Tyndall Stone
62I/2 SW
Gillis Quarry
Gillis Quarries Ltd.
1348 Spruce Street
Winnipeg, Manitoba
R3E 2V7
50° 04.32"
96° 43'09"
Uncertainty (m)
UTM Zone
L.S./Quarter Section
The quarry is situated on a low anticlinal ridge about 0.8 km wide and 4.8 km long that trends northwest-southeast. The covering of soil varies from 2 to 4 m along the axis and deepens on both flanks. Tyndall stone is a mottled dolomitic limestone and at this locality is in the lower half of the Selkirk member of the Ordovician Red River Formation. The rock is composed of a matrix of light buff limestone in which occur tubular and interconnected mottled areas of brownish dolomitic limestone and at this locality is in the lower half of the Selkirk member of the Ordovician Red River Formation. The rock is composed of a matrix of light buff limestone in which occur tubular and interconnected mottled areas of brownish dolomitic limestone forming one third of the rock and distributed uniformly throughout it. The upper 2.5 to 5 m is buff in color, the next 4 m has a grey to bluish cast, while the remaining 10 m (unquarried) is lighter colored. Large fossils, usually white are scattered through the rock but the stone can be cut to avoid these. The stone occurs in "beds" caused by stylolitization of 0.5 to 1.8 m thick. (See Fig. 1 on the back of this sheet). The beds have been lettered 'A' to 'K'. Increasing amounts of chert have been found below the 'I' bed.
Chemical Properties: Analyses of individual, quarried beds range from 83.21 to 89.26% CaC03 and 14.91 to 9.43% MgC03. See Goudge, 1944.
Physical Properties: For Physical properties relating to the use of the stone for building purposes see Parks (1916).
Uses: Building stone, Monumental and Ornamental Stone, Flagstone, crushed stone, lime (pre-1942); also used in sulphite pulp industry.
Gillis quarry is located on the south side of Hwy. 44 in l.s. 13, sec. 3, at Garson, 48 km northeast of Winnipeg.
1898: John Gunn opened a limestone quarry on privately held land.
1905: The quarry was owned and operated by John Gunn and Sons, Winnipeg. Channeling machines, steam-and-horse powered derricks were being used. Dimension stone, Rubble, crushed stone for lime were being produced. The lime was produced in two draw kilns. Tram cars carried the crushed stone from the quarry to the top of the draw kilns, while the lime was drawn from the bottom and carried by wheel-barrows to box cars on the spur line.
1916: W. Murray was operating the quarry which he leased from John Gunn (Parks, 1916). After the overburden and upper shattered beds had been removed, a channel cut was run across the quarry about 1.5 m back from the face. Two cross channels were made at each end of the strip and the key block removed. The strip was raised by plug and feathers then cut into lengths of 2 to 4.5 m by plug and feathers.
1925: By 1925 Gillis Quarries Limited (incorporated in 1922) was shipping 3 to 4 cars of stone a week to their dressing plant in Winnipeg. They burned lime and shipped rubble as well.
1933: The overburden was removed under contract by dragline excavator. Steam channeling machines channelled sections of the floor 9 to 12 m square and divided it into strips about 1.5 m wide. The 2 or 3 beds included in each cut were raised by wedges in horizontally drilled holes. Then the beds were cut into mill blocks by plug and feathers. Wooden guy derricks were employed for raising blocks from the quarry and for stockpiling (Goudge, 1933 p. 109 - 112).
1944: The quarry measured about 120 m square and was 7.3 m deep exclusive of overburden. The kiln hadn't been operating since 1942 and the company was dressing only stockpiled stone. During this period, stone was shipped also to dressing plants in other cities.
1948: Expansion of the pit to the west was begun. The steam channelling machines were still being used. 4200 tonnes of building stone, 960 tonnes of crushed stone, and monumental, or namental and flagstone were produced. The stone was trucked to the dressing plant in Winnipeg for cutting and polishing.
1965: After peeling back the overburden with bulldozers and front end loaders channelling was done with a steam channerller for beds 1.8 m thick. Beds less than 1 m thick were cut with a new diamond circular saw (blade 244 cm in diameter); strips 1.8 m wide by 24 m long were cut at the rate of 56 cm a minute. The stone was then split into 5 to 7 tonne blocks for shipping to the dressing plant in Winnipeg.
1969: Construction of a dressing plant at the quarry site was begun. It went into production in 1970.
1972: By 1972 the quarry was 400 m long at the longest point by 285 m at the widest point.
1973: About 1973 Gillis Quarries moved quarrying operations to the old Tyndall Quarry Company Limited Pit (see 62I/2 STN 3 card).
