HOUSE INDEX - 3rd Session - 38th Legislature

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z #


House Index - 3rd-38th


MacGregor health centre

Gerrard, 1775

Mackintosh, Hon. Gord (St. Johns) N.D.P.

Auto theft task force

Membership of, 1376-1377

Automobile theft

Bait car program, 1376

Combat Auto Theft program, 1376

Reduction strategy, 671-672, 1015-1016, 1180, 2613-2614

Repeat offenders, 1379-1380

Bail conditions

Review, 358-359

Break and enters

Reduction strategy, 2614

Civil remedies and forfeiture laws

Expected results, 1194

Committee of Supply

Concurrence motion, 3340-3344

Correctional facilities

Young offenders, 3343-3344

Courts Administration Improvement Act

[Bill 36]

1R, 1835

2R, 2574-2575

Crime and criminals

Conditional sentencing, statistics, 1372

Electronic monitoring of offenders, 3340-3342

Gang statistics, 1374

Home break-ins, statistics, 1377-1379

Homicide rate, 188-190

Reduction strategy, 191, 793, 973-974

Criminal Property and Forfeiture Act

Charges laid, 1194

Discriminatory Business Practices Act

Annual report tabling, 3136

Domestic violence

Restraining orders, statistics, 1368-1371

Domestic Violence and Stalking Prevention, Protection and Compensation Act

Budget allocation, 1179

Proclamation, 1362-1363

Staffing, 1364-1368

Fortified Buildings Act

Charges laid, 1194

Front End Project, 1380

Gang activity

Reduction strategy, 282, 1482-1483, 1841-1842, 2696-2697

Harapiak, Christine

Provincial judge appointment, 1358-1362

Highway Traffic Amendment Act

[Bill 34]

1R, 1927

2R, 2566

Hydra House

RCMP investigation, 2746-2747

Impaired driving offences

Protection of passengers, 3019

Vehicle seizures, 3018

Judicial Conduct

Annual report of the Chief Judge, 3568

Judicial system

Chevrier courthouse, 1195

Police overtime due to attendance at court, 1380-1381

Justice Department

Committee of Supply

Concurrence motion, 3340-3344

Estimates debate, 1178-1200, 1358-1381

Executive Support, 1183-1184

Prosecutions Branch

Mackintosh, 1179

Labour and Immigration Department

Churchill, Melissa, employment status, 1201

Kennedy, Karen, employment status, 1201

Rennie, Rick, employment status, 1201

Legal Aid Services Society of Manitoba

Annual report tabling, 3091

Legislative Assembly Amendment Act (2)

[Bill 52]

1R, 3741

Lighthouses Program, 1179

Manitoba Law Reform Commission

Annual report tabling, 3702

Marijuana grow operations

Reduction strategy, 1682-1683, 2613

Matters of Privilege

Apology request from Minister of Health, 12, 20

Bill 10, Premier's comments regarding, 1237-1238

Deputy Speaker

Conduct and actions of, 915

Flood damage

Disaster assistance, 3370

Hiring subcommittees, Liberal participation, 345

Hydra House

Government awareness of mismanagement, 3367

Provision of information by government, 75

Provision of information by government (2), 107-108

Minister of Aboriginal and Northern Affairs' body language, 3468

Minister of Education and Training

Request for disciplinary action against, 1419

Public Accounts Committee

Witnesses, calling of, 41-42, 108

Matters of Urgent Public Importance

Crocus Investment Fund, 2561-2562

Flood damage

Impact on the agricultural community, 3530

Livestock industry

Slaughter capacity, 602-603


Minister's attendance at conference, 1375-1376

Production control strategy, 1180, 1678-1679, 2136-2137

Miller, Bruce

Condolences, 434

Ministerial Statements

Miller, Bruce

Condolences, 434

Oral Questions

Automobile theft

Reduction strategy, 671-672, 1015-1016, 2613-2614

Bail conditions

Review, 358-359

Break and enters

Reduction strategy, 2614

Crime and criminals

Homicide rate, 188-190

Reduction strategy, 191, 793, 973-974

Gang activity

Reduction strategy, 282, 1482-1483, 1841-1842, 2696-2697

Hydra House

RCMP investigation, 2746-2747

Impaired driving offences

Protection of passengers, 3019

Vehicle seizures, 3018

Marijuana grow operations

Reduction strategy, 1682-1683, 2613


Production control strategy, 1678-1679, 2136-2137

Organized crime

Police resources, 2035-2037

Police in Schools program, 1613

Police services

Resources, 593-594, 927-928

Public safety

Government initiatives, 439-440

Remand Centre

Northern Manitoba, 2864

Winnipeg Police Services

Funding for new officers, 36-37

Youth violence

Reduction strategy, 1742-1743, 2904-2905

Organized crime

Membership statistics, 1187, 1189-1194

Police resources, 2035-2037

Reduction, 1179

Statistics, 1184-1185

Organized Crime Intelligence Unit, 1179

Points of Order

P/O by Derkach requesting a meeting of House leaders 889-890; Mackintosh 889; Lamoureux 890; Speaker's ruling, 890

P/O by Derkach respecting the Deputy Speaker assuming the Chair 933; Mackintosh 933-934; Gerrard 934; Speaker's ruling, 934

P/O by Lamoureux respecting the word "hypocrite" 2312; Mitchelson 2312; Mackintosh 2312; Derkach 2312; withdrawn (Sale), 2312

P/O by Mackintosh respecting the use of an exhibit 1017-1018; Gerrard 1018; taken under advisement 1020; Speaker's ruling, 1175-1176

P/O by Mackintosh respecting the word "liar" 2616; taken under advisement 2616; Speaker's ruling, 2748

Police in Schools program, 1372-1274, 1613

Police services

Additional police officers, funding for, 1178

Police per offence ratio, 1375

Resources, 593-594, 927-928

Probation officers

Caseloads, 1372

Provincial Court Amendment Act (Justices of the Peace)

[Bill 11]

2R, 1642-1643

Provincial court judges

Appointment process, 1358-1362

Public safety

Government initiatives, 439-440

Regulations Act

Tabling of regulations, 185

Remand Centre

Northern Manitoba, 2864


Ukraine election, 274

Royal Canadian Mounted Police

Highway detachment (Headingley), 1197

Highway detachment (Selkirk), 1197

Highway patrols, reduction, 1198

Human resources, 1196

Rules of the House, Standing Committee on

1st Report, 3750-3751

Safer Communities and Neighbourhoods Act

Enforcement staff, 1179

Expected results, 1194

Sessional orders, 3505-3508, 3510-3511

Statutes Correction and Minor Amendments Act, 2005

[Bill 50]

2R, 3251-3252

Ukraine election, 274

Victim Services Complaints

Annual report tabling, 3091

Winnipeg Police Services

Funding for new officers, 36-37

Human resources, 1195-1196

Youth violence

Reduction strategy, 1742-1743, 2904-2905

Magdaragat Philippines organization

Swan, 2657

Magellan Fund

Government funding commitment

Loewen, 2057-2058

Rondeau, 2057-2058

Kostyra, Eugene, involvement in

Loewen, 2056-2057

Rondeau, 2056-2057

Name change proposal

Loewen, 2062

Rondeau, 2062

Magnetic resonance imaging

Access for Workers Compensation clients

Gerrard, 2171

Sale, 2171

Mobile units

Penner, 2256-2257

Sale, 2257

Maguire, Larry (Arthur-Virden) P.C.

2020 – Manitoba's Transport Vision

Report release, 3133

Aboriginal Business Hall of Fame, 1022

Agriculture, Food and Rural Initiatives Department

Committee of Supply

Concurrence motion, 3610-3611

Audiologists and Speech Language Pathologists Act

[Bill 204]

1R, 2782

2R, 2993-2995, 3206-3207

Bird, Brad

Border to Bay Walk, 3372

Boon, Laurie

Student Citizen Award recipient, 2953-2954

Budget Debate, 801-806

Budget Implementation and Tax Statutes Amendment Act, 2005

[Bill 44]

2R, 3650-3653

Building Manitoba Fund

Transportation funding, 3129-3131

Capital Region Partnership Act

[Bill 35]

2R, 3246

C/3R, 3696-3697

Carels, Kenneth

Tribute to, 678

Committee of Supply

Concurrence motion, 2724-2729, 2751, 2759-2760, 3128-3133, 3610-3611

Crop insurance

Unseeded acreage payments, 3617

Young farmers, 3610-3611

Deloraine Border Festival, 2044

Deloraine Collegiate

Tender process, 2759

Deloraine School

Capital project, 2724

Drivers and Vehicles Act and The Highway Traffic Amendment Act

[Bill 41]

2R, 3250-3251

C/3R, 3721-3722

Education, Citizenship and Youth Department

Committee of Supply

Concurrence motion, 2724-2729, 2751, 2759-2760

Emergency Measures Amendment Act

[Bill 15]

2R, 2777

Emergency Measures Office

Staff recognition, 2473-2474

Exports and imports

Canada-U.S. relations, 2080

Farmland School Tax Rebate, 2098-2101, 2363-2374

Goodon, Irvin

Aboriginal Business Hall of Fame inductee, 1022

Grow Bond program

Funding, 2375

Hartney School

Remembrance Day video, 1067

Highway construction/maintenance

All-weather road, east side Lake Winnipeg, 1113-1114

Federal funding, 2281-2286, 3131


Revenue sources, 3132-3133

Hip and knee replacement surgery

Services for veterans, 2225

Wait lists, 2654-2655

Intergovernmental Affairs and Trade Department

Brandon office, supplies and services, 2376

Committee of Supply

Estimates debate, 2079-2095, 2098-2101, 2362-2377, 2472-2473

Human Resource Management, 2376-2377

Irvin Goodon Industries Ltd.

Manitoba Outstanding Small Business award, 44-45

Kent, Eileen

Love of Caring Award recipient, 2792-2793

Laser, Sig

Employment status, 2209-2210

Legislative Building

Care and maintenance of the grounds, 2542-2543

Lieutenant-Governor's residence

Care and maintenance of the grounds, 2542-2543

Life Leases Amendment Act

[Bill 20]

2R, 3029-3030

Livestock industry

Slaughter facilities, 3616

Manitoba Agricultural Services Corporation Act

[Bill 30]

2R, 2823-2826

Manitoba Road Safety Week, 2865

Manitoba Trucking Association, 935-936

Mardon, Harry, tribute to, 167-168

Matters of Grievance

Crocus Investment Fund, 3103-3105

Matters of Urgent Public Importance

Flood damage

Impact on the agricultural community, 3544-3546

Livestock industry

Slaughter capacity, 628-630

Members' Statements

Aboriginal Business Hall of Fame, 1022

Bird, Brad

Border to Bay Walk, 3372

Boon, Laurie

Student Citizen Award recipient, 2953-2954

Deloraine Border Festival, 2044

Goodon, Irvin

Aboriginal Business Hall of Fame inductee, 1022

Hartney School

Remembrance Day video, 1067

Irvin Goodon Industries Ltd.

