Manitoba HIV Medications Program (MHMP)

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) - Public

What medications are covered under MHMP?

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The Manitoba HIV Medications Program (MHMP) covers most medications used for the prevention and treatment of HIV. This includes:

  • Pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) for people at ongoing high risk of acquiring HIV. Talk to your health care provider if you think this may be right for you.
  • Post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP) for people who may have been exposed to HIV within the last three days.
  • Anti-retroviral therapy (ART) for people living with HIV.

When did MHMP come into effect?

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MHMP came into effect on June 3, 2024.

Am I eligible for MHMP?

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Anyone with an active Manitoba Health Registration Number who does not have 100% prescription medication coverage under another federal or provincial program is eligible for coverage under MHMP. If you already have 100% coverage through a federal or provincial program, you should continue to receive your medications through those programs.

Clients with federal or other provincial drug coverage where no deductibles apply (including clients enrolled in Manitoba’s Personal Care Home, Employment and Income Assistance [EIA], and Palliative Care Drug Access Program) are not eligible for MHMP. Clients enrolled in the Manitoba Pharmacare program are eligible for MHMP.

How does HIV medication coverage work?

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a. Do I need to enroll in MHMP?

  • To make it easier to get the HIV medications you need, you do not need to apply to enroll for coverage under MHMP.
  • For many HIV medications, you will only need to present your prescription and your active Manitoba Health Card at your community pharmacy to have your prescription filled at no cost.
  • For HIV medications covered as Exception Drug Status (EDS) benefits, your medication prescriber needs to submit an application and receive prior approval before your medication will be covered.

b. Do I have to pay a deductible?

  • No. Deductibles do not apply for medications covered under MHMP.

c. Where can I have my HIV medications dispensed?

  • You can have your HIV medications dispensed at the community pharmacy of your choice. If your preferred pharmacy does not participate in MHMP, please seek care at another pharmacy. You can also request that they participate.

d. How often can I get my prescriptions dispensed under MHMP?

  • MHMP provides coverage for one dispensing fee per medication per month.
  • Pharmacies may agree to dispense your medication more frequently (daily, weekly, biweekly, etc.), but any additional dispensing fees the pharmacy may choose to charge will not be covered by MHMP except in limited circumstances. Talk to your health care provider to see whether you may qualify. In those cases, the dispensing pharmacy must seek prior approval through MHMP before additional dispensing fees will be covered by the program and your prescriber may need to provide more information.
  • For “one-off” situations (for example, if you lose your medication), the additional dispensing fee to re-dispense the medication will be covered.

Can I be reimbursed for my out-of-pocket costs before MHMP came into effect?

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No. MHMP will not provide reimbursement for HIV medications purchased before June 3, 2024.

Additional FAQs about MHMP for health professionals are available here: Information for Health Professionals.

More information on HIV is available here: Human Immunodeficiency Virus