Teachers, thank you for visiting Manitoba Rocks!, a public information source about Manitoba's largest primary resource industry - minerals and petroleum. Below are some geosciences and earth science links we wanted to share with you. For further information or inquiries, please contact the Resource Development Division at minesinfo@gov.mb.ca
Core Concepts (CC) Teaching Tool Kit - Courtesy of Mining Matters
CC Backgrounder Evaluation
- CC Structure of the Earth
- CC Rocks and Minerals
- CC Soil and Erosion
- CC Mining Cycle
- CC Social/Environmental Responsibility
Discovering Geology (British Geological Survey)
Earth Learning Idea - Innovative, Earth-related teaching ideas
Earth Science and Geology Project Ideas - Education.com
Earth Science Rocks: Songs, Stories & Activities for Grades 4 –7 - by Marjorie V. Reynolds
Explorations through Time (K to 12)
Geologic and Paleontologic Cook Book
Geologic Time Activity website
Glaciers – Manitoba's landscape artists – 25 000 to 11 000 years ago
Glaciers retreat – the last to leave – 11 000 to 7 000 years ago
Glacial leftovers – post-glacial period – the last 7 000 years
Have You Seen an OMAR? (Community Geoscience Project)
Identifying Rocks and Minerals
Kindergarten to Grade 4 Science: A Foundation for Implementation - Manitoba Education
MEC Education Resources K-12 (USA)
Medicine from the ground up - Poster, Mining Matters
Mining Makes it Happen - Mining Matters poster series
Earth Science Resources - Links - Mining Matters
NEO-K Earth Sciences Resources, K to 12
Power to the People - Did you know alternative energy wouldn’t exist without mining? Find out why! - Poster, Mining Matters
Rocks for Kids - 15 Fun Activities and Ideas
The Mineral Society of Manitoba
Canadian Mining posters - Mining Association of Canada
The Periodic Table of the Elements in Pictures and in Words