Manitoba Outstanding Small Business award, 44-45

Kent, Eileen

Love of Caring Award recipient, 2792-2793

Manitoba Road Safety Week, 2865

Manitoba Trucking Association, 935-936

Mardon, Harry, tribute to, 167-168

Mid-Continent Trade Corridor, 2208

Municipal Amendment Act

[Bill 49] Reinstated from previous session

C/3R, 574-576

Municipal Assessment Amendment Act

[Bill 37]

C/3R, 3699

Municipal Board

Appointments, 2082

Salaries, 2098

Staffing, 2083

Municipal Councils and School Boards Elections Act

[Bill 29]

2R, 3067-3070

C/3R, 3695


Amalgamations, 2375

Oil and Gas Amendment and Oil and Gas Production Tax Amendment Act

[Bill 21]

2R, 2771-2773

R/S amendments

Clause 23, 3427

Clause 28, 3428

Oral Questions

Carels, Kenneth

Tribute to, 678

Highway construction/maintenance

All-weather road, east side Lake Winnipeg, 1113-1114

Hip and knee replacement surgery

Services for veterans, 2225

Wait lists, 2654-2655

Transport Vision Report

Release, 645-646, 794

Waverley West subdivision

Approval process, 1352-1353

Pension Benefits Amendment Act

[Bill 10]

C/3R, 1591-1593


Highway 227 paving, 1345-1346

Physician resources, Westman region, 433, 477, 540, 586

Provincial Road 270 upgrading, 390

Teachers' Pension Plan, Pension Adjustment Account, 3348, 3396, 3471, 3514, 3619-3620, 3701

Planning Act

[Bill 33]

2R, 3243-3245

R/S amendments

Clause 47(1), 3551-3552

Clause 51(3), 3552

Clause 89(2), 3553

Clause 113(1), 3554

Clause 116(2)-116(2.1), 3554-3555

Clause 116(4), 3555-3556

Clause 193(2), 3556

C/3R, 3726-3727

General comments, 2088

Public consultations, 2362

Planning legislation

Proposed amendments, previous session, 2084-2085, 3617

Private Members' Business


V-E Day, 60th anniversary, 2028

Wartime measures, redress for, 2410-2411

Rancher's Choice Beef Co-op

Intergovernmental Affairs and Trade Department involvement, 2080


Ukraine election, 273-274

Schools, public

Capital projects, 2724-2727, 2751

Small schools and declining enrolment, 2727

Seven Oaks School Division

Land acquisition and development, 2759-2760

Strategic Highway Infrastructure Program

Manitoba portion, 2281-2286, 2290-2291

Throne Speech, 170-176

Transport Vision Report

Release, 645-646, 794

Transportation and Government Services Department

Committee of Supply

Concurrence motion, 3128-3133

Estimates debate, 2207-2212, 2281-2286, 2290-2293, 2542-2545

Minister's salary, 2545

Order-in-Council appointments, 2209-2210

Staffing, 2209-2211

Ukraine election, 273-274

V-E Day, 60th anniversary, 2028

Vision 2020

Update, 2211

Wartime measures, redress for, 2410-2411

Water management

Drainage licensing, compliance, 2197-2198

Water Protection Act

[Bill 22] Reinstated from previous session

R/S amendments

Clause 4.3, 3414-3416

Clause 8.1(1)-8.1(4), 3418-3419

C/3R, 3693-3694

Water Stewardship

Committee of Supply

Estimates debate, 2197-2198

Waverley West subdivision

Approval process, 1352-1353

Winnipeg Airports Authority

Labour agreement--new airport construction, 2544

Workers Compensation Amendment Act

[Bill 25]

2R, 2811-2814

Maison McDougall House

Brick, 123-124

Major Pratt Lady Trojans

AA Provincial Girls' Volleyball Champions

Derkach, 492-493

Making Education Work research project

Bjornson, 2233

Maloway, Jim (Elmwood) N.D.P.

Bronx Park Community Centre, 2655-2656

Budget Debate, 815-819

Crime prevention, 766

Good Neighbours Senior Centre, 2655-2656

Health Services Amendment and Health Services Insurance Amendment Act

[Bill 202]

2R, 2392-2395

International Labour Day, 2143

Legislative Assembly Amendment Act

[Bill 201]

2R, 2010-2011

May Day, 2143

Members' Statements

Bronx Park Community Centre, 2655-2656

Crime prevention, 766

Good Neighbours Senior Centre, 2655-2656

International Labour Day, 2143

May Day, 2143

Wind farm (St. Leon), 196

Private Members' Business


Wind energy, 3216-3217

Throne Speech, 302-308

Wind farm (St. Leon), 196

Manitoba Agricultural Credit Corporation

Amalgamation with Manitoba Crop Insurance Corporation (See also Manitoba Agricultural Services Corporation Act)

Eichler, 989

Penner, 1120, 1122

Wowchuk, 989, 1121

Branch closures

Cullen, 1223

Wowchuk, 1223-1224

BSE programs

Eichler, 1858-1860

Wowchuk, 1858-1860

Loan application processing fee

Eichler, 1858

Wowchuk, 1858

New market development

Eichler, 1857

Wowchuk, 1857

Rate of interest

Eichler, 1855

Wowchuk, 1855

Staff vacancies

Cullen, 1851

Wowchuk, 1851

Manitoba Agricultural Museum

Foundation status

Faurschou, 1869

Wowchuk, 1869

Manitoba Agricultural Services Corporation

Administration costs

Faurschou, 1869

Wowchuk, 1869


Eichler, 1216

Wowchuk, 1216

Transition, time frame

Faurschou, 1868

Wowchuk, 1868

Manitoba Agricultural Services Corporation Act

[Bill 30]

1R, Wowchuk, 1476


Cullen, 3168-3170

Cummings, 2826-2827

Dyck, 3170-3172

Eichler, 3172-3175

Faurschou, 2923-2925, 3162-3164

Lamoureux, 3172

Maguire, 2823-2826

Penner, 3164-3168

Wowchuk, 1636-1637

Standing Committee report, 3351-3353

R/S amendments

Clause 37.1

Eichler, 3430

Gerrard, 3429

Wowchuk, 3429-3430

C/3R, 3720

R/A, Harvard, 3758

Manitoba Arts Council

Art purchase program

Reimer, 1888

Robinson, 1888

Funding increase

Reimer, 1885

Robinson, 1885

General comments

Robinson, 1879

Manitoba Association of Filipino Teachers Incorporated

Aglugub, 3411

Manitoba Builder Bonds

Expected revenues

Hawranik, 1975

Selinger, 1975

Manitoba Bureau of Statistics

Reliability of data

Loewen, 2155-2156

Rondeau, 2155-2156


Loewen, 2155

Rondeau, 2155

Manitoba Cattlemen's Association scholarships

Cummings, 1121

Manitoba Centennial Centre Corporation Act

[Bill 9]

1R, Robinson, 351


Lamoureux, 3107-3108

Loewen, 3106-3107

Reimer, 3108-3109

Robinson, 419-420

Standing Committee report, 3275-3277


Gerrard, 3377

Loewen, 3377

Reimer, 3376-3377

R/A, Harvard, 3491

Manitoba Centre for Labour Capital


Loewen, 2038-2041, 2142-2143

Rondeau, 2038-2041, 2143

Manitoba Centre on Aging

Spring symposium

Irvin-Ross, 2142

Oswald, 2142

Manitoba Children's Agenda – Leadership Council

Melnick, 3048

Taillieu, 3048

Manitoba Civil Service Commission

Committee of Supply

Supplementary information tabling

Selinger, 2215

Manitoba Community Development Corporation Association


Derkach, 1957

Wowchuk, 1957

Government support

Rowat, 1935-1936

Wowchuk, 1935-1936

Minister's meeting

Rowat, 1943-1946

Wowchuk, 1943-1946

Manitoba Council for International Co-Operation


Doer, 1805

Manitoba Council on Aging

Meeting schedule

Oswald, 2275

Reimer, 2275

Membership list

Oswald, 2274-2275

Reimer, 2274

Manitoba Council on Aging Act

[Bill 8]

1R, Oswald, 185


Driedger, 2968-2973

Goertzen, 3154-3156

Lamoureux, 2673-2676

Mitchelson, 2719-2721

Oswald, 1641-1642

Reimer, 3249

Rocan, 2718-2719

Standing Committee report, 3351-3353

C/3R, Reimer, 3690

R/A, Harvard, 3758

General comments

Oswald, 2270-2271

Manitoba Crop Insurance Corporation

See also Crop insurance

Amalgamation with Manitoba Agricultural Credit Corporation (See Manitoba Agricultural Services Corporation Act)

Individual productivity index

Cullen, 1854

Wowchuk, 1854

On-line services

Eichler, 1231

Wowchuk, 1231

Operating costs

Cullen, 1854

Wowchuk, 1854

Outstanding claims

Eichler, 1230-1231, 1854

Wowchuk, 1230-1231, 1854

Set-aside program

Eichler, 1847-1848

Wowchuk, 1847-1848

Staff vacancies

Cullen, 1851

Wowchuk, 1851

Vacant positions (Souris)

Rowat, 1225-1226

Wowchuk, 1225-1226

Manitoba Day

Gerrard, 2646-2647

Korzeniowski, 2704

Reimer, 2645-2646

Robinson, 2644-2645

Taillieu, 2656-2657

Manitoba Developmental Centre

Community living placements

Gerrard, 1616-1617

Melnick, 1616-1618


Gerrard, 1174-1175, 2315-2316

Melnick, 1174-1175

Fire alarm upgrading costs

Melnick, 3388-3389

Taillieu, 3388-3389


Gerrard, 1546

Selinger, 1546

Habilitation program

Gerrard, 3322

Melnick, 3322

New patient statistics

Gerrard, 3322

Melnick, 3322


Gerrard, 1400, 3323

Melnick, 1385-1387, 1400, 1516, 3323

Taillieu, 1385-1387, 1515

Redevelopment plan, consultations

Faurschou, 3500

Melnick, 3500

Redevelopment plan, tabling request

Lamoureux, 2299

Lemieux, 2299

Tender process

Lemieux, 2278

Taillieu, 2278

Transition to community living

Faurschou, 3499

Gerrard, 3321

Melnick, 3321, 3499-3500

Manitoba Drug Standards and Therapeutics Committee


Sale, 2186

Stefanson, 2186

Manitoba Enabling Appropriations and other Appropriations

Committee of Supply

Supplementary information tabling

Selinger, 2215

Manitoba Entrepreneur of the Year awards

Driedger, 2909

Gerrard, 2954

Manitoba Ethnocultural Advisory and Advocacy Council

Allan, 1154, 1206-1207

Schuler, 1206-1207

Manitoba Farm Family of the Year

Schuler, 2866

Manitoba Film and Video Production Tax Credit

Loewen, 2053

Rondeau, 2049-2050

Manitoba Harm Reduction Network

Altemeyer, 43

Manitoba Health Services Insurance Plan

Annual report tabling

Sale, 32

Manitoba Housing Authority

Assisted living accommodations

Faurschou, 1400

Melnick, 1400

Landlord-tenant disputes

Faurschou, 1967

Selinger, 1967-1968

Maintenance management system

Gerrard, 164

Melnick, 164-165

Misconduct by caretaker, allegations of

Melnick, 234

Murray, 233-234

Waiting lists

Melnick, 1447

Taillieu, 1447

Manitoba Hydro

See also Tataskweyak Cree First Nation

Adverse Affects Agreement (See Rural Municipality of Kelsey By-law No. 5/02 Validation Act)

Building construction

Construction costs

Loewen, 2053

Labour agreement

Allan, 1292

Chomiak, 1058-1059, 1114

Loewen, 1058-1059

Mitchelson, 1114

Schuler, 1292

Capital program, economic impact

Faurschou, 1800

Selinger, 1800


Doer, 1034-1035

East-west power corridor

Chomiak, 1800-1801

Schuler, 1800-1801

Employment training programs (See also ATEC Training Centre (Nelson House))

McGifford, 1520, 1534

Rowat, 1521, 1533-1534

Employment training programs, accountability

Doer, 1821-1824

Mitchelson, 1821-1823

Long-term debt

Hawranik, 1408

Power corridor, east side Lake Winnipeg

Chomiak, 1112

Murray, 1112-1113

Wowchuk, 1113

Rate increase

Chomiak, 1019

Mitchelson, 1019

Standing Committee review

Chomiak, 1175

Lamoureux, 1175

Water power rental rates

Doer, 994-995

Murray, 994-995

Manitoba Industrial Opportunities Program

Interest rates

Loewen, 2156-2157

Rondeau, 2156-2157

Maple Leaf Distillers loan

Loewen, 2948-2949

Rondeau, 2949


Lamoureux, 3335-3336

Rondeau, 3335-3336

Success rate

Loewen, 2157

Rondeau, 2157

Manitoba Investment Tax Credit

Selinger, 1404

Manitoba Labour Board

Annual report tabling

Allan, 1111


Allan, 1203

Schuler, 1203

Manitoba Law Reform Commission

Annual report tabling

Mackintosh, 3702

Manitoba Legislative Internship Program

Hickes, 64-65

Manitoba Liquor Control Commission

Quarterly report tabling

Smith, 541

Manitoba Lotteries Corporation

Quarterly report tabling

Smith, 478, 879

Revenue estimates

Doer, 990-993

Murray, 990-993

Manitoba Lowlands National Park

Progress report

Doer, 1997

Gerrard, 1997

Public consultation meetings

Faurschou, 2530

Struthers, 2530-2531

Manitoba Marathon

Swan, 3527-3528

Manitoba Milk Prices Review Commission. See Milk Prices Review Amendment Act

Manitoba Moose

Government funding

Hawranik, 2484

Lathlin, 2484

Manitoba Museum

Chimpanzee exhibit

Robinson, 1881

Manitoba-Nunavut road

Government study

Lemieux, 2206

Manitoba Public Insurance Corporation

Claimant Advisor's Office, status of

Faurschou, 1969-1971

Selinger, 1969-1971

Driver licensing (See Drivers and Vehicles Act and The Highway Traffic Amendment Act [Bill 41])

