NI 1
1993- Black Hawk Mining Inc.
2000 - 95 Wellington St. West
Toronto, ON M5J 2N7
A Shaft
The Pas
Uncertainty (m)
100 m
UTM Zone
L.S./Quarter Section
23 WPM
Twelve Copper (Cu) and Nickel (Ni) orebodies have been located within a Precambrian altered post-Wasekwan gabbro plug (“A” plug) at Lynn Lake. The orebodies occur within near-vertical amphibolite pipes situated close to the western contact of the plug, which is composite and elliptical (3.0 x 1.5 km) in section. The pipes, which enclose the orebodies, are known to extend to depths of at least 1082 m (3550 ft) below surface. Although they have been block faulted, the pipes retain their overall continuity. The pipe amphibolites and the ores are intrusive into the “A” plug gabbro. The mineralized amphibolite intrusions postdate the intrusion of bodies of peridotite, and dyke-like bodies of an aphanitic mafic rock (quartz hornblende diorite) (Pinsent, 1977). The pipes, however, predate the emplacement of a younger generation of amphibolized mafic dyke material.
The mineralization which is restricted to the amphibolite pipes, occurs as:
1) Blebs and disseminated sulphide in amphibolized norite and pyroxenite;
2) Pluton breccia ores which consist of interstitial sulphide concentrations in disturbed amphibolite at the pipe interface with host gabbro;
3) Sulphide breccia ores which consist of pods and lenses of inclusion bearing sulphide;
4) Massive sulphide veins; and
5) Veins of siliceous “elsite"(quartz-plagioclase-pyrrhotite) (Pinsent, 1977).
The ores consist of pyrrhotite, pentlandite, chalcopyrite, and minor pyrite. The ratio Ni:Cu ranges from 3:5 to 1:1, but it is commonly 2:1. The maximum Ni content (3-5% Ni) is found in the massive sulphide ores. Disseminated sulphide ores commonly contain 1.0% Ni or less.
Copper, zinc, gold, cobalt, ammonium sulfate, anhydrous ammonia
Lynn Lake is located approximately 241.4 km west-northwest of Thompson, Manitoba. It is accessible via the CN Railway and Provincial Highway 391, as well as by air (Transair) from Winnipeg, Manitoba. The Lynn Lake district is situated in low relief, Canadian Shield topography with extensive areas of muskeg and swamp. The “A” mine consisted of an “A” shaft and a Farley shaft (the Farley shaft is not to be confused with the nearby Farley Lake deposit Mind No. 969).
The source of the considerable sulphide float on the Lynn River was not known until 1941, when Austin McVeigh, prospecting for Sherritt Gordon Mines Limited finally located
sulphides in the outcrop of what is now the “A” mine at Lynn Lake. The first sample contained less than 15% Cu, better than 1.5% Ni, and no precious metals (Davies, et al., 1962).
In 1943, McVeigh outlined several anomalies around Lynn Lake through prospecting with a magnetometer. In 1945, a large scale staking program was undertaken and by fall, Sherritt Gordon had staked the 353 claims of the El group (The “A” shaft is located on Elb38, P9230 staked by L. Miller for Sherritt Gordon in 1945).
A land survey was completed in 1946. Diamond drilling indicated a total of 4 million tonnes (t) (4.44 million tons) averaging 1.19% Ni and 0.59% Cu to a depth of approximately 305 m (1000 ft) in the A, B, and E orebodies. Drilling was started on H and C anomalies. The “A” anomaly was the original discovery, in deep holes of what is known as Lower “A”, which is probably a faulted extension of the original Upper “A” body.
The E orebody was found to have an upper and lower zone. Extensive lab tests gave Lynn Lake ores a high ratio of concentration, after preliminary crushing and grinding. The ore was found to be much more amenable than Sudbury, or the Cuban and Petsamo areas.
By 1947, Sherritt Gordon put in sight 4.5 million t (5 million tons) of ore on its Lynn Lake properties:

Upper “A” – 370 000 t averaging 1.33% Ni and 0.55% Cu;
Lower “A” – 2 million t at 1.44% Ni, 0.69% Cu;
B – 1.35 million t at 0.84% Ni, 0.55% Cu; and
E – 777 000 t averaging 1.05% Ni and 0.55% Cu.

