
Crown Law

The Crown Law division has oversight of the legal operations of the Department of Justice. It is responsible for the prosecution of criminal offences under provincial statutes and the Criminal Code of Canada. In addition, it provides legal services and advice to all government departments and agencies on civil, family, and constitutional law matters. Through policy development and analysis, it advises the government on modernization and improvement to provincial laws and programs. It also considers matters relating to law in Manitoba with a view to making recommendations for the improvement, modernization, and reform of laws and the justice system. The division is the point of reporting for the administration of the complaint process set out in The Human Rights Code and provides outreach and education for Manitobans regarding their rights and responsibilities under the Code.

Crown Law continues to develop and support initiatives of the Manitoba government to improve the administration, effectiveness, and timeliness of justice in Manitoba. In carrying out the division’s mandate, four branches report to the Assistant Deputy Attorney General:

  • Manitoba Prosecution Service
  • Crown Law Analysis and Development
  • Legal Services
  • Manitoba Human Rights Commission