Manitoba Public Insurance Corporation Amendment Act

[Bill 203]

1R, Mitchelson, 879


Caldwell, 2624

Cullen, 3205-3206

Cummings, 1655-1657

Dewar, 3206

Driedger, 3671-3675

Goertzen, 2621-2624

Lamoureux, 1658-1660

Martindale, 3675-3676

Mitchelson, 1653-1655

Penner, 2013-2014

Rowat, 3676-3677

Taillieu, 1657-1658

Manitoba Public Insurance Corporation Amendment Act (Injury Compensation Appeal Commission)

[Bill 5]

1R, Selinger, 233


Cullen, 2715-2716

Lamoureux, 2716-2718

Loewen, 2712-2715

Rowat, 3151-3154

Selinger, 418

Standing Committee report, 3351-3353


Cullen, 3724

Gerrard, 3723

R/A, Harvard, 3759

Manitoba Road Safety Week

Maguire, 2865

Manitoba Science and Technology Fund

Director and chief executive officer

Loewen, 2061

Rondeau, 2061

Government funding commitment

Loewen, 2059-2061

Rondeau, 2061

Manitoba Science Fair

Divisional winners

Taillieu, 3483

Manitoba Securities Commission

Public hearing--Crocus Investment Fund

Doer, 1244-1245, 1283-1285

Hawranik, 3574-3575, 3705-3706

Murray, 1244-1245, 1283-1285

Manitoba Seniors and Healthy Aging Secretariat

Committee of Supply

Debate, 2270-2275


Oswald, 2270-2275

Reimer, 2271-2275

Supplementary information tabling

Oswald, 2133

Grants to external agencies

Oswald, 2273

Reimer, 2273

Manitoba Speech and Hearing Association Act. See Audiologists and Speech Language Pathologists Act

Manitoba Sport

Committee of Supply, 2602

Supplementary information tabling

Robinson, 2133

Manitoba Stampede

Manitoba Tourism Award

Taillieu, 2145

Manitoba Student Aid Program

Annual Report tabling

McGifford, 1609

Manitoba Sustainable Development Innovations Fund

Committee of Supply

Supplementary information tabling

Struthers, 2133

Manitoba Teachers' Society

Meeting request regarding pension issues

Bjornson, 1006-1008, 1023-1024

Driedger, 1006-1008, 1023-1024

Manitoba Tire Stewardship Board


Chomiak, 1788

Faurschou, 1424-1425, 1787-1788, 2528-2530, 3017-3018

Selinger, 1425

Struthers, 2529-2530, 3018

Manitoba Tourism Awards

Taillieu, 2144-2145, 2558-2559

Manitoba Trucking Association

Maguire, 935-936

Manitoba Water Services Board

Committee of Supply, 2602

Manitoba Women's Advisory Council

Activities of

Allan, 1154

Manitou Opera House

Dyck, 1887

Manufacturing tax credit

Rondeau, 2049

Manure management

Legislation enforcement

Gerrard, 1942-1943

Wowchuk, 1942-1943

Maple Leaf Distillers. See Crocus Investment Fund; Manitoba Industrial Opportunities Program (MIOP)

Maples Collegiate

Unity March

Aglugub, 2954

YMCA Youth Exchanges Canada program

Aglugub, 1937-1938

Maples Surgical Centre

Meeting request

Doer, 1740-1741, 1836, 3473-3474

Murray, 1739-1741, 1836, 3473-3474

Sale, 1741-1742

Stefanson, 1741-1742

Pediatric dental surgery

Murray, 114-115

Sale, 114-115

Stefanson, 2698-2699

Surgical wait list reduction proposal

Chomiak, 1837-1838

Doer, 1835-1836, 1891-1892, 2606-2607

Murray, 1835-1836, 1891, 2136, 2606-2607

Sale, 2136

Stefanson, 1837

Mardon, Harry

Tribute to

Maguire, 167-168

Margarine Repeal Act

[Bill 26]

1R, Struthers, 1283


Eichler, 2708-2709

Lamoureux, 2708

Wowchuk, 1650

Standing Committee report, 3223-3226


Eichler, 3383

Penner, 3383-3384

R/A, Harvard, 3491

Marijuana grow operations

Reduction strategy

Lamoureux, 1682-1683, 2613

Mackintosh, 1682-1683, 2613

Marquis Project

Premier's Volunteer Service Award recipient

Caldwell, 1845

Martin, Paul

Greatest Transconian contest

Jha, 678

Reid, 678-679

Martin, Preston

Medical examiner's investigation

Gerrard, 3325, 3327

Melnick, 3326, 3327

Martindale, Doug (Burrows) N.D.P.

Andrew Mynarski VC Air Cadets, 1619

Barwinsky, Jaroslaw, 1101-1102

Budget Debate, 748-754, 767

Child and Family Services Amendment Act (Grandparent Access)

[Bill 208]

2R, 3208-309

Coulter, James Arthur

Tribute to, 1253-1254

Crown Corporations, Standing Committee on

3rd Report, 24-25

English-Ukrainian Bilingual Program

25th anniversary, 3240-3241

Hansard correction, 224

Justice, Standing Committee on

2nd Report, 25-26

Legislative Assembly Amendment Act [Bill 201]

2R, 534-536

Manitoba Public Insurance Corporation Amendment Act

[Bill 203]

2R, 3675-3676

McLean, Joyce

Volunteer of the Year award, 2656

Medical Amendment Act

[Bill 207] Reinstated from previous session

2R, 1337-1338

Members' Statements

Andrew Mynarski VC Air Cadets, 1619

Coulter, James Arthur

Tribute to, 1253-1254

English-Ukrainian Bilingual Program

25th anniversary, 3240-3241

McLean, Joyce

Volunteer of the Year award, 2656

North End Community Renewal Corporation, 2045

Pankiw, Mary

Osvita Foundation recognition, 3290

PATH Resource Centre, 2045

Sisler High School

Canada's top comprehensive high school, 491-492

Humanitarian projects, 1178

Sokol Polish Folk Ensemble, 196-197

Sol de España Spanish Dance Group, 2866-2867

Spanish Club of Winnipeg, 2866-2867

Ukraine election, 646-647

United Church of Canada

80th anniversary celebrations, 3528

North End Community Renewal Corporation, 2045

Pankiw, Mary

Osvita Foundation recognition, 3290

PATH Resource Centre, 2045

Pension Freedom Act (Pension Benefits Act Amended)

[Bill 212] Reinstated from previous session

2R, 517

Private Members' Business


Barwinsky, Jaroslaw, 1101-1102

Ukraine, democracy in the, 1665-1667

Wartime measures, redress for, 2401-2405

Residential Tenancies Amendment Act

[Bill 38]

2R, 2682-2687


Ukraine election, 265-266

Sisler High School

Canada's top comprehensive high school, 491-492

Humanitarian projects, 1178

Sokol Polish Folk Ensemble, 196-197

Sol de España Spanish Dance Group, 2866-2867

Spanish Club of Winnipeg, 2866-2867

Throne Speech, 148-151, 168-170

Ukraine, democracy in the, 1665-1667

Ukraine election, 265-266, 646-647

United Church of Canada

80th anniversary celebrations, 3528

Wartime measures, redress for, 2401-2405

Maternity wards

Comparative birthing costs

Lamoureux, 1117

Sale, 1117

Matters of Grievance

BSE crisis

Eichler, 2867-2869

Crocus Investment Fund

Cullen, 3147-3150

Loewen, 3634-3637

Maguire, 3103-3105

Democratic rights

Goertzen, 410-412

Government mismanagement

Driedger, 3373-3376

Rowat, 3291-3293

Seven Oaks School Division

Land acquisition and development

Derkach, 2504-2507

Mitchelson, 2507-2509

Tax assessment appeal process

Rocan, 2794-2797

Government relationship with labour leaders

Murray, 3715-3718

Hydra House

Cummings, 405-407

Dyck, 407-410

North Dakota, relations with

Penner, 1577-1578

Pension Benefits Amendment Act [Bill 10] delay

Reimer, 1691-1693

Schuler, 1688-1691

Provincial park campgrounds

Reservation system

Faurschou, 2870-2872

Question Period, rules and regulations

Lamoureux, 598-601

Matters of Privilege

Apology request from Minister of Health

Derkach, 12, 15, 16-18

Gerrard, 12

Lamoureux, 18

Mackintosh, 12, 20

Mitchelson, 18-19

taken under advisement, 13, 20; Speaker's ruling, 194-195

Apology request from Premier and Minister of Justice

Derkach, 22

Doer, 21-22

Gerrard, 20-21

Goertzen, 22

Lamoureux, 22-23

taken under advisement, 23; Speaker's ruling, 195

Bill 10, Premier's comments regarding

Derkach, 1235-1237

Lamoureux, 1238-1239

Mackintosh, 1237-1238

Schuler, 1240

taken under advisement, 1240;

Deputy Speaker

Conduct and actions of

Derkach, 912-914, 915-916

Goertzen, 916-918

Lamoureux, 914-915, 916

Mackintosh, 915

Flood damage

Disaster assistance

Derkach, 3370-3371

Mackintosh, 3370

Penner, 3368-3370

taken under advisement, 3371; Speaker's ruling, 3630-3631

Government business, calling of

Referral to Committee on Legislative Affairs

Lamoureux, 1297-1299

taken under advisement, 1299; Speaker's ruling, 1684-1685

Health budget

Minister's comments

Ashton, 723-724

Derkach, 729-731

Driedger, 726-728

Lamoureux, 728-729

Loewen, 720-723

Rocan, 724-726

taken under advisement, 731; Speaker's ruling, 1065-1066

Hiring subcommittees, Liberal participation

Derkach, 347

Goertzen, 346-347

Lamoureux, 343-345

Mackintosh, 345

Mitchelson, 345-346

taken under advisement, 347

Hydra House

Government awareness of mismanagement

Derkach, 3367-3368

Gerrard, 3364-3366

Mackintosh, 3367

taken under advisement 3368; Speaker's ruling, 3525-3526

Provision of information by government (1)

Cummings, 74-75

Derkach, 75-77

Faurschou, 80-81

Lamoureux, 79--80

Loewen, 78-79

Mackintosh, 75

Penner, 77-78

taken under advisement, 81; Speaker's ruling, 444-445

Provision of information by government (2)

Cummings, 107

Mackintosh, 107-108

taken under advisement, 108; Speaker's ruling, 445-446

Introduction of bills

Ashton, 386-387

Derkach, 388-389

Goertzen, 387-388

Lamoureux, 389

Schuler, 385-386

taken under advisement, 389; Speaker's ruling, 977-979

Minister of Aboriginal and Northern Affairs' body language

Lamoureux, 3467-3468

Mackintosh, 3468

Rocan, 3468

taken under advisement, 3468; Speaker's ruling, 3631-3632

Minister of Education and Training

Request for disciplinary action against

Derkach, 1418-1419

Gerrard, 1420

Mackintosh, 1419

taken under advisement, 1420; Speaker's ruling, 2614-2616

Public Accounts Committee (1)

Witnesses, calling of

Derkach, 40-41

Loewen, 42

Mackintosh, 41-42

taken under advisement, 42; Speaker's ruling, 290-291

Public Accounts Committee (2)

Witnesses, calling of

Derkach, 108

Doer, 110

Lamoureux, 110

Mackintosh, 108-110

Mitchelson, 110-111

taken under advisement, 111; Speaker's ruling, 446

Unorthodox ways of government

Referral to Committee on Legislative Affairs

taken under advisement, 1299

Matters of Urgent Public Importance

Children's Advocate, Pauingassi report

Ashton, 414-415

Derkach, 413-414

Lamoureux, 415-416

Speaker's ruling, 416

Crocus Investment Fund

Lamoureux, 2561

Mackintosh, 2561-2562

Speaker's ruling, 2562

Flood damage

Impact on the agricultural community

Ashton, 3538-3540

Cummings, 3537-3538

Derkach, 3529-3530

Dyck, 3548

Eichler, 3530-3532

Gerrard, 3530, 3546

Goertzen, 3547-3548

Mackintosh, 3530

Maguire, 3544-3546

Murray, 3534-3535

Nevakshonoff, 3542-3543

Penner, 3541-3542

Rowat, 3543-3544

Schuler, 3547

Smith, 3535-3537

Taillieu, 3546-3547

Wowchuk, 3532-3534

Livestock industry

Slaughter capacity

Aglugub, 617-618

Bjornson, 622-624

Cummings, 630-631

Derkach, 601-602, 604-606

Doer, 607-608

Eichler, 613-614

Gerrard, 603, 618-620

Mackintosh, 602-603

Maguire, 628-630

Murray, 608-610

Nevakshonoff, 614-616

Penner, 616-617

Rowat, 624-625

Schuler, 627-628

Smith, 626-627

Struthers, 620-621

Taillieu, 621-622

Wowchuk, 610-613

May Day

Maloway, 2143

McClung, Nellie

Accomplishments of

Gerrard, 638

MCDCA. See Manitoba Community Development Corporation Association

McGifford, Hon. Diane (Lord Roberts) N.D.P.

