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Journal du poste d'Albany.
HBCA, B.3/a/132, fos. 26-26d

April 18th Friday Wind Southerly, weather warm. John Fowles and A. Kirkness hauling out snow from the inside the works with the mare. Will Linklater finished sewing the shot bags and commenced sewing Flour Bags and a Boat covering for Inland. The others employed as yesterday. The Indians who came in yesterday returned to their lodges after being supplied with their necessaries, but not all their requests. Messrs Mowat and Collie opened some of the packages in the the [sic] store, and assorting the Goods in them preparatory to making out the Outfits for the Inland Posts.

19th Saturday Wind Easterly, weather mild. Mr Truthwaise having finished the window-sashes commenced working at the roof of the new house again. The other people almost invariably employed as yesterday.

20th Sunday Wind S.E. fine warm day. Several Spring birds were seen about the Fort and two ducks were killed by G. Daniel at the Fishing, the first this season. four Geese were seen. C. Swain apprentice and Machuatoom arrived from Chickney, having been sent hither by Mr Larande for a supply of provisions &c there being no fish or Partridges to be got, and the Geese not making their appearance yet according to accounts from Chickney. Shawaweetum arrived with about 46 Beaver in Otters and Martins.

21st Monday Wind N.E. weather cold. C.F. Alexander Kennedy assisted by Messrs Mowat and Collie preparing the Inland Outfits. A. Kennedy Jr. writing in the Office. G. Daniel and D. Harcus sawing logs for various purposes. Andrew Kirkness and J. Fowles clearing away the snow and filth from the yard. Will Copland making cases for Inland and George McKay making awls and Firesteels. Will Linklater sewing canvas for Boat coverings. Mr Truthwaise working at the roof of the new house The cattle keepers as usual…

24th Thursday Wind as yesterday, weather mild, foggy atmosphere. Will Linklater sewing bales for Inland, J. Draver who is getting better of his complaint, assisted him in the afternoon. G. Daniel and Harcus hewing and straightening the edges of the logs they have sawn in halves. The rest as before

25th Friday Wind Easterly. Weather mild. Will Linklater brought two loads of spars and poles from the opposite side, and afterwards packing and sewing bales, John Draver assisting him. The employments of the others as usual.