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Retournez à Emily Blake

Documents à l'appui présentés au procès de Mary Rex, page 2.
A of M, A 0088, GR 0363, Q. vs. Mary Rex, No. 4, G 7068, No. 4, G 7068

Alfred Perry Stewart of Kola farmer was duly sworn and deposed[:] the child Hilda Blake is my adopted child. She ran away from my home across Country on Tuesday last. As soon as I missed her I sent Mr. Stead after her and he not coming back for some time I went over to Mrs. Rex’s to know if they had seen anything of the child. Mrs. H. Rex told me the direction in which she had gone and that Mr. Stead had gone after her. I went back home and sent a team after them. Mr. Stead and my son came back. Mr. Stead told me that when he caught up to the girl a Mr. Carr was there on horseback and as she was not very willing to come back he asked very kindly if he should assist her towards home. When he got near Mrs. Rex Mr. Stead said I will take her now[.] He said no you don’t[.] At the same time Mr. Herbert Rex came up on horseback and told Mr. Stead if he didn’t get out of the way he’d ride over them. They refused to give the child up and took her to Mrs. Rex’s and said they would they would not give her up until I brought papers to prove that she belonged to me. I took the letters over which they failed to understand showing my authority over the child[.] I then came to town and laid the information.

It was Mrs. Rex who refused to give the child up.

[Signed] A.P. Stewart

I asked Carr what right he had to take the child, he said he had his orders from Mrs. Rex.

[Signed] A.P. Stewart