Providing Information

If you have a question or documents to send to any Manitoba Income Support Programs including Employment and Income Assistance (EIA), Manitoba Supports for Persons with Disabilities (Manitoba Supports), or the Disability and Health Supports Unit (DHSU), you can select the office location from the drop down options after clicking on the "Winnipeg" or "Rural or Northern" button. If you have documents to upload please attach them using the Choose Files button located at the bottom of this page prior to hitting the SUBMIT button.

If you do not know your EIA office, please call the EIA Service Centre to obtain that information at 204-948-2888 or 1-855-944-8111. Alternatively, please click on the drop down which indicates General Inquiry and your question or document will be reviewed and sent to the appropriate office.

Note: Please be aware that for privacy reasons, specific information about your case cannot be communicated by email.

Is your office in Winnipeg or a Rural or Northern area?

Attach Files

File 1

Max file size: 3MB

File 2

Max file size: 3MB

File 3

Max file size: 3MB

File 4

Max file size: 3MB

File 5

Max file size: 3MB

Notice of Collection

The Manitoba Department of Families ("Manitoba") is collecting your personal information and personal health information for the purpose of administering the Manitoba Income Support Programs, including Employment and Income Assistance, Manitoba Supports for Persons with Disabilities and/or the Disability and Health Supports Unit.

Manitoba's collection is authorized by clauses 36(1)(a) and (b) of The Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, CCSM c F175, subsection 13(1) of The Personal Health Information Act, CCSM c P33.5, The Manitoba Assistance Act, CCSM c A150, and The Disability Support Act, CCSM c D76. If you have any questions about Manitoba's collection of your personal information or personal health information, please contact the EIA Service Centre at 204-948-2888 or 1-855-944-8111.