Children’s Therapy Network of Manitoba
We are here to help children reach their full potential!
If you have a concern about your child in areas such as speech, hearing, movement, learning and social development – contact us – we can help!
Children's Therapy Network of Manitoba Brochure (PDF)
Services through the Children’s Therapy Network of Manitoba

- Talking
- Understanding and using words
- Making sounds
- Speaking in sentences
- Making and playing with friends
- Stuttering
- Communicating using pictures and gestures, or technology
- Swallowing

- Learning to sit
- Moving – rolling, crawling, walking, jumping and running
- Improving strength, balance and coordination
- Using equipment such as braces, walkers or bikes

- Eating, dressing, using the toilet
- Paying attention
- Making and playing with friends
- Learning new play skills
- Understanding sensory needs
- Using hands for play and everyday tasks
- Participation in home and community

- Hearing
- Hearing loss
- Identifying types of hearing loss
- Fitting hearing aids and other devices
- Understanding hearing loss
- Functioning in day care or classroom
- Auditory processing
The Children’s Therapy Network of Manitoba Service Partners
- All school divisions in Manitoba
- All Health Service delivery organizations (Winnipeg, Northern, Prairie Mountain, Southern, Interlake-Eastern)
- Rehabilitation Centre for Children
- Manitoba Possible
- St. Amant
Children’s Therapy Network of Manitoba Map
The Children’s Therapy Network of Manitoba (CTNM) map provides you with the name of the Regional Health Authority and School Division where you live.
- Left click on the location where you live.
- An information box will display information about the area.
- Click on the arrow in the box pointing to the right to go to “page 2”, and additional information will be displayed.
- To close the information box, click on the “X”.
You can use the wheel on your mouse to zoom in or out of an area or use the + and – for zooming.
Left click and hold to move the map.
We all work together to help children.
CTNM Home | Connecting with Therapy Services | How do I know I should be concerened about my child's development | Resources