The overall average of 4.5 million t (4.97 million tons) was 1.18% Ni and 0.6% Cu (Northern Miner, May 15, 1947). During 1947, the pilot flotation plant operated in Sherridon, Manitoba using ore quarried in open pit on the Upper “A” orebody. Professor Frank Forward of the University of British Columbia, started experimental work on the Lynn Lake nickel concentrate. Later that year, the high grade EL orebody was found (See: MIND. No. 637).
In 1948, ore reserves were 7.5 million t (8.3 million tons) at 1.51% Ni and 0.68% Cu (above 305 m (1000 ft) horizon and not complete to that depth). Most of the drilling was at the B orebody underlying Lynn Lake. Deeper horizons yielded more high grade Ni ore than was found in early drilling. The same year, an ammonia leaching process was developed by Professor Forward.
In 1949, the “A” shaft was completed. Information obtained from the later work, and from the underground drilling resulted in an increase in the tonnage of the lower “A” ore body. Below in the 17th level, the continuity of the “A” orebody was found to be considerably interrupted by at least two major fault zones, similar to the upper “A” fault which separates the upper and lower “A” orebodies. Ore was found to a total depth of the 533 m (1750 ft) from the surface. Drilling continued on the B, C and E orebodies (*Sherritt Gordon Mines Limited Annual Report, 1949).
By 1950, Sherritt Gordon had outlined, in 11 orebodies, the 12.7 million t (14 million tons) of ore estimated to be the minimum required to carry the cost of a new mine, concentrator, and railway.
The footwall, F and G orebodies were located by underground development and diamond drilling (Sherritt Gordon Mines, Brochure of General Information). The F orebody was found to be good for 915 t (3 000 tons) per vertical ft) giving it an indicated 1 million t (1.2 million tons). Lateral drilling of the F from the 305 m (1000 ft) level indicated a length of more that 90 m (300 ft) average width of 35 m (100 ft) and a 90 m (300 ft) depth. Upward drilling showed the ore terminated against a flat line fault 35 m (100 ft) above the level. The E is located about 152 m (500 ft) north of the B orebody. The B orebody was found to have a length of 152m (500 ft) and a maximum width of 45 m (150 ft) to the 365 m (1200 ft) level. It contained 4.5 million t (1.6 million tons) of 0.91% Ni and 0.57% Cu. Above the 122 m (400 ft) horizon, the ore occurred in three parallel lenses of disseminated sulphides replacing actinolite hornblende. Below this, it was discovered that the form of the orebody became more pipe-like and the ore more massive (Northern Miner, August 17, 1950). For convenience, the B orebody was divided into the upper and lower orebodies, with the fault making the division (Sherritt Gordon Annual Report).
Diamond drilling proved the extension of the E, located southwest of the shaft, to the fault cutting it just above the 305 m (1000 ft) level. A short distance beyond E, the drive cut what proved to be a small orebody running a little better than 1% Ni (Northern Mines, April 6, 1950).
By 1951, the “A” shaft reached a depth of 496 m (1627.5 ft), or the 20th level. Lateral development followed on the 14th and 16th levels, in preparation for production. The “A” orebody was outlined at several horizons by diamond drilling and drifting. Ore reserves remained at 12.7 million t (14.1 million tons) assaying 1.223% Ni and 0.61 Cu. The initial Lynn Lake output was expected to be worth $14 million per year, with more than half of it profit (Northern Miner, July 19, 1951).
Construction of the chemical (nickel refinery) metallurgical plant at Fort Saskatchewan, Alberta was started in 1952. It was planned that the pilot plant at Ottawa would operate up until the time Fort Saskatchewan was ready for production. The financing of the Lynn Lake project was worked out with Newmont Mining Corporation, J.P. Morgan and Company incorporated and eleven other banks and insurance companies (Brown, 1955).
By 1952, development at the “A” mine was largely confined to the 13th, 14th, and 16th levels. All work done was in preparation for production. Ore required for the pilot mill was outlined from this work. By the end of the year, 2600 t (2 884 tons) of feed had been put through the pilot mill at Lynn Lake, resulting in 160 t (176 tons) of nickel concentrate and 46 tons) of copper concentrate.
Dismantling of the Sherridon mine was completed in 1952 (See: Mind No.839), by which time most families had moved to Lynn Lake. Many mine buildings were re-erected at Lynn and considerable machinery and equipment installed.
In 1953, production started at Lynn Lake and the first nickel concentrate was loaded in November. Ore reserves (including the EL orebody, See: Mind No. 637) remained the same. It is interesting to note that exploration of the Lynn Lake orebody, prior to mining, involved 48 km (30 mi) of surface drilling and a further 32 km (20 mi) underground diamond drilling.
