Investing in Our Communities - Arts, Culture and Sports in Community Fund


In 2022/23, the Manitoba government launched the Arts, Culture and Sport in Community (ACSC) Fund and committed up to $100M in funding to support three programs:

  • Large Capital Projects (requests over $300,000 and up to $5M)
    Will improve the quality, accessibility and availability of facilities and spaces needed for Manitobans to engage with the arts, culture and amateur sport in their community.
  • Small Capital Projects and Special Initiative Projects (requests up to $300,000)
    Will support the arts, culture and amateur sport sectors; enhance their contributions to Manitobans; and increase opportunities for participation and engagement in programming and activities.
  • Community Celebrations (requests up to $5,000)
    Will create opportunities to bring Manitobans together in celebration of their unique culture, heritage and/or community.

The Manitoba government committed $100M to a total of 942 projects under the ACSC Fund.  The ACSC Fund is now closed.


See the full list of 2022-23 ACSC Recipients

See the full list of 2023-24 ACSC Recipients


If you have any questions about the fund please contact or 1-800-958-6808 for support.