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Notice of Appearance in the Joseph Singer and Archibald Head trial, page 2.
A of M, ATG 0061A, GR 5742, Q. vs. Joseph Singer and Archibald Head, 71/89.


Province of Manitoba
County of Dennis

Be it Remembered, that on the thirtieth day of May in the fifty second year of the reign of our Sovereign Lady Victoria, by the Grace of God, of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, QUEEN, Defender of the Faith & c.

Emily Hilda Blake

Of the post office of Scola in the County of Dennis and Alfred Perry Stewart Of the post office of Scola in the County aforesaid

Personally came before us Adam Gerrond McDougal and Tom Routledge, two of her Majesties Justices of the Peace for the Province of Manitoba and acknowledge to owe to our Sovereign Lady the Queen, that is to say, the said Emily Hilda Blake the sum of one hundred dollars, and the said Alfred Perry Stewart the sum of one hundred dollars, separately, and of good and lawful money of Canada, to be made and levied of their goods and chattels, lands and tenements, respectively, to the use of our Sovereign Lady the Queen, her heirs and successors, if they said Emily Hilda Blake shall make default in the following condition:

The Condition of the above written recognizance is such, that if the above bounden Emily Hilda Blake appear in person at the next Court of Competent Jurisdiction to be holden at the City of Brandon in the Court House, in the said city and shall appear from day to day until undetermined defendants be duly discharged then and there to give evidence concerning the complaint, charge or charges as shall be on the part of our Sovereign Lady the Queen then and there preferred against Joseph Singer and Archibald Charles Head for child stealing.

Taken and acknowledged before us
In the Town of Virden the day and
Year first above written.
