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Manitoba Skills

Skills, Talent and Knowledge Strategy

Skills, Talent and Knowledge Strategy

Manitoba's Skills, Talent and Knowledge Strategy provides strategic direction to publicly-funded post-secondary institutions and outlines actions needed to accelerate recovery, advance Manitoba's economy and promote positive outcomes. The strategy includes targeted actions to strengthen alignment between post-secondary institutions, immigration, training and employment services, and labour market needs.

We look forward to a collaborative approach, working with our partners across Manitoba, including:

The strategy is a key deliverable from the 2018 Economic Growth Action Plan and 2019 Moving Manitoba Forward Guarantee . For more information visit the Manitoba Economic Growth Action Plan.

Manitoba's Skills, Talent and Knowledge Strategy
Manitoba's Skills, Talent and Knowledge Strategy Report

Our Vision

Manitobans will have the right skills, talent and knowledge to succeed in their careers, enjoy a high-quality life, strengthen their communities and grow the economy.

Our Engagement

The strategy was informed by robust stakeholder engagement, including:

Education, training and skill development were also discussed at the Manitoba Newcomer Roundtables, Indigenous Education Roundtables and other consultations. A variety of survey results and reports were reviewed. We will continue to engage with stakeholders as we implement the actions of the strategy.

We are aligning our efforts across the Manitoba government. For more information about the work Manitoba is doing, please explore the links below:
