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Decisions – 2000 and Older
Decisions under Section 17 of The Law Enforcement Review Act |
- LERA File 3109 - February 10, 2000
The Honourable Arnold J. Conner
A hearing pursuant to section 17 of The Law Enforcement Review Act - LERA File 3578 – June 14, 2000
The Honourable Judge Charles Newcombe
A hearing pursuant to section 17 of The Law Enforcement Review Act - LERA File 3573 - August 14, 2000
The Honourable Judge Raymond Wyant
A hearing pursuant to section 17 of The Law Enforcement Review Act - LERA File 3181 - October 26, 2000
The Honourable Judge Richard Chartier
A hearing pursuant to section 17 of The Law Enforcement Review Act
- LERA File 3037 - December 3, 1998
The Honourable Judge John J. Enns
A hearing pursuant to section 17 of The Law Enforcement Review Act
- LERA File 3075 - May 14, 1997
The Honourable Judge S. Cohan
A hearing pursuant to section 17 of The Law Enforcement Review Act - LERA File 3117 - August 14, 1997
The Honourable Judge
A hearing pursuant to section 17 of The Law Enforcement Review Act
- LERA File 3358 - June 21, 1996
The Honourable Judge S. Cohan
A hearing pursuant to section 17 of The Law Enforcement Review Act - LERA File 3022 - June 26, 1996
The Honourable Judge S. Cohan
A hearing pursuant to section 17 of The Law Enforcement Review Act
- LERA File 996 - January 11, 1995
The Honourable Judge M. S. Rusen
A hearing pursuant to section 17 of The Law Enforcement Review Act
- LERA File 1757 - March 9, 1994
The Honourable Judge D.D.S. Coppleman
A hearing pursuant to section 17 of The Law Enforcement Review Act
- LERA File 1645 - February 5, 1992
A hearing pursuant to section 17 of The Law Enforcement Review Act - LERA File 1656 - April 10, 1002
A penalty hearing pursuant to section 17 of The Law Enforcement Review Act - LERA File 819
- September 1, 1992
A hearing pursuant to section 17 of The Law Enforcement Review Act. - November 3, 1992
A penalty hearing pursuant to section 28(1) of The Law Enforcement Review Act - November 3, 1992
A penalty hearing pursuant to section 28(1) of The Law Enforcement Review Act
- September 1, 1992
- LERA File 1676 - December 22, 1992
The Honourable Judge A. A. Rich
A hearing pursuant to section 17 of The Law Enforcement Review Act
- LERA File 1625 - March 27, 1991
A hearing pursuant to section17 of The Law Enforcement Review Act - LERA File 1610 - September 12, 1991
A hearing pursuant to section 17 of The Law Enforcement Review Act
- LERA File 771 - February 12, 1990
A hearing pursuant to section 17 of The Law Enforcement Review Act