Become Classified

STEP 3. Preliminary Review
The Early Learning and Child Care Program will review your Application for Classification as a Child Care Worker and required documents. The Early Learning and Child Care Program will compare your international education to Manitoba education requirements to determine if your education is equivalent to Child Care Assistant (CCA), ECE II or ECE III.
A. If it appears that you may qualify for ECE classification: The Early Learning and Child Care Program will advise you to complete STEP 4. Credential Assessment. The Early Learning and Child Care Program can classify you at the CCA level while you are waiting for the credential assessment, so that you are able to begin work immediately.
B. If you do NOT qualify for ECE classification: The Early Learning and Child Care Program will classify you as a Child Care Assistant (CCA). The Early Learning and Child Care Program will mail you a CCA certificate and a letter that explains why you do not qualify for ECE classification.

The Early Learning and Child Care Program may also provide you with information on a Prior Learning Assessment (PLA) Program. If your education is related to child care, you may be eligible to apply to this program after working in a licensed child care facility in Manitoba for one year (Full Time). The program is for child care assistants who:
- have earned a degree or diploma from inside or outside of Canada that is related to child care (such as Bachelor of Education in Elementary or Early Years, Bachelor of Science in Psychology, Bachelor of Human Ecology in Family Social Sciences), and
- have worked in a licensed child care facility in Manitoba for one full year or longer.
The Early Childhood Educator (ECE) II Assessment Program results in ECE II classification and the right to enter further programs to attain ECE III classification.
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