Adult Learning Centres

Annual report tabling, 1010

Advanced Education and Training Department

Annual report tabling, 64

Committee of Supply

Concurrence motion, 2933-2939, 3036-3038

Estimates debate, 1519-1535, 1710-1718

Supplementary information tabling, 1244

Staffing, 1522-1523, 1717

Assiniboine Community College

Annual report tabling, 64

Culinary Arts program, 791-792

ATEC Training Centre (Nelson House)

Community-based training, 1528

Funding, 1527-1528, 1711-1712

Subcontracting of training agencies, 1528-1529

Success rate, 1530-1533

Training locations, 1530

Brandon University

Annual report tabling, 64

Funding, 1016

Collège de Saint-Boniface

Annual report tabling, 64

Collège de Saint-Boniface Incorporation Amendment Act

[Bill 18]

1R, 968-969

2R, 1645-1646


Technical-vocational education, dual credit, 2938

Committee of Supply

Concurrence motion, 2933-2939, 3036-3038

Council on Post-Secondary Education

Annual report tabling, 64

Board membership, 1524

Keewatin Community College

Annual report tabling, 64

Mould remediation, 1525

Manitoba Hydro

Employment training programs, 1520

Manitoba Student Aid Program

Annual Report tabling, 1609

Oral Questions

Assiniboine Community College

Culinary Arts program, 791-792

Brandon University

Funding, 1016

Post-secondary education

Ancillary fees, 2554-2557

Funding, 1016, 2699-2700, 2742-2744, 2784, 2855

School psychologists

Training program funding, 2313

University of Manitoba, Faculty of Engineering

Accreditation, 2855

Points of Order

P/O by Hickes respecting words "drive-by student activist" 2555; withdrawn (McGifford), 2556

Post-secondary education

Ancillary fees, 2554-2557, 2934-2935

Funding, 1016, 2699-2700, 2742-2744, 2784, 2855, 2933-2934

Health care graduation rates, 1519

Operating grants to universities, 1533

Student costs, 3036-3037

Textbooks, reuse of, 3038

Tuition freeze, 2938-2939

Red River College

Annual report tabling, 64

School psychologists

Training program funding, 2313

Technical Vocational Equipment Upgrade Program, 1711

University College of the North, 1519

Enrolment, 1525, 1526

First graduation, 1525-1526

Programming, 1524

Registered Nursing program, 1526-1527

University of Manitoba

Annual report tabling, 64

Faculty of Law, tuition fees, 1715-1716

University of Manitoba, Faculty of Engineering

Accreditation, 2855

University of Winnipeg

Annual report tabling, 64

Winnipeg Education Centre

Social worker program, 1534-1535

McKay, Eva

Tribute to

Rowat, 596-597

McKennitt, Loreena

U of M honorary degree

Dyck, 3102-3103

McKerlie, Almer

Baseball Back Catcher of the Century

Rocan, 3579

McLean, Joyce

Volunteer of the Year award

Martindale, 2656

Meadows West subdivision

Lamoureux, 1517-1518

Melnick, 1518

Meals on Wheels

Taillieu, 43

Medical Amendment Act

[Bill 207] Reinstated from previous session


Cummings, 1338-1340

Derkach, 1334-1336

Eichler, 2399-2401, 2625

Gerrard, 1340-1341

Lamoureux, 1336-1337, 3446

Martindale, 1337-1338

Sale, 3445-3446

Standing Committee report, 3567-3568


Derkach, 3669-3670

Gerrard, 3667-3669

Sale, 3667

R/A, Harvard, 3760

Medivac program

Sale, 2175

Melnick, Hon. Christine (Riel) N.D.P.


Contact with siblings, 2858, 2861-2862

Affordable Housing Initiative

Project proposal (Winkler), 2501-2502

Update, 1843

Aiyawin Corporation

Annual general meeting schedule, 3385

Financial review, 121-122, 165

Funding (2005-2006), 1446

Government financial statements, 242

Interim manager, 3495-3496

Lafreniere, Ed, employment status of, 1401

Operating plan, tabling request, 3079-3085

Operational review, 193, 402, 443, 3406

Service purchase agreement, 3385

Awasis Agency

Suicide cases--report recommendations, 2038

Suicide inquest (2000), 1442

B & L Homes

Funding, 1401, 1431

Investigation, 3325

Behavioural therapist

Availability of, 1679

Child Abuse Registry

Children's Advocate recommendations, 3387

Child and Family Services agencies

Board appointments, 3042-3043

Case file summaries, 3386-3387

Chief executive officers, 1211

Cultural diversity, 3039-3040

Devolution process, 1516

Employee gag order, 2137-2138

Federal-provincial funding arrangements, 3044-3045

Funding criteria, 3041-3042

Intervention and prevention, alternative methods of, 3040

Métis Child and Family Services Authority, 3042

Ministerial responsibility, 3038-3041

Northern Authority, 1444-1445

Preservation and reunification unit, 3043

Service delivery during transition, 1838-1839

Service purchase agreements, 3041, 3044

Social workers, qualifications of, 1213-1215, 1382-1383

Staffing, 1211-1213

Child and Family Services Amendment Act (Child Protection Penalties)

[Bill 2]

1R, 113-114

2R, 416-418

Child care

Government initiatives, 932

Child poverty

Reduction strategy, 764

Children in care

24-hour supervision, 3361-3362

Adequate supervision, 3325

Culturally appropriate homes, 1446

Emergency housing, 285-286

Emergency placements, 1441

Foster care facilities, licensing standards, 1436-1437, 1514-1515

Kinship care, 1445

Northern services, 841, 3327

Procedure for investigating deaths, 1437

Reserve fund for special occasions, 1441-1442

Safety concerns, 1013-1015, 1059-1060, 1064, 1115, 1120

Shelter safety, 888-889

Statistics, 3324

Children's Advocate

Recommendations, government response to, 357-358

Committee of Supply

Concurrence motion, 2938-3050, 3079-3088, 3124, 3321-3327, 3384-3393, 3495-3500

Disabilities Issues Office

Update, 488

Disabled persons, services for

For-profit providers, 2789

Domestic violence

Crisis information line, 1396

General comments, 1395-1396

Domestic Violence and Stalking Prevention, Protection and Compensation Act

Proclamation, 1396

Family Services and Housing Department

Annual report tabling, 185

Behavioural therapist positions, 1384

Clinical psychologists, 1433-1435

Committee of Supply

Concurrence motion, 2938-3050, 3079-3088, 3124, 3321-3327, 3384-3393, 3495-3500

Estimates Debate, 1208-1215, 1382-1402, 1431-1448, 1514-1518

Supplementary Information tabling, 1243

Role of, 1208-1209

Strategic initiatives, 3044

Sussman, Milton, employment status, 1435

Family Services and Housing Minister

Meeting request, 1679-1680

Family Violence Prevention Program

Funding, 1447

Housing, public

Bed bug infestation, 3497

Hydra House

Amalgamation with St. Amant Centre, 1390-1391, 1431-1432

Auditor General, information provided to, 1287-1288

Auditor General's review, 115-116

Financial irregularities, 3049-3050

Funding (2003-2004), 1388

Funding (2004-2005), 1388

Funding per client, 1388-1390

Funding, recovery of, 1436, 1743-1744

Government funding, status of, 1353-1354

Government's awareness of mismanagement, 1172-1173, 1248-1251, 1572-1573, 3363

Housing, purchase of, 1354

Internal review, 38, 72-74, 117, 119-120, 160-161, 162-163, 164, 235-236

Investigation, 2789

Premier's awareness, 118

Public inquiry request, 39, 40, 117, 237

Quality of care, 1354

Report tabling request, 163-164

Residents, statistics, 1388, 1390, 1431, 1435

Transfer of care agreement, 1681-1682

Impaired driving offences

Protection of passengers, 3019

Income Assistance

Rent payments, 3497

Manitoba Children's Agenda – Leadership Council, 3048

Manitoba Developmental Centre

Community living placements, 1616-1618

Expansion, 1174-1175

Fire alarm upgrading costs, 3388-3389

Habilitation program, 3322

New patient statistics, 3322

Redevelopment, 1385-1387, 1516, 3323

Redevelopment plan, consultations, 3500

Transition to community living, 3321, 3499-3500

Manitoba Housing Authority

Assisted living accommodations, 1400

Maintenance management system, 164-165

Misconduct by caretaker, allegations of, 234

Martin, Preston

Medical examiner's investigation, 3326, 3327

Meadows West subdivision, 1518

Office of the Vulnerable Persons

Staffing, 1435

Oral Questions


Contact with siblings, 2858, 2861-2862

Affordable Housing Initiative

Project proposal (Winkler), 2501-2502

Update, 1843

Aiyawin Corporation

Financial review, 121-122, 165

Government financial statements, 242

Operational review, 193, 402, 443, 3406

Awasis Agency

Suicide cases--report recommendations, 2038

Behavioural therapist

Availability of, 1679

Child and Family Services agencies

Employee gag order, 2137-2138

Service delivery during transition, 1838-1839

Child care

Government initiatives, 932

Child poverty

Reduction strategy, 764

Children in care

24-hour supervision, 3361-3362

Emergency housing, 285-286

Northern services, 841

Safety concerns, 1013-1015, 1059-1060, 1064, 1115, 1120

Shelter safety, 888-889

Children's Adovcate

Recommendations, government response to, 357-358

Disabilities Issues Office

Update, 488

Disabled persons, services for

For-profit providers, 2789

Family Services and Housing Minister

Meeting request, 1679-1680

Hydra House

Auditor General, information provided to, 1287-1288

Auditor General's review, 115-116

Funding, recovery of, 1743-1744

Government funding, status of, 1353-1354

Government's awareness of mismanagement, 1172-1173, 1248-1251, 1572-1573, 3363

Housing, purchase of, 1354

Internal review, 38, 72-74, 117, 119-120, 160-161, 164, 235-236

Investigation, 2789

Premier's awareness, 118

Public inquiry request, 39, 40, 117, 237

Quality of care, 1354

Report tabling request, 163-164

Transfer of care agreement, 1681-1682

Impaired driving offences

Protection of passengers, 3019

Manitoba Developmental Centre

Community living placements, 1616-1618

Expansion, 1174-1175

Manitoba Housing Authority

Maintenance management system, 164-165

Misconduct by caretaker, allegations of, 234

Osborne House

Board resignations, 640-641

Souris Day Care Centre

Staffing shortages, 718

Teenage pregnancy

Prevention, 2790

Winnipeg Housing and Homelessness Initiative

Update, 2654

Osborne House

Board membership, 1447

Board resignations, 640-641

Funding, 3496

Projected deficit, 1447

Staffing, 3496

Persons with disabilities

Income Assistance, 1393-1394

Personal care plans, 1393

Transportation funding, 1432-1433

Royalwood subdivision, 1518

St. Amant Centre

Funding per client, 1389-1390

Residents, statistics, 1392-1393

Souris Day Care Centre

Staffing shortages, 718

Teenage pregnancy

Prevention, 2790

Whistle-blower legislation, 3323-3324

Winnipeg Housing and Homelessness Initiative

Update, 2654

A Woman's Place

Funding, 1396-1397

Zelana Village (Portage la Prairie)