1976: The dressing plant was expanded and all finishing operations are now carried on in Garson.
1978: The average yearly production is 22500 tonnes. Since 1973, the only site being quarried is in l.s. 15, the western end of the old Tyndall quarry. Some blocks stockpiled for many years are being used also.
1898: John Gunn opened a limestone quarry.
1905: Dimension stone, rubble and crushed stone, for lime were produced by John Gunn & Sons, Winnipeg.
1916: W. Murray operated the quarry.
1925: Gillis Quarries Limited operated the quarry. They were shipping 3-4 cars of stone a week to their dressing plant in Winnipeg and burning lime. They shipped 50 cars of rubble.
1942: 1942 was the last year Gillis burned lime.
1944: The company was dressing only stockpiled stone.
1948: 4200 tonnes of building stone, 920 tonnes of crushed stone and monumental and flagstone were produced.
1953: By 1953 average yearly production was 4500 tonnes.
1965: By 1965 Gillis had acquired a new diamond saw.
1969: The company acquired the assets of Garson Limestone Co. Ltd. including the original diamond saw.
1978: Average annual production is 22500 tonnes. Since 1976, all cutting and finishing work is done at the Garson plant.

Shipping Point: Garson, Manitoba
Material Shipped: Tyndall Stone
Distance from Mine: 48 km
Carrier: C.P. Rail, truck
Destination: Winnipeg (Prior to 1972). Marketed mainly in Manitoba but has been widely used across Canada in the past.
Ann Repts: Manitoba Mines Branch, 19th, p. 83, 20th, p. 103, 106, 21st, p. 89, 92 and 26th, p. 89, 90.
Bannatyne, B.B., 1971: Industrial Minerals of the Sedimentary Area of Southern Manitoba; G.A.C. Special Paper No.9, p. 243-245.
Davies, J.F., Bannatyne, B.B., Barry, G.S. and McCabe, H.R., 1962: Geology and Mineral Resources of Manitoba; Manitoba Mines Branch, p. 135-136 and 167-168.
Goudge, M.F. 1933: Canadian Limestone for Building Purposes; Mines Branch, Ottawa, Publ. No. 733, p. 99-123.
Goudge, M.F. 1928: Preliminary Report on the Limestone of Northern and Western Ontario and of the Prairie Provinces; Investigations of Mineral Resources and the Mining Industry - 1928, Mines Branch, Ottawa.
Goudge, M.F. 1944: Limestones of Canada, Part V: Western Canada; Mines Branch, Ottawa, Rept. No. 811, p. 11-12 and p. 19-26.
Kent, D.M., Bannatyne, B.B., McCabe, H.R. 1972: Industrial & Non-Metallic Minerals of Manitoba and Saskatchewan (Central Plains), Guidebook, Excursion C23, XXIV I.G.C., p. 10-12.
Lumsden, H.B., 1926: Manitoba Limestone from the Tyndall Area; Transactions of C.I.M., Vol. XXIX, p. 300-316.
Parks, W.A. 1916: Report on the Building and Ornamental Stones of Canada, Vol. IV Man., Sask., Alta.; Mines Branch Ottawa Publ. No. 388, p. 45-65.
Shepherd, F.D., undated: A Summary Report on the Tyndall Limestone Occurrence with Special Reference to the Local Distribution; Industrial Geologist's Files.
Shipley, N. 1953: The Tyndall Treasure; Canadian Geographical Journal, Vol. XLVI, No. 1 Jan., p. 2-7.
The Winnipeg Tribune, Aug. 27, 1955: Tyndall Quarries Making Comebeck; and June 17, 1978: Tyndall Stone Unique to One 200-acre Spot.
Wallace, R.C., and Greer, L. 1927: The Non-Metallic Mineral Resources of Manitoba, Industrial Development Board of Manitoba, p. 9-19.
Wallace, R.C. 1913: Pseudobrecciation in Ordovician Limestone in Manitoba; The Journal of Geology, Vol. XXI, No. 5 July-August, p. 402-421.
Wells, J.W. 1905: Preliminary Report on the Limestone and the Lime Industry in Manitoba; Mines Branch, Ottawa, Rept. No. 7, p. 37-43.
Cross-section, The Quarry Beds at Garson, Fig 1; The Non- Metallic Mineral Resources of Manitoba, Wallace, R.C. and Greer, L. P. 11.
Map (Geol), 1:1 267 200 - Accomp. Rept. No. 811 by M.F. Goudge (1944); Mines Br., Canada.
Map 12, Industrial Minerals Producers (Index), 1:1000 000; Man. MRD.
#Map 62I/2, Selkirk (Topo.), 1:50 000; Surveys and Mapping Br., Ottawa.
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