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Journal du poste d'Albany.
HBCA, B.3/a/131, fos. 14-15

October 29th Sunday Wind N.W. blowing fresh, most of the ice that was in the River disappeared. All hands except Harcus went and hauled the seine at the fishing creek and procured about four Barrels of fishes Alexander Kennedy C.F. and Messrs Corcoran and McKay were of the party.

30th Monday Wind N.W. Weather rather cold. All went again to haul the seine at the Fishing Creek, and caught nearly as many as yesterday

31st Tuesday Wind S.E. blowing in the morning about noon began to snow thick and towards evening it blew a gale. People employed pulling the fish in and stowed them. Three wavies rested on the Plantation, Mr Kennedy C.F. shot one of them.

November 1st Wednesday Wind Northerly blowing hard and snowing mostly all day. People employed variously took the boats up the bank farther. Mr Kennedy C.F. and myself took a walk to the north Pole saw a few Partridges and shot five of them. another wavie came on the Plantation and having drove it into the Garden was caught into a Partridge Net and put in the Cow House with the two tame Geese.

2nd Thursday Wind Northerly weather cloudy at times Morrison setting his Tools in order. Coupland clearing out the Coopers shed, G. Daniel assisting Mr Corcoran in opening the Packages that came from Moose for Inland. Harcus attending the Cattle, the other six men were sent to the Ox Bluff to cut Cordwood, Boys cooking &c. Mr Kennedy Junior and myself took an Inventory of sundries at this Post.

3rd Friday Wind N.W. in the morning and S.W. in the evening. the woodmen were sent across the River with a Boat to procure firewood. Others employed as yesterday. All the Cattle were housed this evening amounting to 39 Head in all, and a Mare.

4th Saturday Wind N. almost calm, a good deal of Ice driving up and down the River. Peoples employments much the same as before. Sent Richard Prince out to hunt. He brought home ten Partridges. The rest of the Boys variously employed.

5th Sunday Wind W. sharp frost this morning, the River partially frozen fine clear weather

6th Monday Wind S.E. The greater part of the River covered with a thin coat of Ice this morning but broke up again with the turn of the Tide. Morrison repairing old felling axes. Harcus assisting him occasionally. Griffiths Daniel & Coupland assisting Mr Corcoran in the Stores. The other six men cutting cord wood.

7th Tuesday Wind N. Snowing this morning and some last night. The people employed as yesterday. Richard Prince was out hunting and brought three Partridges three ducks, and a Muskrat. Parts of the River still open.