Sector Support Program
Important Changes to the Program
The expansion to the Sector Support Program includes:
- extending the program intake period until Feb. 28, 2022
- expanding eligibility retroactively to include event rentals, caterers and photographers
- doubling the level of assistance to businesses that were affected by public health orders in December
Program Description
The Sector Support Program provides assistance to businesses affected by the COVID-19 public health order restrictions released in December 2021 and in February 2022. This assistance is taxable income for income tax purposes.
Businesses can apply for grants based on the number of employees.
Businesses who donate surplus food to a charity that feeds the homeless or other Manitobans in need can deduct the cost of the food for income tax purposes.
Eligible Applicants
Eligible recipients include:
- Food service facilities that primarily rely on dine-in services, including restaurants, hotels or resorts (customers must be seated and served, more than 50 per cent of revenue is dine-in)
- Bars, lounges and similar licensed premises
- Movie and other theatres
- Heritage institutions such as museums and galleries
- Concert halls or other similar indoor or outdoor ticketed performing arts centre or facilitates
- Indoor recreational centres or facilities (where services requires customers to be in-person)
- Gyms or other sports or fitness centres or facilities
- Caterers
- Event rental facilities
- Photographers (studio-based or freelance)
To be eligible:
- Business or organization must not have outstanding public health order fines as of the date of this application.
- Business or organization must be a Manitoba-based entity operating in Manitoba.
- Business or organization must be impacted by Manitoba COVID-19 public health order restrictions released in December 2021 or February 2022.
- Business or organization must not be in arrears for taxes owning to Manitoba or if in tax arrears must have an established payment plan with Manitoba as of the date of this application.
Available Assistance
For any eligible businesses that applied in January, or an event rental facility, caterer or photographer, you are eligible to apply in February for assistance based on the number of workers employed for the last pay period that preceded the December 21, 2021 public health orders:
- $6,000 for businesses with up to 9 employees
- $12,000 for businesses with 10 to 19 employees
- $18,000 for businesses with 20 to 49 employees
- $24,000 for businesses with 50 or more employees
One worker includes either a full-time or part-time employee.
Important note:
Eligible applicants who applied by January 31 and received a first payment will need to reapply to the program to receive a second payment of an amount equal to the first payment.
Eligible applicants who did not apply by January 31 do not qualify for the entire funding amounts stated above except for event rental facilities, caterers and photographers. These applicants will qualify for the following amounts:
- $3,000 for businesses with up to 9 employees
- $6,000 for businesses with 10 to 19 employees
- $9,000 for businesses with 20 to 49 employees
- $12,000 for businesses with 50 or more employees
How to Apply
- Application deadline: February 28, 2022
Frequently Asked Questions
If you applied in January and reapply in February the maximum total assistance will depend on the number of employees had on its last payroll before the Dec. 21 public health order took effect.
- $6,000 for businesses with up to 9 employees
- $12,000 for businesses with 10 to 19 employees
- $18,000 for businesses with 20 to 49 employees
- $24,000 for businesses with 50 or more employees
Eligible applicants who applied by January 31 and received a first payment will need to reapply to the program to receive a second payment. Event rental facilities, caterers and photographers also qualify for these amounts regardless of when they first apply.
Other eligible businesses that apply for the first time in February qualify for the following amounts of assistance based on the number of employees on their last payroll:
- $3,000 for businesses with up to 9 employees
- $6,000 for businesses with 10 to 19 employees
- $9,000 for businesses with 20 to 49 employees
- $12,000 for businesses with 50 or more employees
One worker includes either a full-time or part-time employee.
Nearly 2,000
The program is not capped in terms of funding availability.
Government has set aside $1.18 billion in the budget for health care and other COVID-19 related costs, including business assistance.
Restaurants, bars and lounges that primarily provide dine-in food services including those in hotels where at least 50 per cent of the income is from dine-in. Dine-in service, for this program, defined as an establishment where the business staff seats and serves their patrons at a table.
Eligible facilities are those physically open to members or the public. Those providing virtual services are not eligible. This applies to, for example, movie or other theatres, concert halls, heritage institution such as museums, galleries, recreational and fitness facilities.
Business can apply immediately and start the process by using the online assessment tool.
The online assessment tool will be available until February 28, 2022.
The program provides some needed relief for businesses that incurred costs in preparation for bookings at their busiest time of year, the December and January holiday season. Places of worship were not affected in the same manner and are not eligible under the program.
Businesses with surplus food are encouraged to contact Harvest Manitoba who can connect them with organizations that help feed the homeless and other families that may otherwise not receive a special meal during this holiday season.
The Manitoba government has provided over $650 million to more than 38,000 businesses and organizations, in both financial assistance and tax relief, since March 2020.
Yes. Sector Support is a stand alone program that is not impacted by other supports, federal or provincial, you may be receiving now or have received in the past.
You can use a revenue test: more than 50% of your revenue from food services.
All employees in the food service are eligible to be included in the employee count that determines the level of Sector Support you will receive.
No. You automatically qualify for the $3,000, if applying for the first time in February, or $6,000, if applied for the first time in January and reapply in February, in assistance. Without a payroll, Manitoba Finance has no way of establishing employee numbers if an applicant is audited.
Each employee counts as one-employee regardless of whether they are employed on a full-time or a part-time basis.
If you can show, if audited, that your average payroll in 2021 was higher than your last payroll we will accept that count.
All persons involved in the food service portion of your business - including managers, hosts and drivers - should be included in the employee count.
Yes. Under federal income tax rules government assistance is taxable income.
While Sector Support is taxable income, if the employer is tax exempt then you do not pay income tax on government assistance.
Call: 204-945-3744 or 1-866-626-4862 (Toll-Free)
Email: mgi@gov.mb.ca