Section 19 - Shelter, Utilities and Fuel

19.1.1 Rental Guidelines


The Bell Hotel Supportive Housing Project (PDF 126 KB)

EIA Participants with Unread Water Meters in City of Winnipeg (city issue only) (PDF 149 KB)

Excess Rent - Unexpected Circumstances (PDF 119 KB)

Guest Registration and Payment Information for Lennox Bell Place (PDF 130 KB)

Housing First Programs in Winnipeg (PDF 157 KB)

Increase in the Laboratory Fee for Testing the Nitrate Content of Well Water (PDF 15 KB)

Manitoba Housing - Tenant Initiated Transfer Fees (PDF 111 KB)

Rent Assist Implementation: Households not on Employment and Income Assistance (EIA) (PDF 193 KB)

Rent Assist - Transitions between the "Including Utilities" and "Excluding Utilities" Rates for Clients in Private Rent (PDF 227 KB)

Utility Company Notification (PDF 41 KB)

Utility Company - Cancel (PDF 30 KB)

Utility Company Notification (PDF 58 KB)


Excess Rent (PDF 512 KB)

Which Shelter Rate Should I Choose? (PDF 167 KB)


General Guideline

Section 5.3.1 of The Manitoba Assistance Act in support of shelter costs in accordance with the Act and Schedule B of the Regulation. These shelter benefits are called Rent Assist, and are available to all participants on EIA with shelter costs. 

The director and/or director's designate have the authority to exceed the amounts in these tables under exceptional circumstances.

The Rent Assist benefits for EIA participants renting in the private market are listed in Table 1, below:
Table 1: Rent Private (including utilities)
Household Size Amount
1 person $638
1 person (all other categories) $735
2 persons (couples) $832
2 persons (single adults, one child) $1,064
3 persons $1,064
4 persons $1,064
5 persons $1,328
6 persons $1,328
Each additional person (add to 6 persons rate) $25
EIA participants who recieve the Rent Private including utilities shelter rate in Table 1 are not eligible for any additional amounts for utility costs because this rate already includes an amount for utilities. 

Some EIA participants renting in the private market may be eligible for a lower shelter amount plus the actual cost of their utilities. These rates are listed in table 2. 

Table 2: Rent Private (excluding utilities)
Household Size Amount
1 person $567
1 person (all other categories) $646
2 persons (couples) $741
2 persons (single adult, one child) $898
3 persons $898
4 persons $898
5 persons $1,049
6 persons $1,049
Each additional person (add to 6 persons rate) $23
As of July 1, 2016, EIA households are only eligible for the "excluding utilities" rate in the following circumstances:
  • They are new EIA applicant and are living in a house in private rent at the time that they apply for EIA. For the purposes of this policy, a "house" is defined as any dwelling within a building that has four or fewer units. Therefore, duplexes, triplexes, fourplexes adn townhouses are to be considered "houses";
  • They are an existing EIA client living in a rented house and receiving the "excluding utilities" and move to a different rented house with seperate utilities; and
  • In other exceptional circumstances, as approved by the Director. 

19.1.2 Rent Increases in Excess of Residential Tenancies Guidelines


It is important that EIA participants are aware of the rent increase guidelines and the Residential Tenancies Branch (RTB) resources available to help them address concerns they may have with their rental arrangements. 

If participants disagree with the amount of a proposed increase, they may choose to contact the RTB to discuss their options. The RTB application fees for filing for compensation are waived for EIA participants, including those who receive health benefits only. 

EIA may assist participants in seeking a claim for compensation from landlords where it appears the participant has reasonable grounds for the claim. Participants must sign a consent for disclosure of information to enable RTB to verify enrollment on EIA and waive filing fees.
EIA participants must provide EIA with a copy of a decision or order from RTB. If the decision from the claim results in a rent refund or compensation for utilities that were paid by EIA, the participant should provide confirmation from the landlord regarding how the refund or claim will be paid. When the decision is received, it should be reviewed with the supervisor or designate to determine if further action is required.
If the agreement is to reduce the rent for a subsequent month(s), the participant's shelter assistance should NOT be adjusted if the participant has used their basic needs or exempted sources to pay the rent overage. Additionally, if shelter payments are paid directly to the landlord, shelter benefits should be redirected to the participant for the months the rent is reduced. This ensures that the participant is fairly compensated for their basic needs.
If the money compensating for utilities is to be returned to the tenant in a lump sum payment, the participant is to be advised in writing that the money is considered a financial resource, and the following month the unearned income is applied, which will affect that month's financial assistance.