The first shipment of concentrate from Lynn Lake was made in January 1954, and nickel production at Fort Saskatchewan started in July. All mill feed prior to May came from the “A” mine after which production from the EL began. At the “A” mine, all operations were confined to the mining and development of the lower “A” orebody. Undercutting of the orebody had been completed during 1953, so that production from the “A” mine, during 1954, came from regular stoping operations. Ore reserves were reduced by the tonnage of ore milled (Sherritt Gordon Mines Limited, annual Report 1954).
In 1955, routine development work continued for the purpose of mining the lower “A” orebody. A start was made on development work for opening up the C and E orebodies for mining (Sherritt Gordon Mines Limited, Annual Report 1955).
Excavation for the collar of the new Farley shaft, 1128 m (3700 ft) south of the “A” shaft, was begun. The primary objective of this shaft was to permit thorough underground exploration of the intrusive plug in which the “A” mine was located. The shaft was to establish a main exploration level at a depth of 610m (2000 ft). (Sherritt Gordon Mines Limited, Annual Report 1955).
During 1955, an exploration program was initiated which resulted in the fining of two new orebodies – D and H zones. Ore reserves totalled 12.5 million t (13.82 million tons) averaging 1.146% Ni and 0.587 Cu, an increase of 307 000 t (338 000 tons) over the reserves for 1954. (Sherritt Gordon Mines Limited, Annual Report 1955).
NOTE: In 1955, sales contracts covering Sherritt Gordon’s entire nickel output and 60% of its Co-Cu output for the first five years of production, were made with the United States Government and four of the large nickel consumers among the American steel producers (Brown, 1955).
In 1956, all production for Sherritt came from the two main mines, and “A” and EL. Development work at the “A” mine was divided between routine mining of the lower “A” orebody and primary development of the C and E orebodies.
Sinking of the Farley shaft began in July 1956. This shaft was one of the largest being sunk in Canada at this time. Underground diamond drilling located several new mineralized zones. (Sherritt Gordon Mines Limited, Annual Report 1956).
In 1957, Sherritt Gordon secured a surface lease (M-102) for its Lynn Lake property. One new orebody, the J zone was located and together with extensions to known orebodies, resulted in a net increase in the ore reserves.
During 1957, the bulk of the ore came from the “A” and EL orebodies with the balance coming from three other orebodies. Lateral development from the Farley shaft made good progress; crosscuts were driven out to the B orebody on the 200, 473, and 610 m (650, 1550 and 2000 ft) levels, and an average distance of about 213m (700 ft). The line drive on the 610 m (2000 ft) level designed to open up a new horizon in the ore-bearing zone made an advance of some 1372 m (4500 ft), about ¼ of the ultimate length of this drift.
During 1958, ore was drawn from the A, C, E, and EL orebodies. The B orebody was extended from the 473 m (1550 ft) to the 610 m (2000 ft) level. The Farley shaft was completed to a depth of 716 m (2350 ft) and an X-cut was driven to the B orebody on the 610 m (2000 ft) level. Ore reserves were calculated at 13.1 million t (14.5 million tons) averaging 0.90% Ni and 0.48% Cu, at the end of 1958. (Sherritt Gordon Mines Limited Annual Report 1958).
During the last half of 1959, an appreciable tonnage of new ore, including on the new orebody, was found between the 305 and 610 m (1000 and 2000 ft) horizons. A recalculation of the tonnage and grade of the B orebody between these two horizons resulted in a decrease in tonnage and an increase in grade (Sherritt Gordon Mines Limited, Annual Report 1959).
Two concentrates were made nickel concentrate, containing14% Ni, 1.5% Cu and 0.35% Co; the copper concentrate having 30% Cu, 0.60% Ni. In this circuit, 85% of the nickel, 93% of the copper and 80% of the cobalt were recovered. The nickel was shipped to the company’s refinery at Fort Saskatchewan, Alberta where the metal was produced by the ammonia-leach process. Copper concentrate was sold to Noranda Mines Limited (Milligan, 1960).
By 1960, stripping of the “A” orebody was completed and the greater part of a surface pillar was mined out. Development work on B started. Copper concentrate from Lynn Lake was diverted to Hudson Bay Mining and Smelting Co. Limited (H.B.M. & S.) in Flin Flon. Resulting blister copper continued to be refined at the end of 1960 stood at 1.3 million t (1.43 million tons) averaging 0.92% Ni and 0.53% Cu (Sherritt Gordon Mines Limited, Annual Report 1960).
The “A” shaft was deepened to the 610m (2000 ft) level and the upper “A” surface pillar mining was completed in 1961. The lower D orebody was outlined from diamond drilling on the 610 m (2000 ft) level. Production started at Farley mine from the B orebody. Approximately 60% of the total tonnage mine and milled came from the “A” and EL orebodies.
