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Public Registry File 5366.00 - Rural Municipality of Headingley - Sewage Treatment Plant

Latest information was posted May 16, 2024


2024-05-16  Notice of Alteration Approval - posted May 16, 2024 

2024-04-15 Notice of Alteration Request to replace Hydrogen Sulphide Stripping Tank - posted May 16, 2024 

July 8, 2016 Letter regarding updated Biosolids Option Report - posted July 25, 2016

Acknowledgment of Biosolids Options Report - posted February 25, 2016

Biosolids Options Report - posted February 25, 2016

Alteration approval - posted April 14, 2014

Alteration Request - posted February 3, 2015

Notice of Alteration - posted August 27, 2013

Summary - posted August 27, 2013

Environment Act Licence - reposted February 3, 2015




Environmental Approvals Contact: Barsha Sagan