Delegated Purchasing
Departmental personnel have delegated authority to purchase goods and services directly from vendors for transactions less than $2,500 (including taxes) for small dollar purchases. Goods and services over $2,500 may be purchased in an emergency situation or to effect urgent repairs to machinery or equipment.
These purchases are to be made using a Standard SAP Purchase Order or by using a corporate Purchasing Card (P-Card).
Purchasing Card (P-Card)
The government Purchasing Card (P-Card) is a corporate credit card intended to provide a simplified purchasing and payment tool for low dollar value purchases for goods and services. Manitoba's P-Card is currently a MasterCard issued by the National Bank of Canada (NBC) and issued to individual cardholders, personnel of the Manitoba Government with delegated authority to use the P-Card.
Purchasing Co-ordinators
Each department in the Manitoba Government has a Purchasing Co-ordinator designated to provide policy direction and guidance to personnel in their respective departments on the use of P-Cards.