Bill 1–An Act Respecting the Administration of Oaths of Office
Hon. Gary Doer (Premier): I move, seconded by the Minister of Intergovernmental Affairs (Ms. Friesen), that leave be given to introduce a bill, No. 1, An Act Respecting the Administration of Oaths of Office; Loi sur la prestation des serments d'entrJ e en fonction, and that the same be now received and read for a first time.
Motion agreed to.
Mr. Speaker: I am pleased to inform the House that Garry Clark has been appointed Acting Sergeant-at-Arms and Dennis Huyda has been appointed Acting Deputy Sergeant-at-Arms.
I am also pleased to introduce to the House the eight young people who have been selected to serve as pages at this session. They are, beginning at my extreme right: Courtney Marion, Transcona-Springfield School Division No. 12; Kate Mossman, Fort Garry School Division No. 5; Irene Lemieux-Robinson, Winnipeg School Division No. 1; Rebecca Turner, Evergreen School Division No. 22; Vincent Ho, Fort Garry School Division No. 5; Orion Penner, Lord Selkirk School Division No. 11; Brooke Coggan, Interlake School Division No. 21; and Amanda Wowryk, Winnipeg School Division No. 1.
House Business
Mr. Doer: I move, seconded by the Minister of Health (Mr. Chomiak), that a special committee
consisting of the Honourable Gord Mackintosh, the Honourable Steve Ashton, Ms. Nancy Allan, Mr. Thomas Nevakshonoff, Mr. Marcel Laurendeau, Mr. Peter George Dyck and Mr. Harold Gilleshammer be appointed to prepare a list of members to compose the standing committees provided under Rule 81(1).
Motion agreed to.
Mr. Doer: I move, seconded by the Minister of Conservation (Mr. Lathlin), that the speech of His Honour the Lieutenant Governor be taken into consideration tomorrow.
Motion agreed to.
Mr. Doer: I move, seconded by the Minister of Agriculture (Ms. Wowchuk), that this House do now adjourn.
Mr. Speaker: Before putting the question to the House, may I inform all present that a receiving line composed of His Honour the Lieutenant Governor and Mrs. Liba, the Premier and Ms. Devine, the Speaker and Ms. Dupont will form shortly in Room 200 at the north end of the building and that refreshments will be served in Room 254 at the south end of the building in five minutes time.
Motion agreed to, and the House adjourned and stands adjourned until 10 a.m. Friday, November 26, 1999.