Rents outstanding, 3390-3393

Update, 1399-1400

Members' Statements

Aboriginal Awareness Week

Caldwell, 2909

Aboriginal Business Hall of Fame

Maguire, 1022

Aboriginal Music Awards

Taillieu, 197

Access Transcona

Jha, 1021

Age of consent legislation

Driedger, 890

Agriculture Awareness Day

Nevakshonoff, 843-844

Rowat, 844

Aiyawin Corporation

Gerrard, 493

Ambulance service

East and West St. Paul

Schuler, 598, 831, 3411

ANCOP International

Aglugub, 2703

Anderson, Hans Christian

Swan, 1177

Andrew Mynarski VC Air Cadets

Martindale, 1619

Arborg and District Multicultural Heritage Village

St. Nicholas Parish Hall, opening of

Nevakshonoff, 3060-3061

Armstrong, Sally

UNIFEM Canada Award

Stefanson, 765-766

Arthur A. Leach School

Empty Bowls project

Irvin-Ross, 936

Asian Heritage Month

Swan, 2657

Association of Manitoba Municipalities conference

Nevakshonoff, 122

Ballance, Dallas

Emerging Business Award recipient

Driedger, 2909

Barbados Association of Winnipeg

Taillieu, 166-167

Barrow, Ron, tribute to

Jennissen, 795

Barteski, Kal

Home Enterprise Award recipient

Driedger, 2909

Basketball leagues/accomplishments

Lamoureux, 845

Bears on Broadway

CancerCare fundraiser

Cullen, 3238

Loewen, 3020

Best in Business Practice Awards

Brick, 2908

BIBAK Association of Manitoba

Fundraising event

Aglugub, 3146

Bifrost Bio-Blends

Nevakshonoff, 3410-3411

Biodiesel fuel

Nevakshonoff, 3410-3411

Bird, Brad

Border to Bay Walk

Maguire, 3372

Black History Month

Brick, 794

Boeve, Werner, tribute to

Schuler, 597-598

Boon, Laurie

Student Citizen Award recipient

Maguire, 2953-2954

Boonstra dairy barn

Eichler, 404

Border Explorers Snowmobile Club

Jennissen, 733

Borkowsky, Rachel

Lieutenant-Governor's Make A Difference Community Award recipient

Eichler, 1687

Boyd, Heather

Impact on Local Economy Award recipient

Driedger, 2909

Brandon Wheat Kings

Caldwell, 1687, 2314

Bronx Park Community Centre

Maloway, 2655-2656

Buhler Hall (Gretna)

Penner, 196

Campbell, Jane

International Trade Award recipient

Driedger, 2909

Mitchelson, 2908

Canada Health Act


Gerrard, 294

Canada-wide Science Fair

Brick, 2144

Canadian Fossil Discovery Centre (Morden)

Dyck, 1749

Canadian Martyrs Catholic Church Seniors' Supper

Jennissen, 550-551

Canadian Oncology Nursing Week

Stefanson, 1686-1687

Canadians Helping Kids in Vietnam

Schellenberg, 2792

Carels, Kenneth

Tribute to

Maguire, 678

Carman Elementary School Choir

Rocan, 1619-1620

Cecil Rhodes School

Student achievements

Santos, 3020-3021

Central Regional Health Authority

Dyck, 3371

Charleswood Junior High School

Fundraising efforts

Driedger, 1177-1178

Charleswood Rotary Club

20th anniversary

Driedger, 3239

Cherniack, Saul

Tribute to

Jennissen, 2559

Child poverty rate

Gerrard, 679

Child sexual exploitation

Driedger, 890-891

Chipman, Mark

Driedger, 448

Churchill Bulldogs

ANAVETS Bowl champions

Loewen, 447

Collège Jeanne-Sauvé

Olympiens boys' basketball team

Loewen, 1067-1068

UNESCO-associated school

Oswald, 2793

Come Walk With Me

Hutterite culture educational tool

Schellenberg, 3289

Commonwealth Air Training Plan Museum

Rowat, 2703-2704

Community service awards

Brick, 1576

Concordia Hospital

Orthopedic services

Schellenberg, 1122-1123

Conservation Department

Water Resources employees

Cummings, 1575

Cornish Library

90th anniversary

Altemeyer, 3372-3373

Coulter, James Arthur

Tribute to

Martindale, 1253-1254

Craik, Polly

Women Entrepreneur of the Year

Brick, 2908

Criddle/Vane Homestead Trail

Cullen, 449

Crime prevention

Maloway, 766

Crime Watch Forum

Mitchelson, 934-935

Crocus Investment Fund

Government's inaction

Gerrard, 3147

Crocus Plains Plainsmen

Caldwell, 934

Dalhousie School breakfast program

Brick, 935

Daniel McIntyre Collegiate Institute

Swan, 844-845

Danish Canadian Club

Swan, 1177

Deep River Science Academy

Hawranik, 363-364

Delmar Commodities

Dyck, 980-981

Deloraine Border Festival

Maguire, 2044

Devils Lake diversion

Comments of Pat Martin

Gerrard, 3634

Douglas, Tommy

Schellenberg, 242-243

Dugald United Church

115th anniversary

Schuler, 2702-2703

Dupont family

Hawranik, 1020-1021

Earth Day

Altemeyer, 1687-1688

Eating disorders treatment centre

Gerrard, 1293-1294

École Crane

50th anniversary

Irvin-Ross, 3020

École Leila North Community School

Marsville Program

Aglugub, 2432-2433

École Saint-Avila

Artistic initiatives

Brick, 1121-1122

Ellice Street Festival

Swan, 3633

Emerado School (Winkler)


Dyck, 2226

Emergency Medical Services Week

Reimer, 2748-2749

Rocan, 2791-2792

Emergency Preparedness Week

Caldwell, 1748-1749

English-as-a-second language programs (ESL)

Irvin-Ross, 2702

English-Ukrainian Bilingual Program


25th anniversary, 3240-3241

Enns, Peter W.

Tribute to

Dyck, 242

Fehr, Eric

WHL Player of the Year

Dyck, 3102

Filmon, Gary

Portrait unveiling

Murray, 2143-2144

Fishing industry

Season extension

Faurschou, 764-765

Flin Flon Community Choir Christmas concert

Jennissen, 551

Flood damage

Agricultural assistance

Penner, 3632

Minister's awareness

Derkach, 3288-3289

Ford, Ben, tribute to

Jennissen, 795

Forsythe, Lois

Ageless Heroes 2004 Love of Learning award

Faurschou, 243-244

Fort Garry Historical Society

Brick, 1293

Fort Garry Mennonite Brethren

ESL programs, 2702

Fort Garry Seniors' programs

Irvin-Ross, 1355-1356

Fort Garry Seniors' Resource Centre

Irvin-Ross, 552-553

Frontier School Division Achievement Award

Jennissen, 1356-1367

Garbald, Ramona

Manitoba Cattlemen's Association scholarship

Cummings, 1121

Gateway Resources Incorporated

Dyck, 2226

Gathering of Nations

Multicultural festival

Rocan, 2227

General Byng School

Bicycle rodeo

Irvin-Ross, 3102

General Wolfe School

English-as-a-second language (ESL) class

Swan, 447-448

German-Canadian Congress

20th anniversary

Schellenberg, 3021-3022

Glass, Helen

Professor Emerita, University of Manitoba

Driedger, 3289-3290

Glenboro Panthers varsity baseball team

Provincial A High School Girls Championship

Cullen, 1486-1487

Glenboro (Village)

125th birthday celebrations

Cullen, 3713

Golden West Broadcasting

Tsunami disaster relief efforts

Penner, 3482

Good Neighbours Senior Centre

Maloway, 2655-2656

Mitchelson, 732

Goodon, Irvin

Aboriginal Business Hall of Fame inductee

Maguire, 1022

Government accountability

Lamoureux, 2560-2561

Government mismanagement

Gerrard, 3634

Grandparents' rights

Rowat, 1844-1845

Graysville School

Rocan, 551

Greatest Transconian Contest

Jha, 677-678

Reid, 678-679

Grenadian Association of Manitoba

25th anniversary

Taillieu, 1485-1486

Greyhound Bus Lines

Northern services

Jennissen, 1254-1255

Guerrero, Abe and Marina, 480

Ham, Mel

Medal for Excellence in Teaching

Cullen, 3581

Hans Christian Anderson Day

Swan, 1177


Taillieu, 492

A Hard Night Out

Altemeyer, 43

Hartney School

Remembrance Day video

Maguire, 1067

Health care services, accountability

Gerrard, 294

Health Department planning

Gerrard, 1938

Heart of the Community Volunteer Awards

Driedger, 3100-3101

Heritage St. Norbert

Brick, 123-124

Hershberg, Sherrill

Building Business Award recipient

Driedger, 2908

Highway 201 bridge closure

Penner, 843

Highway construction/maintenance

Capital budget

Nevakshonoff, 1176

Hindu Society of Manitoba

Murray, 122-123

Holtmann, Heinrich

Manitoba Agriculture Hall of Fame

Eichler, 2559-2560

Housing Opportunity Partnership (HOP)

Swan, 2044-2045

Housing strategy

Affordable and energy-efficient housing

Altemeyer, 647-648

Hutterite culture

Educational program

Schellenberg, 3289

Hydra House

Gerrard, 2793

I Love To Read Month

Irvin-Ross, 598

Immanuel Christian School

Social Justice Award recipient

Jha, 3237-3238


Altemeyer, 892

Immigration, family reunification

Lamoureux, 244

India School of Dance, Music and Theatre

25th anniversary

Korzeniowski, 796-797

Ingram, David

Special Olympic participant

Driedger, 1021

International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination

Irvin-Ross, 979

International Labour Day

Maloway, 2143

International Women's Day

Murray, 646

Taillieu, 648

Irvin Goodon Industries Ltd.

Manitoba Outstanding Small Business award

Maguire, 44-45

Jackson, Darryl

Whitehall Robins' Bowl of Hygeia Award

Rowat, 1357

Jail and Bail fundraising event

Jha, 2226

Jeanne Sauvé Olympiens boys' basketball team

Loewen, 1067-1068

Jeanne Sauvé Olympiens girls' basketball team

Loewen, 1067-1068

John Taylor Pipers girls' basketball team

Loewen, 1067-1068

Rondeau, 1067

Joseph Teres School

Jha, 2864-2865

Kalakrishnan, Nishant

Canada-wide Science Fair participant

Brick, 2144

Keeyask Dam

Gerrard, 1620-1621

Kent, Eileen

Love of Caring Award recipient

Maguire, 2792-2793

Keystone Agricultural Producers

Penner, 292

Kids are Authors Competition

Rocan, 551

Kitching, Bruce

Tribute to

Korzeniowski, 3288

Kiwanis Club of East Kildonan

Youth Services Recognition Night

Mitchelson, 3061

Kiwanis Club of St. James

Korzeniowski, 82

Kong, Lynda

Canada-wide Science Fair participant

Brick, 2144

Kostur, Kendall

Chief Scout Award recipient

Struthers, 3482-3483

Krahn's Audio Video Ltd.

