Third Session - Thirty-Ninth Legislature

Committees Index
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[Appendix B - Public Presenters/Crown Corporations Staff]
Committee Indexes
Agriculture and Food --Considers material relating to farming, animal husbandry, marketing of natural products
Crown Corporations --Annual reports and financial statements for Manitoba Hydro, Manitoba Public Insurance Corporation, Manitoba Liquor & Lotteries Corporation; Workers Compensation Board
Human Resources --Public presentation of Bills
Justice --Family Law, Employment Standards, Law Enforcement, Manitoba Public Insurance, Public Health, Highway Traffic Amendments, Provincial Court, Correctional Services, Public Guardian and Trustee Act
Legislative Affairs --Committee considers annual reports for the Children's Advocate, Elections Manitoba, Judicial Compensation Committee; Appointments and hiring of the Ombudsman, Auditor General, Conflict of Interest Commissioner, Lobbyist Registrar, Children's Advocate, Chief Electoral Officer, Information and Privacy Adjudicator
Public Accounts --Auditor General reports, follow-up reports and annual reports to the legislature; Public Accounts
Senate Elections --Consultations regarding Senate elections
Senate Reform --Considers arrangements for consultations with Manitobans on Senate Reform
Social and Economic Development --Public presentation of Bills; Annual reports
Bills / Auditor General Reports / Annual Reports