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Livre de correspondance de York Factory.
HBCA, B.239/b/73, p. 89.

From Mr Kennedy Master at Cumberland

Cumberland House 2nd August 1806

By the arrival of Mr Bird here the 31st Ultimo I received your Letter which gave me pleasure to think my endeavour last winter gave satisfaction. It ever will be my highest ambition to merit the praise of my Superiors.

As Mr Bird informs me I am to winter at Moose Lake which I am just on the eve of departing for I will be much obliged if you will permit a small parcel to come up for me in the Fall should it come out I will write to Mr Sinclair to forward it with your permission. I have passed a very quiet and pleasant Summer here but owing to the great flush of water all over the Indians have not done so much in the way of hunting as they might under more favourable circumstances every River & creek being overflowed the Beaver and other animals of the fur kind have forsaken their former Haunts and taken to the swamps & Grass which renders it difficult to hunt them. The whole amount got here during the summer (including 99 Beaver by Mr Fidler) is 419 ¾ add 12/ 431 ¾ which will come to Cumberland House account of next year. A list of the Furs is sent herewith – Wishing you a pleasant sight of the Ship

I remain Sir
Your Most Obedient Humble Servant
Alexander Kennedy