Systematic exploration on the 610 m (2000 ft) level between the “A” shaft and EL plug failed to locate any indication of orebodies outside the known ore zones. Nickel mineralization seemed to be localized in the northwest quarter of the “A” plug where all the rest of the known ore zones. Nickel mineralization seemed to be localized in the northwest quarter of the “A” plug, where all the rest of the known orebodies were located.
Diamond drilling below the 610 m (2000 ft) level established continuity of B and D ore zones to the 763 m (2500 ft) horizon with a good indication that it continued to 915 m (3000 ft). The K zone was traced as a continuous orebody to the 915 m (3000 ft) horizon. At the close of 1961, ore reserves stood as 12.7 million t (14 million tons) averaging 0.92% Ni and 0.54% Cu (Sherritt Gordon Mines Limited, Annual Report, 1961).
In 1961, mining of the lower “A” commenced. The bulk of the mill feed this year came from orebodies other than the “A” and EL. Two new areas of mineralization were located on the 610 m (2000 ft) level at the south end of the “A” plug. In the first area, diamond drilling located and partially outlined a new orebody – N. In the second case, the largest area of mineralization in the mine was located, although the grade was not economic. Ore reserves in 1962 were approximately the same as the previous year.
In 1963, upper E was grouted by Cementation Canada Limited. Stripping of the upper E orebody started and mining of K commenced. A total of 5000 m (16 430 ft) of surface diamond drilling was completed in exploring the O and N zones between the 610 m (2000 ft) level and the surface. Ore reserves to the end of 1963 stood at 3.6 million t (11.9 million tons) averaging 0.96% Ni and 0.58% Cu.
In 1964, mining of the upper E started. During this year, a moderate tonnage of new ore was developed in the B and K zones above the 915 m (3000 ft) level. The orebodies in these zones appeared to terminate at or above the level, however ore intersections obtained in subsequent deeper drilling, indicated the probability of orebodies being developed in these zones, some distance below the level. Later in the year, two new mineralized zones were located on the 915 m (3000 ft) level south of the Farley shaft. (Production from EL came to a close in 1964.)
During 1965, mining of “A” orebody was completed and drainage of East Lynn Lake was started. Developments in the O zone during the year were encouraging. An orebody of marginal grade was outlined between the 610 m (2000 ft) and 792 m (2600 ft) horizons. A second orebody of better grade was outlined by diamond drilling from the 915 m (3000 ft) level. This orebody apexed about 45 m (150 ft) above the 915 m (3000 ft) level and was cut off by a major fault at a depth of from 122-152 m (400-500 ft) below this level. The fault dipped easterly at an angle of 45° with the lower side shifted down a vertical distance of approximately 1830 m (6000 ft). The faulted portion of the orebody had not yet been found. As a result of developments in the O zone, sufficient new ore was found to replace the tonnage mined during the year. Ore reserves in 1965 were 1 million t (11.1 million tons) at 0.96% Ni and 0.56% Cu (Sherritt Gordon Mines Limited, Annual Report 1965).
In 1966, stripping of overburden in East Lynn Lake was started for the Upper B open pit. With about 10 years of ore in sight, the long term future of the mine depended upon finding additional ore in the south end of the plug, below the 915 m (3000 ft) level. A substantial tonnage of low grade ore was outlined in the O zone, above the O fault. An equivalent tonnage in 10 separate areas was dropped from the reserve, as being no longer economic, due to the amount of development work required for its extraction. Diamond drilling in the N zone below the 915 m (3000 ft) level indicated several million tonnes of marginal grade material, which could not be classed as ore.
In 1967, the open pit mining of upper B was contracted to Sherritt Gordon Mines Developers Limited. They supplied feed to the mill throughout the last quarter of 1967. Additional low-grade ore was developed in the O zone, and a good orebody with a grade equivalent to the average grade of ore reserve was outlined in the N zone. Indications of an additional orebody in this zone were obtained, and it was anticipated that further drilling would outline a substantial tonnage of new ore. At the 1967 rate of mining, reserves represented an 11-year supply providing costs and metal prices remained in relative balance. Ore reserves stood at 1 000 000 t (11 900 000 tons) averaging 0.83% Ni and 0.46% Cu.
During 1968, production started from the lower K orebody. A high level of development work was maintained, and outline drilling in the N zone above the 915 m (3000 ft) level proved up
additional ore which was prepared for mining. Below the 915 m (3000 ft) level, low-grade mineralization was intersected. Ore reserves increased to 11.4 million t (12.6 million tons) at 0.81% Ni and 0.43% Cu (Sherritt Gordon Mines Limited Annual Report 1968).
