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Retournez à Kennedy passe d'hivers dans avant-postes éloignés

Livre de correspondance de York Factory.
HBCA, B.239/b/75, pp. 64-65.

To Mr Kennedy Master Inland

York Factory August 30th 1808

Their Honors say “Mr Kennedy’s case was fully considered last year but this additional recommendation shall be duly borne in mind at a renewal of his contract” I again recommend a confidence on your part for so strong a promise and now place you in a situation where I hope you will show yourself conspicuously worthy thereof

You will now proceed to Swan river and act there in Mr Fidlers stead it is pleasing to one to tell you I have the fullest confidence in your prudence and discernment in a situation that so importantly demands both. I sincerely wish you a happy and successful winter

I am
Dear Sir
Your Humble Servant
John McNab