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September 1821, merging the HBC and NW Co. posts Cumberland House post journal.
HBCA, B.49/a/37, fos. 9-9d

1821 September

Friday 7th Showers of rain at times all day, men not able to do any thing out doors. At noon Messrs J Sutherland, A Kennedy, Finlayson & Thomas Williams arrived in their boats loaded with Goods, two of which for Saskatchewan and one for this place. The men for this place are, Williams, Ballandine, John Tait, William Brown, Alexander Archibald & James Murdoch and Robert Garron. some Indians arrived and brought the fresh meat of two Moose a little dried meat & a few Musquash Skins.

Saturday 8th Raining hard all day, Messrs G Keith & La Rocque arrived in a Canoe from Fort William for the Isle a la Crosse or English River Department; weather so bad that people could not work out doors. fitted out the several Indians with their wants, who have been waiting near the house for some time past for supplies, which we were not enabled to give till the craft arrived with our Goods. Mr Kennedy took charge of this District…

Wednesday 12th People employed as yesterday, got 40 small fish from 4 nets set down abreast of the house. Took an Inventory of the stock in both houses, which stocks are now put together, but for want of convenience in our house, for our numerous party, we shall be obliged to occupy both houses for this winter; as neither of the Forts are in good condition, nor are either of them in a good situation, it is not thought worth while to remove part of one fort into the other for one season, as it will be the best way to pull both down and erect a new fort in a more eligible situation.