Third Session - Thirty-Seventh Legislature

Committees Index
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[Appendix B - Public Presenters/Crown Corporations Staff]
Committee Indexes
Economic Development --Annual Reports for the the Manitoba Lotteries Corporation; Student Aid; Crown Lands; Teachers' Pensions amendments; Manitoba Development Corporation; University of Winnipeg; Education Administration.
Industrial Relations -- Workers Compensation amendment; Engineering and Geoscientific Professions; Civil Service, Employment Standards Code; Retail business; Labour relations.
Law Amendments --Child and Family Services; Order of Manitoba; Acts of incorporation; highway traffic amendments; election amendments, the environment; public school amendments; mines and minerals, vocational institutions.
Municipal Affairs-- Considers annual reports for the Forks North Portage Partnership; Bills for the Adult Learning Center, Safe Workplaces and the City of Winnipeg Charter.
Private Bills --Private Bills are something which cannot be obtained by means of the general law and are founded by means of a petition from an individual or group. Examples of Private Bills include awareness day acts for various causes relating to health, animals or workers; human and consumer rights and the incorporation of hospitals and foundations
Privileges and Elections--Selection of the Children's Advocate and Ombudsman; Judicial Compensation Committee, annual reports for Election Manitoba; Chief Electoral Officer reports.
Public Accounts--Auditor General reports, follow-up reports and annual reports to the legislature; Public Accounts
- Public Utilities and Natural Resources --Considers reports for the Manitoba Liquor Control Commission; Manitoba Hydro Electric Board; Manitoba Public Insurance; annual reports for the Workers Compensation Board.
Bills / Auditor General Reports / Annual Reports