Schuler, 1750

la Maison-Chapelle

Manitoba Tourism Award recipient

Taillieu, 255

La Salle Women's Curling Team

Taillieu, 732-733

La Verendrye School (Portage la Prairie)

Physical education initiatives

Faurschou, 3528

Ladybug Foundation

Advocacy for the homeless

Driedger, 677

Lake Winnipeg

Preservation strategy

Rocan, 3101-3102

Legislative Assembly

Speaker's Outreach Program

Korzeniowski, 597

Legislative Assembly sitting days

Lamoureux, 1845-1846, 2909-2910

LifeWorks Golden Plate Gala

Korzeniowski, 363

LITE pancake breakfast

Altemeyer, 166

Livable Communities awards

Bjornson, 402-403

Lloyd, Dennis

Tribute to

Korzeniowski, 3713

Loewen Corporation

100th anniversary

Goertzen, 3713-3714

Lorteau, Debra

Fort Garry Seniors Resource Centre co-ordinator

Irvin-Ross, 552-553

Low, Jean Merle

Murray, 646

Lundstrom, Sonya

Seniors' Health Resource Team

Mitchelson, 732

Lussier, Dan

Rhodes scholarship recipient

Reimer, 403

Magdaragat Philippines organization

Swan, 2657

Maison McDougall House

Brick, 123-124

Major Pratt Lady Trojans

AA Provincial Girls' Volleyball Champions

Derkach, 492-493

Manitoba Agricultural Credit Corporation


Penner, 1122

Manitoba Association of Filipino Teachers Incorporated

Aglugub, 3411

Manitoba Cattlemen's Association scholarships

Cummings, 1121

Manitoba Day

Korzeniowski, 2704

Taillieu, 2656-2657

Manitoba Developmental Centre


Gerrard, 2315-2316

Manitoba Entrepreneur of the Year awards

Driedger, 2909

Gerrard, 2954

Manitoba Farm Family of the Year

Schuler, 2866

Manitoba Harm Reduction Network

Altemeyer, 43

Manitoba Marathon

Swan, 3527-3528

Manitoba Road Safety Week

Maguire, 2865

Manitoba Science Fair

Divisional winners

Taillieu, 3483

Manitoba Stampede

Manitoba Tourism Award

Taillieu, 2145

Manitoba Tourism Awards

Taillieu, 2144-2145, 2558-2559

Manitoba Trucking Association

Maguire, 935-936

Maples Collegiate

Unity March

Aglugub, 2954

YMCA Youth Exchanges Canada program

Aglugub, 1937-1938

Mardon, Harry, tribute to

Maguire, 167-168

Marquis Project

Caldwell, 1845

Martin, Paul

Greatest Transconian contest

Jha, 678

Reid, 678-679

May Day

Maloway, 2143

McKay, Eva, tribute to

Rowat, 596-597

McKennitt, Loreena

U of M honorary degree

Dyck, 3102-3103

McKerlie, Almer

Baseball Back Catcher of the Century

Rocan, 3579

McLean, Joyce

Volunteer of the Year award

Martindale, 2656

Meals on Wheels

Taillieu, 43

Memorial Drive (Rivers)

Tribute to veterans

Rowat, 3146

Mennonite Central Committee

Schellenberg, 448-449

Mental Illness Awareness Week

Cullen, 2315

Métis hunting rights

Rocan, 293

Mines and mining industry

Gerrard, 2954

Missing Children's Day

Driedger, 2952-2953

Swan, 2953

Morden community activities

Dyck, 1749

Morden Festival of the Arts Hi-Lites concert

Dyck, 1749

Morris constituency

Outstanding women

Taillieu, 648

Mother's Day

Brick, 2503

Movement Disorders Clinic

Korzeniowski, 1936-1937

Mrs. Lucci's Resource Centre

Hawranik, 1292

Music education programs

Jha, 1750

Korzeniowski, 1357-1358

Music Month

Concert series

Rocan, 1619

National Day of Mourning

Workplace accidents/deaths

Cullen, 2045

Jennissen, 1844

National Nursing Week

Jha, 2502

Stefanson, 2502-2503

National Volunteer Week

Schellenberg, 1575

National VON Week

Irvin-Ross, 2865

Neelin Spartans volleyball teams

Caldwell, 359, 362-363

Neepawa Lily Festival

Cummings, 3410

Neepawa Personal Care Home

Cummings, 1844

Neepawa (town)

Top 20 places to live designation

Cummings, 3145-3146

Neighbourhoods Alive! program

Brandon projects

Caldwell, 3580-3581

Netherlands, commemoration of the liberation of

Jennissen, 2315

Neufeld, John (pastor)

Retirement from Christian Fellowship Church

Goertzen, 3021

New Flyer Industries

Eichler, 123

Jha, 551-552, 1121

Nixon, Gayleen and Alan

Lieutenant-Governor's Make A Difference Community Award recipient

Eichler, 1687

Nnadi, Buchi

Young Woman of Distiniction Award recipient

Brick, 2431

Noble, Sierra

Musical accomplishments

Altemeyer, 732

North End Community Renewal Corporation

Martindale, 2045

Northern Manitoba

Jennissen, 3714

Order of the Sons of Italy

Stefanson, 1574-1575

Outstanding Young Farmers Program

Faurschou, 2750

Pallister, Bryce

Musical accomplishments

Faurschou, 3633

Palmer, Deborah

Child-bride survivor

Driedger, 890

Pankiw, Mary

Osvita Foundation recognition

Martindale, 3290

Parent Child Home Program

Caldwell, 1845

PATH Resource Centre

Martindale, 2045

Peace march (Flin Flon)

Jennissen, 293-294

Pembina constituency events

Dyck, 2226

Pembina Threshermen's Museum

Dyck, 2226

Pension Benefits Amendment Act

[Bill 10]


Schuler, 1937

Pension plans, teachers

Gerrard, 892-893

Philippine Canadian Centre

Aglugub, 81

Recognition wall

Aglugub, 3526-3527

Santos, 167

Philippine Heritage Week

Aglugub, 3411

Santos, 3146-3147

Philippines flood relief

Aglugub, 292-293

Philippot, Raymond

Travel Manitoba Tourism Award recipient

Rocan, 2227

Phoenix Flames Pee Wee boys hockey team

Minor Hockey Association city champions

Taillieu, 3473

Physician resources

Gerrard, 82-83

Pine Grove Rest Stop

Plumbing and water supply repairs

Gerrard, 2954

Portage Terriers

Anavet Cup champions

Faurschou, 2228

Manitoba Junior Hockey League champions

Faurschou, 1356

Portuguese Association of Manitoba

39th anniversary

Swan, 731

Swan, 731

Portuguese village

Swan, 197-198

PRIDE Youth Conference

Nevakshonoff, 2043

Prix Tourism Manitoba 2004

Taillieu, 2558-2559

Provincial Mine Rescue Competition

Jennissen, 3238-3239

Provincial Road 304

Hawranik, 165-166

Queen's Hotel (Rapid City)

Manitoba Historical Society Centennial Business Award

Rowat, 1576-1577

Rach, Ryan

Winnipeg Police Training Academy graduate

Dyck, 43-44

Racism. Stop It! video competition

Altemeyer, 980

Rajotte, Coleen

Aboriginal filmmaker

Altemeyer, 3632-3633

Regier, Edith

Safer Communities and Excellence in Law Enforcement Award recipient

Altemeyer, 3101

Rhodes Scholarship program

Reimer, 403

Riverdale Place Workshop (Arborg)

30th anniversary

Nevakshonoff, 2749

Rockwood Festival of the Arts

Eichler, 1618-1619

Rossmere coffee parties

Schellenberg, 981

Rotary Club of South Eastman

Goertzen, 1254

Royal Canadian Horse Artillery

100th anniversary

Caldwell, 2314-2315

Royal Manitoba Winter Fair

Caldwell, 1066-1067

Safer Communities and Excellence in Law Enforcement Awards

Altemeyer, 3101

St. Andrews (R.M.), 125th anniversary

Bjornson, 765

St. Nicholas Parish Hall

Grand opening

Nevakshonoff, 3060-3061

St. Norbert Collegiate

Brick, 244

St. Norbert Community Centre

Breakfast with Santa

Brick, 403-404

St. Norbert Interpretive Centre

Brick, 123-124

Sarens, Gladys

Lifetime Achievement Award recipient

Driedger, 2909

Sargent Park School

Strumming for Sargent concert

Swan, 1485

Sawatsky, Peter

Bears on Broadway artist

Cullen, 3238

Science Fair

Morris constituency participants

Taillieu, 3483

Scott Tournament of Hearts winners

Allan, 596

Scouts Canada

Jha, 3712

The Scratching River Post

Taillieu, 2656-2657

Selkirk Hospital

Palliative Care Program

Dewar, 2504

Selkirk Royals volleyball team

AAA provincial Volleyball Champions

Dewar, 492

Seniors, contribution to society

Jha, 3483-3484

Seniors Maintaining Active Roles Together program

Brick, 2749-2750

Seven Oaks General Hospital

Canada's top 100 employers

Aglugub, 891


Aglugub, 1486

Shah, Priti

Contribution to the Community Award recipient

Driedger, 2909

Sherwood, Angela

Frontier School Division Achievement Award

Jennissen, 1356-1357

Sierra Leone National Association of Manitoba

Taillieu, 2503-2504

Sisler High School

Canada's top comprehensive high school

Martindale, 491-492

Humanitarian projects

Martindale, 1178

Skelly, George, tribute to

Jennissen, 795

Sokol Polish Folk Ensemble

Martindale, 196-197

Sol de España Spanish Dance Group

Martindale, 2866-2867

Souris suspension bridge

Commemorative stamp

Rowat, 1253

Souris Women's Institute

91st anniversary

Rowat, 647

South Winnipeg Family Information Centre

Irvin-Ross, 123

Southeast Whiteshell Volunteer Firefighters

Gala dinner

Goertzen, 3062

Spanish Club of Winnipeg, 2866-2867

Special needs children, supported living programs

Goertzen, 980

Stalmack, Eleanor

Seniors' Health Resource Team

Mitchelson, 732

Standing committee meetings

Gerrard, 3412

Lamoureux, 3373

Steinbach Music Fest

Goertzen, 2432

Steinkopf, Helen

Tribute to

Sale, 3371-3372

Strathclair Community School

Thank You Farmer contest winners

Derkach, 2656

Sudanese community

Celebration of peace accord

Altemeyer, 892

Super Cities Walk for MS

Dyck, 1749

Schellenberg, 1620

Taché (R.M.)

125th anniversary

Lemieux, 3580

Taylor, Hannah

Advocacy for the homeless

Driedger, 677

Teddy Bears' Picnic

Korzeniowski, 3061-3062

Teenage Jekyll and Hyde theatrical production

Irvin-Ross, 2560

Terry Fox Run

Stefanson, 1293

Thomas, Carlanna

Manitoba Cattlemen's Association scholarship

Cummings, 1121

Thompson, Bob

Premier's Volunteer Service Award recipient

Irvin-Ross, 1686

Thomson, Joan

Achievements and accomplishments

Rowat, 766

Travel Manitoba Tourism Awards

Rocan, 2227

Trinidad and Tobago Society of Winnipeg

21st anniversary

Taillieu, 552

Ukraine election

Derkach, 81, 363

Martindale, 646=647

UNIFEM Canada Award

Stefanson, 765-766

United Church of Canada

80th anniversary celebrations

Martindale, 3528

Van Ryssel, Neil and Rosalie

Manitoba Farm Family of the Year

Schuler, 2866

Veterans Way (Brandon)

Rowat, 3527

Victoria General Hospital

Maternity ward closure

Gerrard, 1068

Lamoureux, 1255

Loewen, 891-892

Victoria General Hospital Guild

Irvin-Ross, 404

Vincent Massey Collegiate

Alternative energy sources seminar

Irvin-Ross, 1487

Volunteer Service Awards

Caldwell, 1845

Eichler, 1687

Irvin-Ross, 1686


Schellenberg, 1575

Wang, Zexi

Canada-wide Science Fair participant

Brick, 2144

Warenko, Donna

Excellence in Service Award recipient

Driedger, 2909

Weir, Geri Joyce

Tribute to

Brick, 3481-3482

West St. Paul (R.M.)

125th anniversary of incorporation

Bjornson, 2145

Whirlaway Westerners Square Dance Club

Korzeniowski, 2227

Whitehall Robins' Bowl of Hygeia Award

Rowat, 1357

Whitemouth (R.M.)