19.1.3 Public Housing


The maximum shelter rates indicated in Table 3 are for subsidized housing, which includes Manitoba Housing direct-managed units (previously known as the Manitoba Housing Authority) and non-profit subsidized housing.

Table 3: Subsidized Rent
Household Size Basic Rent (no utilities included) Water Included Electricity Included Heat Included Water & Electricity Included Water & Heat Included Heat & Electricity Included Water/ 
Heat/ Electricity Included
1 person $243 $253 $258 $260 $268 $270 $275 $285
2 persons $285 $303 $325 $329 $343 $347 $369 $387
3 persons $310 $333 $343 $374 $366 $395 $407 $430
4 persons $351 $373 $384 $416 $406 $438 $449 $471
5 persons $371 $393 $404 $433 $426 $455 $466 $488
6 persons $387 $412 $422 $453 $447 $478 $488 $513
Each additional person (add to 6 persons rate) $16 $19 $18 $20 $21 $23 $22 $25

NOTE: Electricity refers to all household electrical uses other than for heating.

The final rent paid by EIA on behalf of its participants should not exceed the schedule of rates in Table 3 in this section. However, Housing may top up the amounts paid by EIA through its Rent Supplement, Portable Housing Benefit or other programs.

In households where a mother and father are on EIA and have an adult child living with them, the following will apply:
  • If the adult child has his/her own EIA case files, Manitoba Housing will charge/collect the one person shelter amount ($285 - utilities included rate) on that file, as well as the two-person rate for the adults. Utility costs should be paid under the parents' EIA file.
  • If the adult child is self-supporting, then EIA will pay the two person rate and Manitoba Housing will charge the self-supporting adult child an additional amount.

19.1.4 Rent Indirectly Subsidized by Government

Some rental subsidy programs do not make subsidy payments directly to low-income renters. Instead, they subsidize the shelter rate in relation to renters' income. The final shelter paid by, or on behalf of, EIA participants should not exceed the schedule of rates negotiated with Manitoba Housing.
EIA participants residing in subsidized shelter units should be advised there are items other than rent, fuel and utilities associated with the costs of such units, which EIA will not always pay. The amenities that EIA pays for and the maximum amounts payable are included in Table 4. If the amenity charge is lower than the maximum listed below, the actual amount should be used instead.

Amenity charges should be added to the appropriate shelter rate from Table 3 to calculate the requested rent amount for the unit.

Table 4: Allowable Amenities in Subsidized Housing
Allowable Amenity Amount to Be Added to Requested Rent Amount
Carpets $7
Drapes and Blinds $5
Balcony $5
Air Conditioning $10
Amenity charges not listed above are not approved for payment by EIA. Participants should be advised that they will have to pay for these costs on their own. 

Examples of amenity charges that EIA does not pay include:
  • Parking
  • Satellite/Cable TV
  • Pool
  • Sauna
  • Dishwasher

19.1.5 (Deleted)

19.1.6 Confirming Rental Information


Rental Information (PDF 73 KB)
Tenancy information should be obtained using the standard Residential Tenancy Lease Agreement Form, or by an EIA Rental Information Form completed by the applicant or participant and the landlord.
Where a standard lease agreement or rent form is not available, staff should confirm the amount of monthly rent by obtaining rent receipts from the participant. Any additional shelter details may be obtained by specific request to the participant or landlord.
When EIA is advised the legal owner of a property has changed, EIA is responsible for confirming the property transfer has occurred. Landlords must submit a copy of the "Certified Status of Title"' document, or a letter from the lawyer involved, which states the lawyer is acting on behalf of the new owner and that the lawyer has registered a transfer of land. The letter must also include the date and registration number of the transfer of land. Confirmation of the new landlord's full name and address, and the name and address that the landlord wants the rent cheques mailed to (if different from above) must also be received.

