
Charge – A residential/authorized charge.

Charge or rate year – The period from August 1 of one year to July 31 of the next year.

Client – A resident of a personal care home; a patient in hospital who has been panelled for admission to a personal care home or a patient in hospital panelled for chronic care or a chronic care patient in a long-term health care facility.

Common-law partner – A person with whom a client has lived in a conjugal relationship for at least one year immediately before the client's admission to a health care facility.

Effective date – The day the charge starts, which is either the date admitted, the date panelled or August 1.

Facility – A personal care home, long-term care facility or hospital.

Married – A client who is married or has a common-law partner.

Resident – An individual living in a personal care home on a permanent basis.

Separated – An individual living separate and apart from his/her spouse or common-law partner because of a breakdown in their relationship and not because of medical necessity.

Spouse or partner – A person to whom a client is married. It also includes a person with whom a client has lived in a conjugal relationship for at least one year immediately before the client's admission to a health care facility.