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Return to A family business

Letter from Alexander Kennedy to his wife, 18 August 1829.
A of M, MG1/D1 #4 Kennedy, Alexander, pp. 14-16.

Moose Factory 14th August 1829

My Dear Mrs K[ennedy],

I embrace the opportunity of Mr Lewis’s going your way to write a few lines hoping it will find you in the enjoyment of every felicity. I sincerely hope that you have experienced a pleasant voyage to Red River and that you have met with some friends there who will be kind to you till I have the pleasure of seeing you again. I am happy to acquaint you we are all well here – that is Betsy Roderick & my self – but we left Alexander at Albany a few days ago where he also was well when we left him. Since my arrival here Betsy has got married to Mr Finlayson and I am happy to say they seem to be very happy together. I intend to take Roderick & Alexander home with myself and if I am alive please god I shall see you again next summer as I intend either to come out by the express from Canada in the spring or by York Factory in the fall in either case I shall be with you all winter. I hope you will endeavour to make yourself as happy & comfortable as you can till I see you.

I have written to the Chief at York Factory to send you up 6 lb Hyson Tea & a keg of sugar next summer which I hope you will receive safe if I am not there when you receive it. I shall be with you soon after, and I shall think of everything you want and order it out with the ship in the meantime do not want for anything that I can afford to supply you with either for yourself, your mother, or the little ones, and be assured that as long as I live I shall never forsake you nor forget you and if I die I shall not forget you.

I would wish that Isabella should be placed under the care of Mrs Cochrane in Red River the Clergyman’s wife who I understand has got some girls under her care. Speak to Mr Sutherland or any of your friends to apply to Mr Cochrane to get her placed there and I shall pay for her board and education. Be sure to send Philip also to some school. Mr Sutherland will try to get a house or a room for you to pass the winter in and if Moose Kermit remains near you employ him to do any thing you want either in the way of hunting or procuring firewood and tell him I shall see him next summer and thankfully pay for any service he may render you. I have written to Mr Sutherland to supply him on my account any thing you may think him deserving of till I see him.

Most sincerely wishing you health & happiness and hoping soon to see you I remain very affectionately yours Alexander Kennedy

PS I am happy to inform you that John Billy and George are well it is probable that John will come out next season to Red River. God bless you till I see you. AK

Apply to the Governor Mr McKenzie for anything you want on my account at Red River, who I trust will have the goodness to supply you.

A. Kennedy