19.1.7 Rent Paid Directly to Landlords

The EIA program may pay rent directly to a landlord in the following circumstances:
  1. upon written request of the participant;
  2. upon the request of a landlord if the participant agrees in writing; or
  3. with the participant's written approval, if they are two or more weeks in arrears.
It is important that third party numbers, which are created for direct payments to landlords, include accurate information. Any requests for corrections to landlord information, or, for the creation of new third party numbers, must be sent to Central Accounts.

19.1.8 Security Deposits



When an EIA participant advises they are moving, a guideline security deposit can be issued in advance of a tenancy agreement or completed EIA Rental Information Form.   The advanced security deposit will be issued at half of the inclusive EIA Rent Assist guideline rate, unless the actual amount is known and is lower.

The applicable guideline rate depends on the shelter situation of the client. As of July 2019, the rent private shelter table has different rates for GA and non-GA participants, and therefore the security deposit amounts are also category dependent.

In cases where participants do not utilize advanced security deposit funds for the stated purpose, a completed tenancy agreement or EIA rental form will be required prior to a subsequent security deposit being issued.  The participant would not be eligible for an advanced security deposit for a period of six months. 

In cases where a first security deposit was issued and the EIA rental form or tenancy agreement shows a lesser amount for the actual security deposit, an overpayment must be assessed unless the participant returns the difference.

Participants are expected to recover the initial security deposit from the first landlord within the 14-day prescribed time frame established by the Residential Tenancies Branch.  The participant is to be referred to the Residential Tenancies Branch if they do not receive their security deposit within the above time period.

All participants are allowed one security deposit per case.  Any subsequent security deposits issued may be recovered as an overpayment.  The new security deposit being issued is to be entered as the overpayment regardless of the amount of any previously issued security deposits. 

Security Deposits Paid by the Participant

The following policies apply to security deposits that were paid by the participant, whether before or during their enrolment.
  1. If a security deposit is returned to the participant by the landlord and another deposit is not required, the returned deposit:
    • Is to be applied to the allowable liquid asset exemption level for the family and is not to be deducted from the next benefit month’s budget as a resource unless the allowable liquid asset exemption level is already at its maximum;
    • Is to be considered an available financial resource and deducted from the next benefit month’s budget if the liquid asset exemption level is at its maximum the returned security deposit; or
    • If the liquid asset exemption level only allows for a portion of the returned security deposit to be applied, the remaining amount is to be considered an available resource and deducted from the next benefit month’s budget.
  2. If a security deposit is returned to the participant in full or in part by the landlord, and the participant requires a deposit for new accommodations, a new security deposit is to be issued as a first security deposit by the Department.
  3. If a security deposit is not returned by the landlord and the participant requires a new deposit, the deposit is not to be entered as an overpayment as it is the first security deposit issued by the Department.
The Director may approve financial assistance for participant relocation and issue funds for security deposits where there is reasonable justification for the move (e.g., present residence uninhabitable, change in family size, lower rent at the new location, closer proximity to confirmed employment or training).

19.1.9 Shared Rent


Shared Rent (PDF 175 KB)


Rent Sharing

Rent sharing is defined as two or more units of people living together who share rental costs. Each adult who shares an accommodation is considered to be a separate unit, unless they are either legally married or living in a common-law relationship. This policy applies regardless of the co-tenants' source of income. Each case in a rent share arrangement is eligible for Rent Assist if they are in a private rental accomodation.
Verifying Occupancy in Rent Share Arrangements
When a participant is moving into a rent share arrangement, it is preferred that the lease name all renters as tenants. In situations where a landlord will not list all renters as tenants, alternate verification of occupancy and rent may be provided. Examples of alternate verification could include:
  • An EIA Rent Form signed by the landlord indicating the full rent of the unit, utility arrangements and that the participant is an occupant in the unit;
  • An amended copy of the original lease that lists the participant moving into the unit as a rent share agreement and that is initialed by the landlord; or,
  • Other written verification from the landlord confirming the participant is an occupant in the unit and paying a share of the rent.
A land titles check can be conducted to verify ownership of the property prior to issuing shelter and utility costs if no other confirmation is available.

