
Procurement and Supply Chain

This business area sets the strategic direction, policies, and processes for procurement and supply chain related functions across government. Procurement and Supply Chain provides a vital link between vendors and the Manitoba Government's purchasers of goods and services.



  • To provide strategic procurement services to Manitoba government departments, agencies and the broader public sector to obtain the best value for Manitobans.
  • To coordinate procurement across the Manitoba government, the broader public sector, and municipalities to leverage collective buying power in order to obtain the best value for Manitobans.


Procurement and Supply Chain operates under the Legislative requirements of The Government Purchases Act chapter G90.


If you require additional information or clarification please contact us at: 

Procurement and Supply Chain
6th Floor, 352 Donald Street
Winnipeg, Manitoba R3B 2H8
Phone:  204-945-6361
Fax:      204-945-1455