ICIP Funding Streams
Public Transit Infrastructure Stream (PTIS) - Building new urban transit networks and service extensions that will transform the way that Canadians live, move and work.
- Outcomes: Improving capacity, quality, safety and access to public transit systems
For more information on this funding stream, visit Infrastructure Canada.

Green Infrastructure Stream (GIS) - Supporting greenhouse gas (GHG) emission reductions, enable greater adaptation and resilience to the impacts of climate change and climate-related disaster mitigation, and ensuring more communities can provide clean air and safe drinking water for all citizens.
- Green: Climate Change Mitigation Outcomes- Increased capacity to manage more renewable energy; access to clean energy transportation; increased energy efficiency of buildings and increased generation of clean energy.
- Green: Adaptation, Resilience and Disaster Mitigation Outcomes- Increased structural capacity and natural capacity to adapt to climate change impacts, natural disasters and/or extreme weather events.
- Green: Environmental Quality Outcomes- Increased capacity to treat and/or manage wastewater and storm water; increased access to potable water; and increased capacity to reduce and/or remediate soil and/or air pollutants.
For more information on this funding stream, visit Infrastructure Canada.

Community, Culture and Recreation Infrastructure Stream (CCRIS) - Building stronger communities and improving social inclusion.
- Outcomes: Improved access to and/or increased quality of cultural, recreational and/or community infrastructure for all Canadians including Indigenous peoples and vulnerable populations.
For more information on this funding stream, visit Infrastructure Canada.

Rural and Northern Communities Infrastructure Stream (RNCIS) - Supporting projects that improve the quality of life in rural and northern communities by responding to rural-and-northern-specific needs.
- Outcomes: Improved food security, road, air and/or marine infrastructure; broadband connectivity; and education and/or health facilities, specific to Truth and Reconciliation Commission’s Calls to Action); and more efficient and reliable energy.
For more information on this funding stream, visit Infrastructure Canada.