Occupancy/Number of Bedrooms

If an EIA participant is sharing rent, the size of the unit or number of bedrooms should not be a consideration in approving shelter costs. An EIA participant is eligible for their Rent Assist amount, regardless of the rent or number of bedrooms in the unit.
To determine if the adults in a shared rent arrangement should be assessed for eligibility for income support together as a common-law couple, follow the policy outlined in Section 8.1.4.

Renting in an Owner Occupied Property

Participants residing in a unit occupied by the owner of the property may be allowed EIA rent guideline rates if food is not provided by the owner. Private rent rates apply in situations where the participant is a relative or non-relative of the owner. If the shared accommodation arrangement includes food provided by the owner, board and room rates for residing with relatives or non-relatives will apply.

Utility Arrangements in Shared Rent

EIA will provide funds for utilities in shared arrangements depending on the individual case circumstances. EIA staff can determine reasonable estimated utility amounts based on number of occupants and size of the unit when confirming rental information.
When determining utility arrangements, the following guidelines should be considered:
  • Estimated utility costs can be added to the budget based on the expected consumption, number of occupants in the unit and cost of the utility. If a participant is not named on the account, they are responsible to pay their portion of the utility costs to the tenant holding the account.
  • Utility funds will not be paid separately from rent for participants who are renting and sharing a unit with the owner of the property. Participants living in this type of arrangement are only eligible to receive the all inclusive shelter guideline rate appropriate for their family size, and are responsible to pay their portion of utility costs if required in their rental agreement.
  • Direct billing of utilities is discouraged in shared rent situations. Direct billing is possible only if ALL individuals paying rent in the unit are enrolled with EIA. If a participant’s EIA case closes, and they continue to reside at the same address, direct billing must be cancelled immediately.
Estimated utility costs can be reconciled with the actual costs if a participant provides their utility bills. In shared rent situations where a participant is not named on the account, reconciliation can be completed if the bills are provided by the account holder. If the account holder is unable or unwilling to provide the bills, the reconciliation cannot be completed. For information regarding utility see Section 19.2.1.

Agreement Breakdown

EIA participants must be advised that they may have to find alternate living arrangements should the arrangement break down and the total rent is in excess of the rental guideline. EIA will not pay additional shelter costs, in excess of the guideline, because of the failure of a shared rent arrangement.

19.1.10 Co-operative Share Purchases

EIA participants who require assistance to purchase share equity in housing co-operatives are eligible to receive one-half of the regular monthly housing charge, within the permitted rental guideline or approved excess, for the purchase of shares in a housing co-operative. This assistance is to be provided in lieu of a security deposit.

19.1.11 Mortgage Payments

Homeowners, Condominiums and Mobile Home Trailer Owners

Under Schedule B, section 2(a) of the Regulation, EIA households who own their home are entitled to shelter costs as shown in Table 5 below. 

Table 5: Homeowners
Family Size Guideline (actual up to) Supplement (flat rate, if applicable)
1 Person $243 $324
1 Person (all other categories) $243 $403
2 Persons (couples/single adult, one child) $285 $456
3 Persons $310 $588
4 Persons $351 $547
5 Persons $371 $692
6 Persons $387 $662
Each additional person (add to 6 persons rate) $23 -
Shelter amounts for homeowners are based on a combined amount for mortgage (principal and interest) and current net taxes.

Homeowners with a mortgage balance owing will be eligible for both the guideline and supplement amounts. Those who do not have a mortgage will receive the Table 5 guideline amounts, but not the supplements.
Upon enrollment, the EIA participant must be advised of the Rent Assist amount that they would be eligible for and that each case involving homeowners is reviewed to determine the amount of financial assistance to be provided.  

