wiebe, 1344-1345
Referred to Standing Committee on Legislative Affairs
C/3 R
Gerrard, 2365
Goertzen, 2362
Wiebe, 2362-2365
Filmon, 2381
Appeals process
Gerrard, 1350
Wiebe, 1347
Director enforcement powers, expansion
Wiebe, 1347
Graduation rates
Gerrard, 1349
International students
Gerrard, 1345
Goertzen, 1345
Outcome measurements
Gerrard, 1344-1345
Goertzen, 1345
Performance reporting
Goertzen, 1344
Public information policy
Wiebe, 1347
Violence reporting
Goertzen, 1345-1347
Changes to
Fielding, 190
Wowchuk, 176
Untendered contracts
Fielding, 867-868
Lamont, 866-867
Project labour agreements. See also Members' statements; Public Sector Consturction Projects (Tendering) Act
Benefit of
Lamont, 329
Capital projects
Swan, 322
Changes to
Lindsey, 90-93
Schuler, 90-93
Wowchuk, 176
History of
Maloway, 1924-1925
Indigenous workers--Northern Manitoba
Maloway, 310
Schuler, 310
Publicly tendered contracts
Swan, 322
Red River floodway construction, use in
Maloway, 315
Swan, 324
Union/non-union status
Swan, 323
Use in--Ontario
Swan, 324
Criminal property seizure
Cullen, 142
Prompt Payments in the Construction Industry Act (Bill 245)
1 R
Helwer, 2313
Community safety programs
Gerrard, 2114
Goertzen, 2114
Government record
Gerrard, 2113
Goertzen, 2113-2114
Methamphetamine addiction link
Gerrard, 2114
Goertzen, 2114
Property taxes. See also Municipal Amendment and City of Winnipeg Charter Amendment Act
Education property tax
Lamont, 829-830
Gerrard, 647
Prostate cancer. See Members' statements under TELUS Ride for Dad
Protecting Communications on Public Interest Matters Act (Court of Queen's Bench Act and Defamation Act Amended) (Bill 219)
1 R
Allum, 2101
Provincial Clinical and Preventive Services Planning for Manitoba: Doing Things Differently and Better report
Provincial Court Amendment Act (Mandatory Awareness Training) (Bill 225)
1 R
Fontaine, 570
Annual report 2016-2017
Cullen, 11
Auditor General's assessment
Allum, 882
Lamont, 603
Debt servicing costs
Isleifson, 655
Johnson, 596
Pallister, 286
Teitsma, 136-137
Federal transfers
Lamont, 547-548
Pallister, 547-548
Government record
Lamont, 2373
Interest rates
Lamont, 69
Summary deficit reduction
Bindle, 2097
Fielding, 531-532
Isleifson, 672
Micklefield, 638
Morley-Lecomte, 695
Nesbitt, 681-682
Credit rating
Lamont, 69
Debt and deficit
Fletcher, 778
General comments
Lamont, 70
Guillemard, 643
Rating agency findings
Lamont, 2374
Responsible management
Pallister, 786-787
Stability of
Johnston, 282
Guillemard, 668
Martin, 405
Provincial Nominee Program. See also Matters of Grievance
Immigration numbers
Swan, 321
Meeting with constituents
Goertzen, 1156
Lamoureux, 1155-1156
Skilled worker applications
Goertzen, 1155
Lamoureux, 1155
Twentieth anniversary
Lamoureux, 177
Martin, 319
Wait list
Lamoureux, 177
Micklefield, 638
Provincial Nominee Program fee
Application fee
Lamoureux, 1050
Employment for newcomers
Marcelino, F., 834
Family sponsorships
Wowchuk, 177
Lamoureux, 776
Marcelino, T., 684
Swan, 636
Language/employment training
Marcelino, F., 874
Removal inquiry
Goertzen, 155
Lamoureux, 155
Revenues from
Allum, 1824
Support services
Goertzen, 524-525, 1154, 1406-1407, 1460
Marcelino, F., 524, 1154, 1406-1407, 1460
New investments
Nesbitt, 2076
Squires, 2076
Carbon tax exemption
Bindle, 499
Fielding, 499
Smith, A., 649
Debt and deficit reduction
Effective date for changes
Swan, 1150-1151
Wharton, 1151
Expansion of
Ewasko, 687
Impact on business
Piwniuk, 677-678
Referendum provision
Low-income earners
Lamont, 829
NDP record
Guillemard, 1658-1659
Smook, 1654
Tax/fee expansion
Teitsma, 1096
Tobacco tax, maintenance of
Fielding, 2041
Smith, B., 2059-2060
Provincial sales tax (PST), reduction. See also Resolutions
Economic impact
Lamont, 906
General comments
Altemeyer, 1780
Bindle, 847
Ewasko, 687
Gerrard, 941
Graydon, 779
Marcelino, F., 874-875
Micklefield, 637
Nesbitt, 681
Piwniuk, 678
Smith, A., 648-649
Smook, 1654
Squires, 630
Swan, 2372
Government advertising
Gerrard, 914
Impact on Manitobans
Fielding, 550
Lagimodiere, 550
PC election promise
Fielding, 2136
Teitsma, 2136
Property tax increases
Lindsey, 565
Public Accounts, Standing Committee on. See also Public Accounts in Public Accounts Committee
First report
Public Health Amendment Act (Banning Cosmetic Eye Tattooing and Eye-Jewellery) (Bill 241)
1 R
Johnston, 2101
Request to increase
Friesen, 2281-2282
Kinew, 2280-2281
Public Schools Amendment Act (Small Classes for K to 3) (Bill 202)
1 R
Wiebe, 242
Public Sector Construction Projects (Tendering) Act (Bill 4)
1 R
Schuler, 85
2 R
Lamont, 326-329
Maloway, 313-318
Marcelino, F., 329-331
Martin, 318-320
Swan, 320-326
Opening statement
Schuler, 309-310
Lindsey, 311-313
Maloway, 310-311
Schuler, 310-313
Maloway, 310
Schuler, 310
No forced unionization claims, request for clarity
Lindsey, 311-312
Schuler, 311-312
Project labour agreements, changes to
Lindsey, 90-93
Schuler, 90-93
Union/non-union status criteria
Maloway, 311
Martin, 319
Swan, 322
New technologies
Fielding, 189
Electric bus fleet
Fare increases
Funding model (50/50)
Altemeyer, 194-195, 383, 910-911, 1781
Municipal application backlog
Nesbitt, 682
Government approach
Lamont, 1622-1623
Pallister, 1622-1623
Pulford Community Living Services. See Members' statements
Purohit, Parusia. See Members' statements under Breakfest2Go pilot program