Workforce Development

Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Mechanic (Residential) Consultation Discussion Guide

SUBMISSIONS DUE: March 20, 2023



This guide is sent on behalf of the Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Mechanic (Residential) (RACM Residential) Industry Working Group (IWG).
The RACM (Residential) IWG is currently considering recommendations to the Apprenticeship and Certification Board (the Board) on a new occupational standard for the RACM (Residential) trade. Before it makes any recommendations, the IWG must seek input from employers and employees in the trade. Based on the feedback it receives, the IWG may re-evaluate its recommendations. This discussion guide has been created to solicit your feedback in order to inform the IWG.


The task of updating the occupational standard for RACM (Residential) was initiated in 2022.

Proposed Recommendations 

Occupational Standard

The RACM (Residential) IWG is asking for your feedback on the proposed Provincial Occupational Standard (POS) for RACM (Residential). The proposed standard is available below.
When providing your feedback, please use the POS Review Form. Kindly include the page number, reference number (e.g., sub-task number, required knowledge number, key competency number, etc.), the recommended change and the rationale for the change. Please note that we have not undergone a strict review of the document’s formatting, so we recognize that there may be formatting issues that will be completed after the industry consultation.
You can also refer to the Directions for POS Review for more information.


The deadline for submission of the POS Review Form is March 20, 2023. You may also include comments to the IWG regarding issues not addressed in this consultation guide.
Feedback gathered through the consultation will be considered by the IWG as it reviews and refines its recommendations to the Board.
The Manager of Policy, Legislation and Board Operations may contact you for more information regarding your response. If you do not wish to be contacted, please indicate this in your response.

Contact Information 

POS Review Form may be directed to:
The RACM (Residential) Industry Working Group
c/o Manager Policy, Legislation and Board Operations Apprenticeship Manitoba
100-111 Lombard Avenue Winnipeg, MB R3B 0T4 Phone: 204-945-3337
Fax: 204-948-2539
Thank you for taking the time to provide the RACM (Residential) IWG with feedback to this consultation.