Special attention should be given to situations where the total of the payments exceed the rental guideline amount, there is little or no equity involved, or bank foreclosure is likely or in process.
The director or designate may approve:
  • full mortgage costs for a reasonable period of time (normally four months) in order to allow the participant time to make alternate arrangements; or
  • less than the full mortgage costs on a permanent basis; or,
  • the full mortgage costs on a permanent basis; or
  • mortgage payments in excess of the relevant guideline.
Financial assistance that covers the cost of the principal portion of a mortgage payment and/or tax arrears, is lien refundable.
See also section 24.1.2 for a description of lien registration.

Mobile Home Trailers, Pad Fees and Condominiums Fees

Participant who own condos or mobile home trailers are eligible for the guideline shelter amount in Table 5, and may be eligible for the supplement amount if there is a mortgage or chattel mortage on a trailer or the land on which it occupies.
EIA participants who rent mobile home trailers should have their file set up as rent private. 
Policies regarding homeowners will apply when the mobile home and/or its pad (site) is owned and occupied by the EIA participant.
To set up budgets for participants living in condominiums, documentations on the condominium or maintenance fees must be obtained to determine what the participant must pay monthly, and if the property taxes are included or seperate.

19.1.12 Net Property Taxes as a Basic Need

Shelter costs for participants who are homeowners are provided under Schedule B, Section 2(a) of the Regulation.
EIA will consider net property taxes as part of the monthly shelter needs:
  1. At all times for participants whose taxes are included in the mortgage payment (e.g., principal, interest, taxes)
  2. Only when taxes are determined to be a need for participants whose taxes are not included in the mortgage payment (e.g., principal, interest only). Need is determined to be effective from:
    • the date of enrolment on assistance, if taxes have not been paid by the applicant for that calendar year; or,
    • January 1st of the year following enrolment, if taxes have been paid for the year of enrolment.
NOTE: Municipalities assess property taxes based on the calendar year. The due date for taxes varies with individual municipalities.

19.1.13 Property Taxes Included in Mortgage Payment

 When the property tax amount is included in the mortgage payment, only 1/12 of the net tax amount is to be allowed in the Principle, Interest and Taxes (PIT) payment. Lending institutions/mortgagees use various methods to determine the tax portion of the PIT payment. For example, the mortgagee may determine the tax payment based on gross taxes for the first year and based on the net tax amount for subsequent years. The lending institution may place any balance (gross minus net taxes) in the participant's/mortgagor's tax account. Staff must ensure that the lending body uses the amount accumulated in the tax account towards taxes for the next year and not towards payment of the principal and interest. Staff will:
  1. Upon enrolment, verify with the applicant/mortgagor whether the mortgage payment consists of PIT.
  2. If taxes are included in the payment, determine how the applicant/mortgagor calculates the amount of taxes (i.e., whether based on net or gross taxes) and advise the participant that net property taxes will be allowed as a shelter need.
  3. At enrolment and on a yearly basis, obtain a copy of the most recent property tax statement and a copy of the lending institution's/mortgagee's statement to the participant/mortgagor. The latter statement will detail the monthly portion of principal, interest and taxes, plus any other amounts (e.g., insurance).

19.1.14 Property Taxes Not Included in Mortgage Payment

Net property taxes are to be prorated commencing the first day of the month in which taxes are determined to be a need (1/12 of the net taxes allocated to each month).
Taxes are to be disbursed on a monthly basis as a budgeted item either directly to the participant or to the municipality for participants unable to manage their own affairs.

19.1.15 Savings Incurred from Pre-Payment of Taxes

Some municipalities may allow credits for early payment of taxes. These credits may be used to offset any existing tax penalties incurred by the participant. Participants should be encouraged to pre-pay taxes, where possible to maximize saving and tax credits.

