Adoption of a Permanent Ward
Children become eligible for adoption through child and family services either because birth parents have consented to an adoption plan, or because the court has determined that the parents are unable to care for the child. Where possible, workers involve birth parents and the child, if they are old enough, in the adoption planning.
There is recognition given to preserving the unique heritage and cultural ties of all children.
Adoption Financial Assistance
Financial assistance may be available for families who adopt a permanent ward with special needs, or for families who are adopting more than one child from the same family.
There are three types of financial assistance:
- One-time start-up costs, such as for transportation, equipment, or furniture.
- Costs of special services for a child who has been diagnosed with special needs (such as counselling).
- Ongoing maintenance payments to help with the daily care of a child with special needs or a sibling group. The amount is based on the applicants' income and family size.
Adoptive families may be eligible for all three types. Assistance may be available until the child reaches age 18 and may continue even if the family moves to another province.

Adoption Placement
Because the child's needs are the main considerations in adoption planning, child and family services workers look for the most suitable family for the child, rather than finding a child for the adoptive family.
The adoption worker will share with adoptive parents a social and medical history, as well as information about the child's background and life experience.
If a child is placed with you, and depending on the age of the child, you will visit with him or her and their foster family to help you get to know each other before placement.
There may also be the opportunity to have contact between birth family member and others through an openness agreement.
Supervisory Period
After the adoption placement day, there is usually a six- to twelve-month period before the adoption is legalized in court. This gives you and your child some time to adjust and deal with any issues that might arise. During this time, the adoption worker will continue to provide support to your family.
Child and family services will then apply to the Court of King's Bench for an Order of Adoption on your behalf.
As adoptive parents, you may register with the Post-Adoption Registry on behalf of your child to share identifying information or have contact with birth family members up until your child turns 18. At 18 years of age, adopted persons can register for themselves.
For more information...
If you would like more information on adoption, visit our Frequently Asked Questions page or contact your local child and family services agency. A worker will explain adoption to you in detail, and answer any questions you may have.