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Manitoba Innovation, Energy and Mines

Protected Areas Initiative - Petroleum Working Committee


Manitoba's Protected Areas Initiative is a government program dedicated to building a network of protected areas that represents the biological diversity found in Manitoba's varied landscapes.

Manitoba’s network of protected areas may include Crown lands such as provincial parks and park reserves, wildlife management areas, national parks, and ecological reserves, as well as voluntarily protected private lands, aboriginal lands and lands managed by conservation organizations. 

The Province has committed to assembling a network of protected areas that represents the ecosystems and maintains the biodiversity found within all of Manitoba’s natural regions.  Protected areas consist of land, freshwater and marine sites where logging, mining, hydroelectric development, oil and gas development and other activities that significantly and adversely affect habitat are prohibited.   Surface access for the purpose of oil and gas operation in these areas is prohibited. 

For more information on the Protected Areas Initiative please visit

Petroleum Working Committee  

As part of the province’s commitment to this program, the Petroleum Branch, Manitoba Science, Technology, Energy and Mines formed a "Petroleum Working Committee” of petroleum geologists with representatives from industry, academia and government with experience, or whose companies are stakeholders in Manitoba, to assess the petroleum potential of lands proposed for protection under Manitoba's Protected Areas Initiative.

Over the past few years, members of the Petroleum Working Committee have evaluated and made recommendations on provincial parks and wildlife management areas proposed for protection (Table 1).  Since 2001, the Protected Areas Initiative shifted its focus to areas outside southwestern Manitoba and the activities of the Committee were suspended.

In the interim period from 2001 to 2006, as part of the Petroleum Branch’s routine consultation, postings received by the Petroleum Branch for Crown land sales were reviewed on a case by case basis by Manitoba Conservation.   Surface land owned by the Crown may be subject to access restrictions under the Protected Areas Initiative, as identified by Manitoba Conservation in these reviews.

Recent increases in oil and gas activity in the Province, as well as renewed interest in the Protected Areas Initiative in southern Manitoba has prompted the need for a structured review process.    A new Petroleum Working Committee was reinstated in January 2006 to facilitate the Petroleum Sector (Member List) review of sites proposed for protection by the Protected Areas Initiative.


The responsibility of the Petroleum Working Committee is to evaluate the petroleum geological potential of areas proposed for protection under Manitoba's Protected Areas Initiative falling within the petroleum priority zone (Pdf Map)and to provide recommendations based on these evaluations as part of the Petroleum Sector review process.

Crown owned subsurface oil and gas rights identified in areas proposed for protection that are under lease or under freehold mineral ownership are excluded. 

The Committee will review candidate sites for the Protected Areas Initiative on a systematic, site by site basis and formulate recommendations related to their possible designation.  It is anticipated that the work of the Committee will extend over several years. 

Current Status

Manitoba Conservation has requested that the petroleum sector review select Ducks Unlimited Canada and Nature Conservancy of Canada lands proposed for protection.  The Petroleum Working Committee met on April 26, 2006 to discuss the lands proposed for protection and are currently in the process of evaluating these areas for petroleum potential.  (Pdf Map and Table 3)

As part of the Petroleum Sector evaluation process, we invite stakeholders to review the sites proposed for protection under the Protected Areas Initiative with respect to petroleum potential.  Please send your comments by email to the Petroleum Working Committee Coordinator at the address listed below.

Pamela Fulton-Regula, Geologist
Manitoba Science, Technology, Energy and Mines
Petroleum Branch
360 – 1395 Ellice Avenue
Winnipeg MB   R3G 3P2

Phone:  (204) 945-6506


The following lands have been reviewed by the Petroleum Working Committee.


Date Reviewed

PWC Recommendations

Asessippi Provincial Park


Recommended for protected status.

Duck Mountain Provincial Park


Recommended for protected status, with access to resource management areas requested.

Spruce Woods Provincial Park


Recommended for protected status.

Turtle Mountain Provincial Park


Recommended for protected status, except for high potential in area of Whitewater Lake and Virden member subcrops.

Whitewater Lake WMA Wildlife Management Area (WMA)




Not recommended for protected status.  The petroleum potential of the area was significant.  Further evaluations for potentially protecting the eastern and western portions of the WMA recommended prior to formal protection.

Brandon Hills WMA


Recommended for protected status.

Lauder Sand Hills WMA


Not recommended for protected status.

Souris River Bend WMA


Recommended for protected status.

Upper Assiniboine WMA


Not recommended for protected status – future exploration opportunities are thought to exist.

Harrison WMA – SE 26-17-20 WPM


Recommended for protected status.

Rivers Provincial Park Extension – SE 30-12-20 WPM


Recommended for protected status.

Wakopa WMA – 18-1-18 WPM


Recommended for protected status.

Wellington WMA – 29-3-6 WPM


Recommended for protected status.

Ducks Unlimited Canada (DUC)


Under Review

Nature Conservancy of Canada (NCC)


Under Review



Table 2. Petroleum Working Committee





Yvonne Beaubien,

Manager, Protected Areas Initiative (PAI)

Protected Areas Initiative

Manitoba Conservation

Box 53, 200 Saulteaux Crescent

Winnipeg, Manitoba  R3J 3W3


(204) 945-5159




Pamela Fulton-Regula
Petroleum Working Committee Coordinator

Petroleum Branch

Manitoba Science, Technology, Energy and Mines

360 - 1395 Ellice Avenue

Winnipeg MB   R3G 3P2


(204) 945-6506


Michelle Nicolas,


Manitoba Geological Survey

Manitoba Science, Technology, Energy and Mines

360 - 1395 Ellice Avenue

Winnipeg MB   R3G 3P2


(204) 945-6571




Brad Bakuska

New Midland Petroleum Ltd.

Suite 1404, 683 – 10th St. SW

Calgary, AB   T2P 5G3


(403) 263-8142

Dan Barchyn

Lodgepole Energy Corp.

604 - 167 Lombard Ave.

Winnipeg, MB   R3B 0V3


(204) 949-0166

John Falck

Enerplus Resources Fund
The Dome Tower

3000, 333 - 7th Ave. S.W.

Calgary, AB  T2P 2Z1


(403) 298-8928

Steve Halabura

North Rim Exploration Ltd.

210 - 3502 Taylor Street East
Saskatoon, SK   S7H 5H9


(306) 244-4878

Brad Thiessen

Tundra Oil and Gas Ltd.

Suite 1700, One Lombard Place

Winnipeg, MB   R3B 0X3


(204) 934-5856

Karen Webster

Enerplus Resources Fund
The Dome Tower

3000, 333 - 7th Ave. S.W.

Calgary, AB  T2P 2Z1


(403) 298-1246

Harvey Young

Geology Department

Faculty of Science

270 – 18th St.

Brandon, MB   R7A 6A9


(204) 727-9798


Figure 1.  Petroleum Priority Zone

****See attached pdf.

Figure 2.  Ducks Unlimited Canada (DUC) and Nature Conservancy Canada (NCC) Lands Requiring Petroleum Review

***See attached pdf.

Table 3.  Ducks Unlimited Canada (DUC) and Nature Conservancy Canada (NCC) Lands
Petroleum Working Committee Evaluations and Recommendations (September 8, 2006)


***See attached pdf.


Manitoba Petroleum Working Committee - Teleconference meeting minutes (September 8, 2006)