Health, Seniors and Long-Term Care

Demographics of Seniors

There are 229,050 Manitobans aged 65 or older living in the province. This is 17 per cent of the total population. Of that group, 29,255 are aged 85 or older.

There are many factors that contribute to our health, well-being, happiness and success. The Manitoba government has created profiles to better understand older people. The profiles include several aspects, such as:

  • employment
  • education
  • income
  • ethnicity
  • location
  • language

Some themes and highlights of the report include:

  • Health and well-being - 51.2 per cent of Manitobans over the age of 65 self-rated their health as "excellent or very good"
  • Home and community - about 13 per cent of Manitobans over age 55 are visible minorities
  • Finances, employment and retirement - the average income for those aged 65+ in 2021 was $45,880
  • Education and literacy - those age 65+ use the internet for research (85 per cent), to check the weather (76 per cent), wayfinding and directions (67 per cent), news (67 per cent), banking (58 per cent)

The Demographic Profile of Older Manitobans is available for download.

Manitoba Government Inquiry
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