Centennial celebration

Hawranik, 794-795

Whitfield, Ralph

Manitoba Society of Pharmacists Award of Merit

Rowat, 2749

Wiebe, Erika

Safer Communities and Excellence in Law Enforcement Award recipient

Altemeyer, 3101

Williamson, Kristen

Curling accomplishments

Rowat, 1936

Wind farm (St. Leon)

Maloway, 196

Rocan, 82

Windsor Park Bonding and Bridging project

Jha, 1292

Windsor Park community

Jha, 364

Winnipeg Blue Bombers

75th anniversary

Swan, 3062-3063

Winnipeg Central Mosque

Swan, 44

Winnipeg Technical College

Battle of the Media Stars

Brick, 1749-1750

Women Entrepreneur of the Year Awards

Driedger, 2908-2909

Mitchelson, 2908

World Blood Donor Day

Stefanson, 3579-3580

World Water Day

Santos, 1021-1022

Year of the Veteran

Eichler, 1176

YMCA Youth Exchanges Canada

Aglugub, 1937

YMCA-YWCA Women of Distinction Awards

Brick, 2430-2431

Driedger, 2431

Gerrard, 2954

Memorial Drive (Rivers)

Tribute to veterans

Rowat, 3146

Mennonite Central Committee

Schellenberg, 448-449

Mental health care workers (Brandon)

Salary increase

Sale, 2188

Stefanson, 2188

Mental Health Education Resource Centre

Oswald, 1708

Mental health services


Gerrard, 2653-2654

Oswald, 2653-2654

Early psychosis intervention programs

Cullen, 2430, 2494-2495, 2746

Doer, 2493-2494

Murray, 2493-2494

Oswald, 2430, 2494-2495, 2746

Mental health services (Swan River)

Safe house closure

Doer, 437

Murray, 436-437, 543-545

Sale, 436-437, 543-545

Mental Illness Awareness Week

Cullen, 2315


Minister's attendance at conference

Goertzen, 1375-1376

Mackintosh, 1375-1376

Production control strategy

Goertzen, 1678-1679, 2136-2137

Mackintosh, 1180, 1678-1679, 2136-2137

Trafficking, penalties for

Doer, 2304-2305

Murray, 2304-2305

Métis Child and Family Services Authority. See Child and Family Services agencies

Métis hunting rights

Government position

Doer, 542-543, 549-550

Gerrard, 549-550

Murray, 542-543

Rocan, 293

Métis people

Government's lack of attention to

Hawranik, 2480

Mid-Continent Trade Corridor

Lemieux, 2206-2207

Maguire, 2208

Middlechurch Home

Bills of rights, implementation funding

Mitchelson, 1762

Sale, 1762

Midwestern Legislative Conference

Smith, 350

Taillieu, 350-351

Milk Prices Review Amendment Act

[Bill 13]

1R, Wowchuk, 435


Dyck, 1124-1125

Eichler, 1129-1130

Goertzen, 1127-1129

Lamoureux, 1126

Penner, 1125-1126

Schuler, 1126-1127

Wowchuk, 1123-1124

Standing Committee report, 1926


Eichler, 3297

Gerrard, 3297

R/A, Harvard, 3491


Eichler, 2046

Milk pricing

Northern Manitoba

Hawranik, 2482

Lathlin, 2482-2483

Miller, Bruce


Gerrard, 435

Loewen, 434-435

Mackintosh, 434

Mine Rescue Competition. See Provincial Mine Rescue Competition

Mines and mining industry

Exploration programs

Loewen, 2158-2159

Rondeau, 2050-2051, 2158-2159

General comments

Gerrard, 2954

Geoscience mapping

Rondeau, 2051

Investment opportunities

Jennissen, 674

Rondeau, 674

Projected revenues

Loewen, 2161

Rondeau, 2161

Prospector training programs

Rondeau, 2050

Mines Department. See Industry, Economic Development and Mines Department

Minimum wage


Allan, 1155

Mining Week. See Provincial Mining Week

Ministerial Statements

Aboriginal Music Awards

Gerrard, 479-480

Robinson, 478

Taillieu, 478-479

Agriculture Awareness Day

Derkach, 832-833

Wowchuk, 832

École polytechnique

Allan, 393

Gerrard, 394

Murray, 393

Flood conditions

Ashton, 3515

Derkach, 3277-3278

Gerrard, 1167, 3278, 3516

Penner, 1166-1167, 3516

Smith, 3277

Struthers, 1165-1166

Holocaust Memorial Day

Allan, 2417

Gerrard, 2417-2418

Taillieu, 2417

International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination

Allan, 967

Lamoureux, 968

Taillieu, 967-968

International Women's Day

Allan, 636-637

Driedger, 637

Gerrard, 637-638

Juno Awards

Gerrard, 1165

Reimer, 1164-1165

Robinson, 1163-1164

Legislators' Forum

Gerrard, 3227

Penner, 3226-3227

Wowchuk, 3226

Manitoba Day

Gerrard, 2646-2647

Reimer, 2645-2646

Robinson, 2644-2645

Midwestern Legislative Conference

Smith, 350

Taillieu, 350-351

Miller, Bruce


Gerrard, 435

Loewen, 434-435

Mackintosh, 434

National Day of Mourning

Allan, 2032

Gerrard, 3033

Schuler, 2032-3033

National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence Against Women

Allan, 393

Gerrard, 394

Murray, 393-394

National Forest Week

Faurschou, 2134

Gerrard, 2134-2135

Struthers, 2133-2134

Provincial Mining Week

Loewen, 2942-2943

Rondeau, 2942

Red River Floodway operation

Ashton, 3568-3569

Gerrard, 3569-3570

Penner, 3569

Royal Canadian Mounted Police

Officers killed (Mayerthorpe, Alberta)

Doer, 587

Gerrard, 588

Murray, 587-588

(Correction), 625

V-E Day, 60th anniversary

Doer, 1162-1163, 2215-2216

Gerrard, 1163, 2216-2217

Murray, 1163, 2216

World AIDS Day

Driedger, 280

Gerrard, 280-281

Oswald, 279-280

MIOP. See Manitoba Industrial Opportunities Program

Missing Children's Day

Driedger, 2952-2953

Swan, 2953

Mitchelson, Bonnie (River East) P.C.

Access River East

Update, 2255

Advanced Education and Training Department

Committee of Supply

Estimates debate, 1711-1714

Autism therapy programs

Funding inequities, 1763-1765

Budget Debate, 909-912

Budget Implementation and Tax Statutes Amendment Act, 2005

[Bill 44]

2R, 3653-3656

Campbell, Jane

International Trade Award recipient, 2908

City of Winnipeg Charter Amendment Act (Differential Business Tax Rates)

[Bill 4]

C/3R, 458-462

Committee of Supply

Concurrence motion, 3182-3188

Interim Supply, 1069-1071

Condominium Amendment Act

[Bill 31]

2R, 3175-3176

Crime Watch Forum, 934-935

Crocus Investment Fund

Appointment of a receiver manager, 3707

Government's inaction, 3140

Information tabling request, 3571-3572

Minister's awareness of valuation, 3182-3188

Political involvement of board members, 3707

Proposed legislation amendments, 3230, 3284, 3625-3626

Protection for unitholders, 3706

Public inquiry request, 3284-3285, 3626

Domestic violence

Restraining orders, statistics, 1370-1371

Domestic Violence and Stalking Prevention, Protection and Compensation Act

Proclamation, 1362-1363

Staffing, 1363-1368

Executive Council

Committee of Supply

Estimates debate, 1821-1823

Good Neighbours Senior Centre, 732

Health Department

Committee of Supply

Estimates debate, 1761-1765

Hydra House

Internal review, 164

Premier's awareness, 117-118

Industry, Economic Development and Mines Department

Committee of Supply

Concurrence motion, 3182-3188

Justice Department

Committee of Supply

Estimates debate, 1362-1368, 1370-1371

Kiwanis Club of East Kildonan

Youth Services Recognition Night, 3061

Lundstrom, Sonya

Seniors' Health Resource Team, 732

Manitoba Council on Aging Act

[Bill 8]

2R, 2719-2721

Manitoba Hydro

Employment training programs, accountability, 1821-1823

Office tower construction

Labour agreement, 1114

Rate increase, 1019

Manitoba Public Insurance Corporation Amendment Act

[Bill 203]

1R, 879

2R, 1653-1655

Matters of Grievance

Seven Oaks School Division

Land acquisition and development, 2507-2509

Matters of Privilege

Apology request from Minister of Health, 18-19

Hiring subcommittees, Liberal participation, 345-346

Public Accounts Committee (2)

Witnesses, calling of, 110-111

Members' Statements

Campbell, Jane

International Trade Award recipient, 2908

Crime Watch Forum, 934-935

Good Neighbours Senior Centre, 732

Kiwanis Club of East Kildonan

Youth Services Recognition Night, 3061

Lundstrom, Sonya

Seniors' Health Resource Team, 732

Stalmack, Eleanor

Seniors' Health Resource Team, 732

Women Entrepreneur of the Year Awards, 2908

Middlechurch Home

Bills of rights, implementation funding, 1762

Movement Centre

Government support, 2253-2255

Movement Disorders Clinic

Funding, 2251-2252

Oral Questions

Crocus Investment Fund

Appointment of a receiver manager, 3707

Government's inaction, 3140

Information tabling request, 3571-3572

Political involvement of board members, 3707

Proposed legislation amendments, 3230, 3284, 3625-3626

Protection for unitholders, 3706

Public inquiry request, 3284-3285, 3626

Hydra House

Internal review, 164

Premier's awareness, 117-118

Manitoba Hydro

Office tower construction

Labour agreement, 1114

Rate increase, 1019

Public safety

Government initiatives, 482-483

Red River Floodway expansion

Labour agreement, 1114

Seven Oaks School Division

Land acquisition and development, 2309-2311

Tataskweyak Cree First Nation

Hydro payment investigation, 1173-1174, 1744-1745

Waverley West subdivision

Conflict of interest, 1684, 2427

Cost benefit analysis, 2427-2428

Municipal Board referral, 1839-1840

Planning process, 2428

Personal care homes

Bill of rights, implementation funding, 1761-1763


Wuskwatim Project Development Agreement, 3349-3350, 3396, 3514-3515, 3566, 3620

Points of Order

P/O by Derkach respecting the need for unanimous consent for a moment of silence 489; Ashton 489-490; Mitchelson 490; Gerrard 491; taken under advisement 491; Speaker's ruling, 1020

P/O by Lamoureux respecting the word "hypocrite" 2312; Mitchelson 2312; Mackintosh 2312; Derkach 2312; withdrawn (Sale), 2312

Private Members' Business


Trans Canada Trail, 2848

Ukraine, democracy in the, 1671

Wind energy, 3211-3214

Public safety

Government initiatives, 482-483

Red River Floodway expansion

Labour agreement, 1114


Ukraine election, 272-273

Rural Municipality of Kelsey By-law No. 5/02 Validation Act

[Bill 32]

2R, 2710-2712

Seven Oaks School Division

Land acquisition and development, 2309-2311

South Indian Lake

Métis and non-Status people, rights of, 1069-1070

Stalmack, Eleanor

Seniors' Health Resource Team, 732

Tataskweyak Cree First Nation

Hydro payment investigation, 1173-1174, 1744-1745

Throne Speech, 368-372

Trans Canada Trail, 2848

Ukraine, democracy in the, 1671

Ukraine election, 272-273

Victoria General Hospital

Maternity ward closure, 884-886

Waverley West subdivision

Conflict of interest, 1684, 2427

Cost benefit analysis, 2427-2428

Municipal Board referral, 1839-1840

Planning process, 2428

Women Entrepreneur of the Year Awards, 2908

Morden community activities

Dyck, 1749

Morden Festival of the Arts Hi-Lites concert

Dyck, 1749

Morris constituency

Outstanding women

Taillieu, 648

Morris-Macdonald School Division

RCMP investigation

Bjornson, 2894-2895

Driedger, 2894-2895

Mother's Day

Brick, 2503

Movement Centre

Government support

Mitchelson, 2253-2255

Sale, 2254-2255

Movement Disorders Clinic


Mitchelson, 2251-2252

Sale, 2252-2253

General comments

Korzeniowski, 1936-1937

MPIC. See Manitoba Public Insurance Corporation

MRI. See Magnetic resonance imaging

MRIF. See Municipal Rural Infrastructure Fund

Mrs. Lucci's Resource Centre

Hawranik, 1292

Multiculturalism Secretariat

Advisory role

Allan, 1153-1154

Municipal Amendment Act

[Bill 49] Reinstated from previous session


Lamoureux, 576

Maguire, 574-576

R/A, Harvard, 583

Municipal Assessment Amendment Act

[Bill 37]

1R, Smith, 1835


Dyck, 3121

Lamoureux, 3121

Smith, 2575-2576

Standing Committee report, 3275-3277

C/3R, Maguire, 3699

R/A, Harvard, 3758

Municipal Board

See also Waverley West subdivision

Amalgamation recommendation (Powerview/Pine Falls)

Doer, 1993-1994

Gerrard, 1992-1994

Annual report tabling

Smith, 2739

Appointments to

Maguire, 2082

Smith, 2082


Maguire, 2098

Smith, 2098


Maguire, 2083

Smith, 2082-2083

Municipal Councils and School Boards Elections Act

[Bill 29]

1R, Smith, 1347


Driedger, 3070-3072

Lamoureux, 3072-3074

Maguire, 3067-3070

Smith, 1634-1636

Standing Committee report, 3350-3351

C/3R, Maguire, 3695

R/A, Harvard, 3758

General comments

Smith, 2076

Municipal Rural Infrastructure Fund

Smith, 2079



Maguire, 2375

Smith, 2375

Funding to

Smith, 2077

Police services, support for

Smith, 2078

Revenue sharing

Doer, 757-758

Loewen, 758-759

Murray, 757-758

Selinger, 759

VLT revenues

Smith, 2078

Murray, Stuart (Kirkfield Park) P.C.

