
Weather Conditions and Reports

Manitoba's ag weather program measures and records data year round from over 100 weather stations across agro-Manitoba. The stations monitor air temperature, relative humidity, barometric pressure, precipitation, wind speed and direction, solar radiation, soil temperature, and soil moisture. The latest weather conditions from each station are made available every 15 minutes throughout the growing season and every hour during the winter months. 


Agro-Manitoba Weather Extremes


Weekly Crop Weather Report and Maps

The latest weather report and maps are made available every Monday year round. Subscribe to receive a weekly distribution of seasonal reports and maps by email.

Higher resolution maps are available upon request.


Seven-Day Accumulated Precipitation (PDF 1,494 KB)

Agro-Manitoba received variable amounts of precipitation over the past seven days. Once again, isolated heavy rains occurred in several regions. Precipitation for the past week ranged from 0 mm to 41.3 mm  (Table 1). Manitou (41.3 mm) received the most precipitation.

Table 1. Range of measurements of seven-day accumulated precipitation in Manitoba's Agricultural Regions.   

Wettest Location last Week
Driest Location last Week
 Manitou (41.3 mm)
 Plumas (1.1 mm)
 Richer (39.0 mm)
 Lac Du Bonnet (1.9 mm)
 Woodlands (28.7 mm)
 Teulon (3.4 mm)
 Drifting River (19.6 mm)
 The Pas (0.0 mm)
 Birtle (14.4 mm)
 Several (0.0 mm)

Percent Normal Precipitation (PDF 1 MB)

Total Accumulated Precipitation (PDF 2 MB)

Climate normals for total accumulated precipitation from May 1 to July 21 range from 145.4 mm to 235.7 mm and are based on 30-year historical data. With recent reainfall events, precipitation accumulation in most areas have exceeded 135% of normal precipitation since May 1.

Soil Moisture

Soil Moisture 0-30 cm  (PDF 2 MB)

Soil Moisture 0-120 cm  (PDF 2 MB)

No maps available for July 21.


Growing Degree Days

Total Accumulated Growing Degree Days (PDF 2MB)

Percent Normal Accumulated Growing Degree Days (PDF 2 MB)



Corn Heat Units

Total Accumulated Corn Heat Units (PDF 2 MB)

Percent Normal Accumulated Corn Heat Units (PDF 2 MB)


Potato Days

Total Accumulated P-Days (PDF 1.6 MB)

Percent Normal Accumulated P-Days  (PDF 1.7 MB)



Note: The information on the maps provides regional representation only. Field-specific conditions may be different from the information provided on the maps.


Other links of interest to access current weather conditions recorded at each station:
-          Current Weather Condition by Station.
-          Interactive Map of all weather stations with latest hourly weather information.

Seasonal Maps

First Fall Frost

Monthly Precipitation 2021


Seasonal Reports

Visit the Seasonal Reports page for information on progress in seeding and crop establishment, crop development, pest activity including weeds, insects and disease, harvest progress, crop yields and grades, fall field work progress, and status of winter cereal crop seeding and establishment. Information on haying progress and estimated yields, as well as pasture conditions is included.