Board Governance
The governing board is the legal entity and authority for licensed not for profit child care centres. It is accountable for the effective management of the centre’s business and for all aspects of the centre’s programs, staff and funds. In partnership with the Manitoba Child Care Association along with funding provided under the Canada-Manitoba Early Learning and Child Care Agreement, the following leadership and governance training opportunities are available to help to improve supports for Manitoba licensed and non-profit centre directors and board members to effectively fulfill their responsibilities:
- The Basics of Board Governance – Online Training
- Board Governance Manual and Implementation Resources and Services
- Board Governance Learning Resources
- Contact Information and Registration
The Basics of Board Governance – Online Training
The Basics of Effective Board Governance is an online training series that provides information to assist board of directors to understand their roles and responsibilities, accountability, authority and how to conduct effective meetings.
This training will cover:
- The basic responsibilities and functions of a board and its members
- The accountability and authority of the board of directors
- The elements of an effective meeting
The training series can also serve as a reference document for boards to refer back to when membership changes.
Boards of directors for licensed not for profit child care centres in Manitoba can access the training at no cost for up to12 registrations. For centres with affiliated licenses, two registrations will be available for each additional location.
For profit centres and not for profit centres who would like additional registrations can purchase them for $35 per registration.
Board Governance Manual and Implementation Resources and Services
Manitoba licensed and non-profit centres are eligible to register for a copy of a customizable best-practice Board Governance Manual and implementation support services offered by an HR specialist at no additional charge. The manual is designed to:
- provide a comprehensive document outlining the responsibilities of a governing board and its members
- ensure consistency in board awareness throughout facilities in Manitoba
- offer flexibility to meet the unique needs of programs’ governance framework and organizational needs
- serve as a reference for board training and orientation
The customizable manual, along with the individualized implementation support for your centre, reinforces the roles and responsibilities of both current and future centre management and boards regardless of their previous skills, knowledge and abilities. Both have a shared goal of ensuring that the organization is doing the right things; the best-practices Board Governance Manual serves to guide this partnership and its operations.
Board Governance Learning Resources
As part of the initiative to strengthen Board governance supports under the Canada -Manitoba Early Learning and Child Care Agreement , the Manitoba Child Care Association has expanded their resource library, providing additional board governance resources available in both English and French.
Contact Information and Registration
For more information or to register for board governance training and services visit the Manitoba Child Care Association website at and choose Board Governance from the Professional Development menu.