In 1969, production from the “A” mine was completed when mining of the upper D orebody was completed. All underground ore came from the Farley shaft. The BK orebody came into production and production was completed in the B 5/6/7 orebody. Production started from the N zone above the 915 m (3000 ft) level and exploratory drilling below the 915 m (3000 ft) level intersected low-grade mineralization. This block of about 2.3 million t (2 .5 million tons) assaying 0.60% Ni and 0.32% Cu, was not include in ore reserves. Drilling on the 915 m (3000 ft) level also intersected ore-grade mineralization mid-way between the “A” and Farley shafts and 183 m (600 ft) north of the O zone (Sherritt Gordon Mines Limited, Annual Report 1969).
Deepening of the Farley mine from 915–1100 m (3000–3600 ft) was started in 1970. This would permit mining of the lower O orebody below the 915 m (3000 ft) level and the new P orebody. The mine was being deepened by driving a 25° decline rather than by shaft sinking. Reserves remained unchanged in 1970.
In 1971, a portion of the N orebody below the 915 m (3000 ft) level, which could be mining from the Farley decline, was added to the revised ore reserves. The Farley decline was completed to the 1125 m (3700 ft) level and lateral development started. Ore reserves in 1971 were 3.0 million t (10 million tons) averaging 0.83% Ni and 0.39% Cu (Sherritt Gordon Mines Limited, Annual Report 1971.)
In 1972, access to the O below the 915 m (3000 ft) level was completed. Production from the “N2” orebody on the 915 m (3000 ft) level commenced. At this time, most of the remaining ore, which could be mined economically, was situated in the N and O ore zones. These zones were turning out to be extremely irregular in shape, with some good ore lenses and some barren or waste rock patches. Substantial deletions and revisions were made to the Lynn Lake ore reserves. Since it was decided that reserve calculations would be continuing process, no figures were published for 1972 (Sherritt Gordon Mines Limited Annual Report 1972.)
In 1973, Sherritt Gordon turned over most of the mine development and cut-and-fill mining to contractors Massè and Gauthier Drilling Incorporated. Mining was being carried out in parts of the N, O, P, and lower D orebodies. Due to the complexity of each orebody, mining methods varied. Mining from the lower O was in progress on the 1082 m (3550 ft) level, and one part of the N was still being mined above the 915 m (3000 ft) level. Three other areas were being developed. All production was carried out through the Farley shaft.
In 1976, Sherritt closed the “A” shaft mine as the ore was exhausted in all zones.
In 1985, Sherritt consolidated all of its’ Lynn Lake properties, including the “A” shaft, into its subsidiary Sherrgold Ltd. (See: Mind File No. 640). Sherrgold was purchased by Hayes Resources in 1987, for $10.7 million, in an attempt by Sherritt to reduce the company’s massive debt. Hayes Resources changed the name of Sherrgold, to LynnGold, reflecting the new leadership. Lynngold re-evaluated the “A” shaft in early 1987, for possibility of reopening it (Northern Miner, April 17, 1987). The results of the initial evaluation for both the “A” shaft and Farley zone were 19.3 million t at 0.59% Ni and 0.32% Cu for a total of 1.23 million t Ni, and 2.31 million t Cu. Lynngold estimated capital costs of a new mine would be in the range of $100 million and would take 2 years to achieve.
However, the company went bankrupt in late 1989, following a drop in gold prices and an increase in operating costs at the nearby MacLellan Gold mine (See: Mind No. 640). The property remained in LynnGold’s trustees, DCC equities until 1993, when it was purchased by Black Hawk Mining Inc. as part of the Keystone Gold Project. As of 2002, the property has had no further work done on it.
NOTE: The following production figures for Lynn Lake include production from the EL mine as will as the A mine as no distinction was made in the literature.
In 1953, mill feed was derived from development work at the A and EL mines. Tons milled in the first year were 13 324 averaging 1.36% nickel and 0.58% copper; 966 tons of nickel concentrate were produced at 15.9% nickel and 1.84% copper; 173 tons of copper concentrate were produced averaging 0.54% nickel and 30.55% copper.
Production reached a maximum in 1965 with a total of 1 363 583 tons of ore mined and milled at Lynn Lake. Production decreased thereafter and in 1973, 676 000 tons of ore averaging 0.84% nickel and 0.39% copper was mined and milled resulting in 7 619 000 pounds of nickel concentrate, 2 609 000 pounds of copper concentrate and 362 000 tons of fertilizers. To the end of 1973, a total of 21 232 474 tons of ore were mined and milled (from the A and EL mines). (Sherritt Gordon Annual Reports 1953-73).
NOTE: “The year 1959 marked the end of the period in which practically all of Sherritt’s nickel production from Lynn Lake was sold on long term contracts with more than half of it going to the United States Government stockpile. As a result, in 1959, only 12% of the nickel production was delivered to the stockpile, the balance being sold to consumers in Canada, United States, Europe, Asia, and South America.” (Sherritt Gordon Mines Limited Annual Report 1959.)
Tons Mines Nickel Copper Cobalt
Period & Milled (lbs.) (lbs.) (lbs.)

