Take-Home Naloxone Distribution Program

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About Naloxone

Naloxone is a drug that temporarily reverses overdose (toxicity) caused by opioid drugs (such as fentanyl, heroin, morphine, hydromorphone). It is important to note that take-home naloxone itself does not replace the need to seek immediate medical attention. Call 911 immediately if you suspect an overdose/drug toxicity.

Free take-home naloxone kits are available to members of the public who are at risk of opioid overdose (toxicity), and family or friends who may witness opioid toxicity. Manitoba take-home naloxone kits are not available for occupational health needs, and is not a source of workplace naloxone for health, institutional, or educational providers or facilities. See Naloxone for Use in the Workplace

If you are, or know, a member of the public at risk of opioid overdose or poisoning, visit the Naloxone Finder - Take Home Program to find a distribution site. Please contact the site directly to confirm accessibility and details of service.

Naloxone (including intranasal form) is also available for free for First Nations and Inuit clients covered by the Federal Non-Insured Health Benefits Program.

The Manitoba Take-Home Naloxone kits contain:naloxone kit

  • instruction sheet (French and English)
  • alcohol swabs
  • gloves and a breathing mask to protect the responder
  • four Vanish Point® syringes
  • four ampoules of naloxone for injection
  • four ampoule breakers

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Take Home Naloxone Program Posters

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Online Resources

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Naloxone for Use in the Workplace

Manitoba take-home naloxone kits are not available for use in the workplace. If you are looking for naloxone for your workspace staff, some options to consider include:

  • Direct Purchase: Intranasal and injectable naloxone formulations and supplies can be purchased without a prescription from some community pharmacies.
  • Training for Workplaces: Group training sessions in Overdose Recognition and Response are available from most First Aid and CPR training organizations. St. John Ambulance offers free online training and resources in the React and Reverse program.
  • Naloxone for Health Care Providers: Health Care employees seeking naloxone for use in the workplace should speak to their employer. The Manitoba Take Home Naloxone program does not provide naloxone for use in the workplace.

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For Service Providers and Registered Take Home Naloxone Distribution Sites

For registered distribution sites wishing to update their information, please use the Take Home Naloxone Distribution Site Application Form

For other communication with the program, please email naloxonekits@gov.mb.ca.

Resources for Distribution Sites

All distribution sites must practice according to the:

Members of the public who report using a kit should be invited to provide anonymous information about the event using the following electronic form or PDF.

This form is to be completed and submitted by distribution site staff, not community members. Completion of this report by distribution sites is highly recommended but not required if not feasible for the practice setting.

A training manual is available for distribution sites and others who wish to learn about overdose/poisoning prevention, recognition and response. Click on the following links to view or download the Training Manual and other forms and resources for distribution sites.

For additional training resources, see:

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Becoming a Take-Home Naloxone Distribution Site

Organizations that would like to distribute Take Home Naloxone kits to members of the public can apply to become a distribution site. New distribution sites are being approved in areas of Manitoba that are underserved. Sites must be open to the public and are not permitted to charge a fee for naloxone service. Sites that are not open to the public but serve specific priority populations may be considered on a case-by-case basis (e.g. emergency departments, correctional facilities, addictions/substance treatment programs). Applications will be reviewed by the Take Home Naloxone Program prior to approval. The following types of sites are eligible to apply to distribute Take Home Naloxone Program kits to members of the public:

  • Health care provider sites (e.g. pharmacies, health centres or nursing stations, community health centres, hospital/emergency departments, public health offices, medical or primary care clinics)
  • Harm reduction and substance use service providers
  • Indigenous organizations/service providers
  • Other community-based organizations or outreach services sites uniquely positioned to reach and engage people at risk of opioid toxicity.

To apply to become a Take Home Naloxone Distribution Site, click here: Take Home Naloxone Distribution Site Application Form

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