Aiyawin Corporation

Financial review, 120

Auditor General

Budget increase, 121

B J Packers

Plant upgrade, 1916

Barwinsky, Jaroslaw, 1097-1099

BSE Recovery Program

Government initiatives, 833-834


Child care strategy, 668

Health care services, 589-590, 638-639

Municipal revenue sharing, 668

Property tax, residential, 667-668

Tax increases, 588-589

Budget Debate, 680-686

Budget Speech

Government promises, 638


Zero tolerance policy, 3009-3010

Canadian Agricultural Income Stabilization (CAIS)

Elimination of deposit, 834-835

Cancer treatment programs

Availability in rural Manitoba, 3012, 3014-3015

Child poverty

Reduction strategy, 65-66

Committee of Supply

Interim Supply, 990-998

Community newspapers, 2634-2636

Crime and criminals

Reduction strategy, 190-191

Crocus Investment Fund

Former minister's removal, 3097

Government-appointed directors, 2693-2694

Government's inaction, 3091-3092, 3137-3138

Government's monitoring process, 3057-3059

Information tabling request, 3570-3571, 3622-3623

Manitoba Securities Commission hearing, 1283-1285

Minister's removal request, 3097-3098

Premier's awareness of valuation, 3051-3052

Proposed legislation amendments, 3228, 3281-3282, 3401-3402

Protection for unitholders, 1167-1169

Public inquiry request, 1347-1349, 2694, 3228-3229, 3282, 3402, 3475-3477, 3518-3519, 3570, 3621-3622, 3702-3703, 3709-3710

Devils Lake diversion

Update, 1808-1814, 1815-1816

École polytechnique, 393

Education system

Access to counselling, 1011

Executive Council

Committee of Supply

Estimates debate, 1806-1819, 1824-1828, 1891-1911, 1916-1917, 1981-1991

Travel itinerary (Washington, D.C.), 1818-1819

Filmon, Gary

Portrait unveiling, 2143-2144

Flood damage

Disaster assistance, 3279-3280, 3358-3359

Floodway Authority

Kostyra, Eugene, appointment of, 1928-1929

Gang activity

Reduction strategy, 282-283

Government financial statements

Estimates of revenue, 995-998

Hansard correction, 625

Health care services

Private/public partnerships, 2899-2901

Supreme Court ruling, 3473

Wait list reduction, 1892-1903

Health care symposium

Manitoba participation, 2135

Health care workers

Pension benefits, 185-186

Health minister

Meeting request, 155-157, 2606

Hindu Society of Manitoba, 122-123

Hip and knee replacement surgery

Wait lists, 1675-1676

Hospitals, rural

Closures, 354, 840, 924-925

Hydra House

Internal review, 69-72, 234-236

Public inquiry request, 157-159

International Women's Day, 646

Kostyra, Eugene

Travel expenses (Australia), 1981

Legislative Assembly

Introduction of new members

Cullen, Cliff, 15-16

Livestock industry

Carcass disposal, 2217-2218

Slaughter capacity, 2739-2741

Low, Jean Merle, 646

Manitoba Housing Authority

Misconduct by caretaker, allegations of, 233-234

Manitoba Hydro

Power corridor, east side Lake Winnipeg, 1112-1113

Water power rental rates, 994-995

Manitoba Lotteries Corporation

Revenue estimates, 990-993

Manitoba Securities Commission

Public inquiry request--Crocus Investment Fund, 1244-1245

Maples Surgical Centre

Meeting request, 1739-1741, 1836, 3473-3474

Pediatric dental surgery, 114-115

Surgical wait list reduction proposal, 1835-1836, 1891, 2136, 2606-2607

Matters of Grievance

Government relationship with labour leaders, 3715-3718

Matters of Urgent Public Importance

Livestock industry

Slaughter capacity, 608-610

Members' Statements

Filmon, Gary

Portrait unveiling, 2143-2144

Hindu Society of Manitoba, 122-123

International Women's Day, 646

Low, Jean Merle, 646

Mental health services

Early psychosis intervention programs, 2493-2494

Mental health services (Swan River)

Safe house closure, 436-437, 543-545


Trafficking, penalties for, 2304-2305

Métis hunting rights

Government position, 542-543

Ministerial Statements

École polytechnique, 393

National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence Against Women, 393-394

Royal Canadian Mounted Police

Officers killed (Mayerthorpe, Alberta), 587-588

(Correction), 625

V-E Day, 60th anniversary, 1163


Revenue sharing, 757-758

National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence Against Women, 393-394

Opposition Day Motions

Doer government mismanagement, 3587-3589

Oral Questions

Aiyawin Corporation

Financial review, 120

Auditor General

Budget increase, 121

BSE Recovery Program

Government initiatives, 833-834


Child care strategy, 668

Health care services, 589-590, 638-639

Municipal revenue sharing, 668

Property tax, residential, 667-668

Tax increases, 588-589

Budget Speech

Government promises, 638


Zero tolerance policy, 3009-3010

Canadian Agricultural Income Stabilization (CAIS)

Elimination of deposit, 834-835

Cancer treatment programs

Availability in rural Manitoba, 3012, 3014-3015

Child poverty

Reduction strategy, 65-66

Crime and criminals

Reduction strategy, 190-191

Crocus Investment Fund

Former minister's removal, 3097

Government-appointed directors, 2693-2694

Government's inaction, 3091-3092, 3137-3138

Government's monitoring process, 3057-3059

Information tabling request, 3570-3571, 3622-3623

Manitoba Securities Commission hearing, 1283-1285

Minister's removal request, 3097-3098

Premier's awareness of valuation, 3051-3052

Proposed legislation amendments, 3228, 3281-3282, 3401-3402

Protection for unitholders, 1167-1169

Public inquiry request, 1347-1349, 2694, 3228-3229, 3282, 3402, 3475-3477, 3518-3519, 3570, 3621-3622, 3702-3703, 3709-3710

Education system

Access to counselling, 1011

Flood damage

Disaster assistance, 3279-3280, 3358-3359

Floodway Authority

Kostyra, Eugene, appointment of, 1928-1929

Gang activity

Reduction strategy, 282-283

Health care services

Private/public partnerships, 2899-2901

Supreme Court ruling, 3473

Health care symposium

Manitoba participation, 2135

Health care workers

Pension benefits, 185-186

Health minister

Meeting request, 155-157, 2606

Hip and knee replacement surgery

Wait lists, 1675-1676

Hospitals, rural

Closures, 354, 840, 924-925

Hydra House

Internal review, 69-72, 234-236

Public inquiry request, 157-159

Livestock industry

Carcass disposal, 2217-2218

Slaughter capacity, 2739-2741

Manitoba Housing Authority

Misconduct by caretaker, allegations of, 233-234

Manitoba Hydro

Power corridor, east side Lake Winnipeg, 1112-1113

Manitoba Securities Commission

Public inquiry request--Crocus Investment Fund, 1244-1245

Maples Surgical Centre

Meeting request, 1739-1741, 1836, 3473-3474

Pediatric dental surgery, 114-115

Surgical wait list reduction proposal, 1835-1836, 2136, 2606-2607

Mental health services

Early psychosis intervention programs, 2493-2494

Mental health services (Swan River)

Safe house closure, 436-437, 543-545


Trafficking, penalties for, 2304-2305

Métis hunting rights

Government position, 542-543


Revenue sharing, 757-758

Organized crime

Police resources, 2035-2036

Physician resources

Pediatrician shortage (Brandon), 352

Post-secondary education

Funding, 2742-2743, 2853-2854

Property tax

Education portion, 32-34

Public Schools Act

Land development regulations, 2305

Racial discrimination, elimination of

Government initiatives, 970-971

Red River Floodway expansion

Labour agreement, 760-761, 1057, 1476-1477, 2549-2550

Regional health authorities

Administrative costs, 186-187, 353-354

Amalgamations, 398-399

Safe schools forum

Participation, 3009

Safe Schools Summit, 1012

Status, 1566-1567, 1609-1610

Schools, public

Capital projects, 283-284

Seven Oaks School Division

Land acquisition and development, 2305-2306, 2551-2552

Swan Valley Safe House

Closure, 436-437, 543-545

Vermette, Izzy

Employment status, 394-396, 397-398

Victoria General Hospital

Maternity ward closure, 839, 880-881

Organized crime

Police resources, 2035-2036

Parkland Regional Health Authority

Staffing, 544

Pension Benefits Amendment Act

[Bill 10]

2R, 1258-1261

C/3R, 1584-1588

Proclamation, 1903-1911, 1981

Physician resources

Pediatrician shortage (Brandon), 352

Post-secondary education

Funding, 2742-2743, 2853-2854

Private Members' Business


Barwinsky, Jaroslaw, 1097-1099

Community newspapers, 2634-2636

Health care services, rural, 3457-3459

Ukraine, democracy in the, 1667-1668

V-E Day, 60th anniversary, 2018-2019

Property tax

Education portion, 32-34

Public Schools Act

Land development regulations, 2305

Racial discrimination, elimination of

Government initiatives, 970-971

Rancher's Choice Beef Co-op

Lagoon, capacity of, 1814-1815

Red River Floodway expansion

Labour agreement, 760-761, 1057, 1476-1477, 1982-1991, 2549-2550

Regional health authorities

Administrative costs, 186-187, 353-354

Amalgamations, 398-399

Royal Canadian Mounted Police

Officers killed (Mayerthorpe, Alberta), 587-588

(Correction), 625

Safe schools forum

Participation, 3009

Safe Schools Summit, 1012

Status, 1566-1567, 1609-1610, 1824-1825

Schools, public

Capital projects, 283-284

Seven Oaks School Division

Land acquisition and development, 2305-2306, 2551-2552

Statutes Correction and Minor Amendments Act, 2005

[Bill 50]

C/3R, 3753-3755

Swan Valley Safe House

Closure, 436-437, 543-545

Throne Speech

Amendment, 88-89

Debate, 52-62, 83-90

Tobacco taxes

Estimates of revenue, 997

Ukraine, democracy in the, 1667-1668

V-E Day, 60th anniversary, 1163, 2018-2019

Vermette, Izzy

Employment status, 394-396, 397-398

Victoria General Hospital

Maternity ward closure, 839, 880-881

Waverley West subdivision

Planning process, 1825-1828

Workers Compensation Amendment Act

[Bill 25]

C/3R, 3485-3486

Music education programs

Jha, 1750

Korzeniowski, 1357-1358

Music Month

Concert series

Bjornson, 1291

Korzeniowski, 1291

Rocan, 1619

Mymko, Dallas. See Crocus Investment Fund


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