1953-73 21 232 474 444 220 154 202 050 090 8 048 714

During the years 1954 to 1956, an additional 18 283 291 pounds of nickel were produced and sold in the form of concentrates. In addition between 1953 and 1973, 4 969 475 tons of fertilizers were produced at the refinery.
Over the course of years the production at the mine was raised to 3 500 tons per day to contract the lower grade and the refinery averaged 30 000 000 pounds of refined nickel per year. In 1973, the production rate of the mine was decreased to 1500 tons per day, and production of refined nickel was 30 262 000 pounds, well below the record level of 37 321 000 pounds in 1972 (Sherritt Gordon Mines Limited, Annual Report 1973.)
“Because the grade of ore for nickel and copper, the Lynn Lake mine is approaching the end of its productive life. At present, nickel concentrates are shipped to Fort Saskatchewan for further processing, and copper concentrates are shipped first to Hudson Bay Mining and Smelting Limited for smelting and next to Noranda Mines Limited near Montreal for refining.” (Task Force Report 1974)
Allan, J.D. 1947: Geology of the Lynn Lake Area, Manitoba; Precambrian, Volume 20, No. 2,
p. 8, 9, 17.

Allan, J.D.1948: The Lynn Lake Area; Precambrian, Volume 21, No.3, p. 4-8

Allan, J.D.1948: Geological studies in the Lynn Lake Area, Manitoba; Trans-Canada Institute
of Mining and Metallurgy, Volume 53, p. 343-348.

Brown, E.L. 1955: The Sherritt Gordon Lynn Lake Project: Notes on Discovery and Financing;
paper given at Canada Institute of Mining and Metallurgy, Toronto, 1955.

Chamberlain, J.A. 1970: Nickel in Economic Minerals of the Canadian Shield; in Geology and
Economic Minerals of Canada; Economic Geological Report 1, Geological Survey of Canada, p. 180.

Charleswood, G.H. 1952: Base Metals in Manitoba; Precambrian Volume 25, No. 4, p. 14, 30.

Charleswood, G.H.1954: Geology and Mineral Properties of the Lynn Lake Region;
Precambrian, Volume 27, No. 4, p. 14-15.

Charleswood, G.H.1954: Geology of the Lynn Lake Area; Western Miner, Volume 27, No. 6,
p. 48-51.

Coates, C.J.A., Quirke, T.T. Jr., Bell, C.K., Cranstone, D.A., Campbell, F.H.A., 1972: Geology
and Mineral Deposits of the Flin Flon, Lynn Lake and Thompson Areas, Manitoba and the Churchill-Superior Front of the Western Precambrian shield, Field Excursion A-31-C31, 24th International Geological Congress.

Cole, G.E.1946: Nickel and Copper at Lynn Lake; Western Mining, July, p. 56.

