cjd.pdf (0.42MB PDF)https://www.gov.mb.ca/health/publichealth/cdc/protocol/cjd.pdf…dementia PLUS one or more pathological features seen in brain tissue (1, 2) (refer to Table 1…
tariff-8700-continuing-patient-care-management.pdf (0.11MB PDF)https://www.gov.mb.ca/health/claims/docs/tariff-8700-continuing-patient-care-management.pdf…; 2879 Senile dementia, presenile dementia 2900; 29010; 29011; 29012; 29013; 29020; 29021; 2903…
Patient Safety Learning Advisory: Unwitnessed Fall Resulting in Fracture (0.14MB PDF)https://www.gov.mb.ca/health/patientsafety/docs/psla88.pdf…with a diagnosis of failure to cope and query dementia. Patient experienced an unwitnessed fall resulting…
Patient Safety Learning Advisory: Humeral Head Fracture (0.16MB PDF)https://www.gov.mb.ca/health/patientsafety/docs/psla79.pdf…. Facilitate behavioral/psychological assessment training - Dementia Care education. Establish a process…
Patient Safety Learning Advisory: Humeral Head Fracture (0.15MB PDF)https://www.gov.mb.ca/health/patientsafety/docs/psla80.pdf…sided weakness and dementia sustained a right humeral head fracture. The mechanism of injury…
Microsoft Word - BMD News 6b _falls_.doc (0.13MB PDF)https://www.gov.mb.ca/health/primarycare/providers/chronicdisease/bonedensity/docs/update6.pdf…of medications 5. Cognition – look for signs of dementia 6. Environmental Hazards in the Home – • remove loose…
Treatment for Uncomplicated Gonorrhea, Chlamydia, and Syphilis by Public Health Nurses (0.39MB PDF)https://www.gov.mb.ca/health/publichealth/docs/staff-docs/sti-treatment-by-phns-under-cppho-order.pdf…., Paiva, A. R. B. D., Takada, L. T., & Brucki, S. M. D. (2010). Did you rule out neurosyphilis?. Dementia…
Healthy Environments, Healthy People: 2015 Health Status of Manitobans Report (7.05MB PDF)https://www.gov.mb.ca/health/cppho/docs/hehp.pdf…., Paiva, A. R. B. D., Takada, L. T., & Brucki, S. M. D. (2010). Did you rule out neurosyphilis?. Dementia…
Syphilis in Manitoba (0.93MB PDF)https://www.gov.mb.ca/health/publichealth/cdc/docs/syphilis-surge-mb.pdf…• ataxia, vertigo, dementia, headaches, personality changes, Argyll Robertson pupil, otic/ocular symptoms…
The Manitoba Physician’s Manual is an integral part of the negotiated contract between the Minister of Health and the Manitoba Medical Association regarding compensation for fee-for-service physicians. (3.06MB PDF)https://www.gov.mb.ca/health/documents/physmanual.pdf…• ataxia, vertigo, dementia, headaches, personality changes, Argyll Robertson pupil, otic/ocular symptoms…