19.1.16 Annual Tax Reconciliation and Case Closure

 Net taxes must be reconciled once a year, at the due date, in December, or at case closure. As part of the Annual Review, the method and amount of property taxes disbursed must be examined to ensure that proper reconciliation has occurred.
Reconciliation must ensure that property taxes are disbursed on a monthly basis when determined to be a need. The monthly assistance is equal to 1/12 of the annual net property tax amount for the period of enrolment, excluding any pre-payment credits or late payment penalties.
If the budgeted amount of net taxes is insufficient, a deficit payment may be issued as a non-continuous need.

19.1.17 Tax Arrears and Penalties

Payment of Arrears

EIA will pay property tax arrears and associated penalties only when payment will protect the EIA participant from losing their shelter where it is considered practical to retain the shelter (e.g., shelter is of value or does not require extensive repairs).
The EIA office must verify the final notice of tax sale of the property with the municipality, prior to requesting authorization from the Minister or Minister's designate to pay tax arrears.
Accrued tax arrears and penalties on property owned by a participant may be paid in a lump sum on authorization of the Minister or the Minister's designate. If granted, the total amount shall be secured for recovery by lien in accordance with Schedule B, section 2 of the Assistance Regulation and Section 21 of The Manitoba Assistance Act.

19.1.18 (deleted)


19.1.19 Minor Repairs

In accordance to Schedule B, section 2(b) of the Assistance Regulations, "Minor repairs" are those which do not exceed $200.00 per fiscal year. Such costs are not recoverable by lien. Assistance is provided for such expenses necessary to the upkeep and maintenance of a participant's home.

Minor repairs under this provision include:
  • Furnace cleaning
  • Sewer pipe cleaning
  • Furnace safety checks
  • Eaves trough cleaning

19.1.20 Major Repairs

"Major repairs" are those which exceed $200.00 per fiscal year as defined by section 1(1) of the Regulation. The director or designate may approve major repairs up to $3,000.00 per fiscal year for the cost of essential major repairs to the applicant's or participant's home. Amounts in excess of $3,000.00 per fiscal year continue to require approval of the EIA Leading Program and Practice Specialist.
Typical projects under this provision include:
  • Repairs to roof or foundation.
  • Repair or replacement of heating system.
  • Repair or improvement of electrical or plumbing system to comply with municipal regulations.
  • Alteration, addition to, or reconstruction of original housing where current structure is inadequate and moving is not feasible. Application to the RRAP program is expected for these types of repairs.
  • Extermination of bed bugs.
EIA participants who request essential home improvement repairs are to provide three cost estimates containing sufficient detail about the cost of the repairs (e.g., material and labour). Less than three cost estimates may be provided in regions with few suppliers.
If approved, such costs are to be secured for refund by lien in accordance with Schedule B, section 2(e) of the Assistance Regulation. The lien amount may be reduced by some unused portion or all of the $200.00 minor repair assistance.

19.1.21 Remote Housing Program (RHP)

Rental-Purchase Agreements

Where a participant is a tenant in a house provided through Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation's Remote Housing Program, shelter costs shall be granted as to any renting participant. Exceptional requests for major or minor repairs in these cases are to be submitted to the Program Specialist.

19.1.22 House Insurance

Schedule A, section 2(c) of the Regulation makes provisions for payment of insurance at actual cost for homeowners.
Assistance granted to homeowners for insurance purposes shall not exceed premiums payable on a "house only" policy. Assistance may be granted for a "house and contents" policy if the premiums are equivalent to or lower than a "house only" policy.