Cole, G.E.1951: The Lynn Lake Project; Western Miner, Volume 24, No. 8, p. 50-1.

Cole, G.E.1952: Progress at Lynn Lake; Western Miner, Volume 24, No. 7, p. 51.

Davies, J.F., Bannatyne, B.B., Barry, G.S. and McCabe, H.R. 1962: Lynn Lake District in Geology
and Mineral Resources of Manitoba; Manitoba Mines Branch.

Dornian, N. 1950: A Study of the Sulphides and Oxides of the Nickel-Copper Deposits of Lynn
, Manitoba; Unpublished M.Sc. Thesis, University of Manitoba.

Hunter, H.E. 1950: Geological Investigations of the Lynn Lake Basic Intrusive Body, Northern
Manitoba, Unpublished M.Sc. thesis, University of Manitoba

Milligan, G.C. 1960: Geology of the Lynn Lake District; Manitoba Mines Branch, Publication 57-1.

Manitoba Mineral Resources Division: Corporation Files, Sherritt Gordon Mines Limited,
SE 14, 64C.

Northern Miner 1987: “LynnGold Re-examines Manitoba Nickel Mines”, The Northern Miner,
April 17, 1987.

Pinsent, R. 1977: (in press) Second NREP Annual Report, Manitoba Mineral Resources Division.

Ruttan, G.D. 1955: Geology of Lynn Lake, CIM Bulletin, Volume 48, p. 3390348; CIMM, Volume 2.

Stockwell, C.H. McGlynn, J.C., Emslie, R.F., Sanford, B.V., Norris, A.W., Donaldson, J.A., Fahrig,
W.F. and Currie K.L. 1970: Geological of the Canadian shield in Geology and Economical Minerals of Canada, Economic Minerals of Canada, economic Geological Report 1, Geological Survey of Canada, p. 91-92.

Task Force 1974: Report of the Task Force on Manitoba Mineral Policy, Manitoba Government
p. 79

Wright, J.F., 1935: Geological Features of the Mining Fields of Manitoba and adjoining
Districts, Trans-Canada Institute of Mining and Metallurgy, Volume 38, p. 111, 255-260.
Coates, C.J.A., Quirke, T.T. Jr., Bell, C.K., Cranstone, D.A., Campbell, F.H.A., 1972: Fig. 10
Surface Geological Plan of the Lynn Lake mine; geological map, scale 1:31 680, accompanying I.G.C Guidebook, Excursion A31-C-31.

Coates, C.J.A., Quirke, T.T. Jr., Bell, C.K., Cranstone, D.A., Campbell, F.H.A., 1972: Map Lynn
-Southern Indian Lake Area; geological map, scale 1:633 600,accompanying I.G.C Guidebook, Excursion A31-C-31.

Manitoba Mines Branch 1963: Map 2378G Lynn Lake Manitoba Mines Branch, aeromagnetic
map, scale 1:63 360.

Manitoba Mines Branch Map: 7029G Granville Lake; Manitoba Mines Branch, aeromagnetic map,
scale 1:253 440.

Manitoba Mineral Resources Division: Map SE14, 64C “Circa 1975”; Claim Map Series, Mining
Recording, Manitoba Mineral Resources Division, claim map, scale 1:31 680.

Manitoba Mineral Resources Division: Map, Untitled, Unpublished; Sherritt Gordon Mines Limited,
Corporation file, Manitoba Mineral Resources Division, claim map, unknown scale.

Milligan, G.C. 1960: Map No. 1 Lynn Lake; geological map, scale 1:126 720; Accompanying
Manitoba Mines Branch, Publication 57-1.

Surveys and Mapping Branch: Map 64C, Granville Lake; Surveys and Mapping Branch, Ottawa,
topographic map, scale 1:250 000.

Surveys and Mapping Branch: Map 64 C/14, Lynn Lake; Surveys and Mapping Branch, Ottawa,
topographic map (2nd edition), scale 1:50 000.
NOTE: Claim location of the following orebodies within the A plug : “A” – Elb #38, “B” – Elb #57 and 58, “C” – Elb #39, “D” – Elb #35, “E” – Elb #38 and 58, “F” – Elb # 53, “N” – Elb #61 and 104, “O” Elb #56 and 61, “P” – Elb #56.
Revised 03-03
Compiled/Revised by:
2-73 7-75; 05-02