19.1.23 (Deleted)

19.1.24 (Deleted)


19.2.1 Reconciliation of Estimated Utility Costs


Schedule B, section 1(D) of the Regulation provides authority for the estimated monthly cost of utilities (i.e., water, light, fuel and rental or instalment payments on essential appliances) to be paid based on actual expenditures for the previous 12 months. Where circumstances have changed such that this estimate is no longer valid, the estimated costs for the next 12 months may be used.
Estimated billings should be reconciled to the actual billings during the Annual Review process, or more often if necessary. Overpayments should be recovered in the usual manner and underpayments reimbursed to the participant through a deficit payment. The estimate should be readjusted at this time to reflect actual expenditures.
Each reconciliation should encompass no more than the previous 12 months. Any overpayments that occurred more than a year ago and were not detected during a previous Annual Review should not be recovered unless there is sufficient evidence to indicate that the overpayment was not detected previously due to an act of omission (e.g., not submitting utility bills) or commission (e.g., fraud or misrepresentation) on the part of the participant. Similarly, any underpayments, that were not reconciled in a previous Annual Report, should not be reimbursed unless the underpayment was not reconciled previously as a result of staff error.
When utility costs are based on estimated expenditures for the next 12 months, staff should ensure that the participant is actively involved in determining the estimate. Participants should be advised that estimated utility costs will be reconciled to the actual billings as part of the Annual Review process, with overpayments being recovered and underpayments reimbursed as deficit payments. In order to avoid large overpayments or deficit payments after the Annual Review, participants should be encouraged to monitor their utility billings and to advise staff where the estimate is inaccurate so that the estimate can be adjusted. Staff may also choose to monitor the estimated utility costs by reconciling actual expenditures and payments for a period of less than 12 months.

19.2.2 Rental and Purchase of Essential Utility Appliances

Utility rentals may be allowed as part of the monthly utility costs.
Payments for the purchase of items such as furnaces, hot water tanks and rewiring costs are subject to minor or major repair provisions and must not be considered as monthly utility costs.

19.2.3 Manitoba Hydro Programs

Outstanding loans acquired through the Manitoba Hydro - Pay As You Save (PAYS) program by EIA participants may be repaid as part of their monthly utility costs.

Monthly payment (principle and interest) will be calculated based on the estimated energy savings. The goal is to keep the amount of the utility bill constant despite the added loan payment.

EIA participants are also eligible for Manitoba Hydro - Affordable Energy Program. Similar to EIA treatment of the Manitoba Hydro PAYS Financing Program, EI will cover $9.50 loan costs for new furnaces included within Manitoba Hydro Bill. In most cases, the resulting savings for EIA wil be higher than the furnace loan payments of $9.50 per month. 

EIA will provide the loan payments included on the Manitoba Hydro utility bill for the Affordable Energy Program and the PAYS Financing Program, but not the other Power Smart financing programs, such as the Earth Power Loan, the Energy Finance Loan or the Residential Loan. Several programs have no cost, and participants are encouraged to contact Manitoba Hydro.

19.2.4 (Deleted)


19.2.5 Coin-Operated Laundry Rates

Where the use of alternative laundry facilities is not feasible, assistance to cover the cost of coin-operated laundry facilities may be included in the monthly budget as a utility cost, under Schedule A, section 3 of the Regulation, for households with disabilities, aged, crisis facility and special dependent care households.
Households, enrolled under a category that is not eligible for laundry assistance, may receive assistance for laundry as a health need when warranted by special circumstances, such as a medical condition or a child with a disability.
The cost of using coin-operated laundry facilities may be authorized, up to the following maximum household rates:
Household Size Maximum Assistance
1 Person $ 12.00
2 Persons $ 15.00
3 Persons $ 18.00
4 Persons $ 24.00
5 Persons or more $ 30.00
These guidelines represent the upper limit of monthly coin-operated laundry rates by household size. Directors or designates may exceed these limits in exceptional cases.

Effective July 1, 2017, for new tenants and Novemeber 1, 2017, for existing tenants, the monthly fees for laundry equipment in Manitoba Housing are $5.00 per month for washer AND dryer units, and $3.00 per month for a washer OR dryer unit. EIA will cover these costs for tenants as allowable amenities.

19.2.6 Restaurant Meals

Schedule B, section 1(e) of the Assistance Regulation indicate that EIA participants living in rental accommodations that do not have sufficient equipment or facilities for meal preparation may receive an additional $277 each month to cover the cost of purchasing meals from restaurants or other vendors. Sufficient equipment or facilities are defined as a refrigerator (any size), a microwave or stove, and a running water source.